The Logos and Uniforms Thread! East Jersey Poll Open!

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Posted by Dan O'Mac Online!
3/13/2020 3:47 pm

I was not a fan of the Chicago Ghosts name, but the logos have brought me around on them. I have my preference, but wow. Great work across the board, everyone.

2x Alt Champion :: AltLB Champion Oklahoma City Bison - 2022 :: AltFL Champion New York Emperors - 2022
Posted by Steelman
3/13/2020 4:01 pm

Some amazing submissions! I'm really proud of the total effort! Cool to see how many similar color schemes were chosen for the same cities or even the different takes on the same idea.

I gotta say, those two Minny logos belong together. I hope whichever one wins, the other becomes the secondary logo. Fantastic work.

AHS Admin. Creator of the THLPUCHWHA: Redux and Retroliga.
Posted by QCS
3/13/2020 7:26 pm

Steelman wrote:

Some amazing submissions! I'm really proud of the total effort! Cool to see how many similar color schemes were chosen for the same cities or even the different takes on the same idea.

I gotta say, those two Minny logos belong together. I hope whichever one wins, the other becomes the secondary logo. Fantastic work.

I gotta agree with Steel on the Minnesota logos. Whichever wins, just change the red to match on the other, and call it a secondary. Both are just so good.

Posted by Gritty
3/14/2020 6:56 pm

Tomorrow morning I will drop the Winnipeg-Charlotte poll.  We have a great number of votes so far.  I will close the polls Monday night.  I will unveil the winning logos on Tuesday. I'll do a quick interview of the logo winners to help facilitate the jersey design round.  We will do the Jersey rounds 1 conference at a time so that we can maximize the number of designers.  I will provide the templates and directions later in the week.  

Posted by Gritty
3/15/2020 11:12 am

It is time for the Charlotte Racers and the Winnipeg Arrows! 

Charlotte led the way of all teams with 5 total submissions.  If you all enjoyed the commonalities of teams like Portland and Montreal then you will appreciate Charlotte.  Within the poll I have also included a Bonus Question that will help us for the jersey round.  

Like I said yesterday ALL of the polls (East, West, Centra, Special) will be closing Monday night.  This way we can unveil the winning logos on Tuesday and get people working on the uniform round.  



Posted by Gritty
3/16/2020 11:23 am

LOGOS TOMORROW! That is all.  

Posted by QCS
3/16/2020 11:35 am

Just out of curiosity, are there any surprises for you? Like is one logo doing really well that you weren't expecting to, or has it been mostly as-expected? No matter what, we'll have a great-looking league, but I'm just wondering if there are any surprises so far.

Last edited by QCS (3/16/2020 11:35 am)

Posted by Gritty
3/16/2020 11:42 am

That's a good question.  I like the entire field of logos so I went in pretty optimistic about how it was going to shake out.  There are a couple of surprises I would say.  As of now, the way the voting is we'll have a strong looking group.  My favorite part about all of the submissions and the leaders (as of now) is that each franchise is going to own its own color scheme.  I was afraid about that and was worried about how to avoid things like have 8 red and blue teams like the MLB.  Luckily for us, you all, naturally avoided it that.

Posted by Gritty
3/17/2020 8:30 am

As I was sending out this post, I was having a difficult time believing how far the AltHL has come in just a couple short months.  We have chosen cities, named teams, built an owner list and now have logos! It is something to see them all together.  If you are interested in how close any of the races were please DM me.  With that said a great thanks to everyone who submitted logos and a congratulations to Section30, Gritty, Steelman, QCS, MyTeamIsDrPepper and 3PointTally for big wins! All of the winning artists, DM me your notes about your logos so that I can send them out to help everyone design the jerseys. I will be sending out all of the uniform round guidelines once I get their responses.  But for now! Enjoy.  

Posted by QCS
3/17/2020 10:14 am

What a good-looking league! Outside of my own logo, I think Minnesota's might be my favorite, though they all look incredible. I also just noticed the jet inside the arrow inside the W in the Arrows' logo, which is just brilliant. Excited to see how people turn these incredible logos into incredible sweaters!


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