The Logos and Uniforms Thread! East Jersey Poll Open!

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Posted by FC Macbeth
3/30/2020 9:18 pm

Gritty wrote:

It's never easy when you have to choose between good options.  As I was putting together the Central uniforms I was wondering why wasn't the AltHL community hired to help out the NFL design the new team looks.

I don't do NFL jerseys. However, if I would, I need a png template for my MS Paint (my preferred choice of sports concepts). I wish to explore other creative designs outside of hockey.

(Formerly) Owner of the Quebec Owls of the AtlHL
Now Athletic Director of the Victoria International College Clarets
Posted by Steelman
3/30/2020 10:05 pm

FC Macbeth wrote:

Stickman wrote:

FC Macbeth wrote:

I will admit the Terriers and Arrows one was a great choice. I just want something progressive for Toronto, and something simple yet beautiful for Winnipeg. I guess my alternates aren't good enough for everyone.

I'm not sure which Options were yours, but as there wasn't a bad set for either one of those teams, I can safely say you did a great job with your submissions, so I wouldn't say they weren't good enough.  Really, from what Gritty said, these votes were really close, and I think that's a good indication of how much appreciation we had for all of these jersey choices!

From what I can tell, most of us are willing to associate simple striping on traditional hockey markets and complicated patterns on other cities outside the US-Canada border. This influenced the type of jerseys we saw and voted for in the AltHL. Doesn't mean it's bad, though.

And I thought I might win on Option B (Toronto) and Option D (Winnipeg). Perhaps I almost got it.

I know I'm definitely a traditionalist, but I've been impressed with the creativeness of many of these designs that I wouldn't ever think of doing.

For Winnipeg-D, was the gold jersey the alt or the away? The striping matched the home sweater but was in the alternate slot I assume because of the solo arrow logo. I really liked the striping on your maroon/gold ones. I'm a bit of a traditionalist so the white one was a little out there for me but definitely unique. I think I voted for Option B (mine was A) just for the scooped striping.

For Toronto, I assume you mean C, since B won. I liked the angular striping but there were just too many maple leaves for me. (I guess I'm not Canadian haha) However, that alternate with the gold lettering is absolutely killer. Probably my favorite alternate so far because it looks like an historical team from those early Original Six days. Mine was option A. I tried going for a sort of unusual half-circular striping.

AHS Admin. Creator of the THLPUCHWHA: Redux and Retroliga.
Posted by MyTeamIsDr.Pepper
3/31/2020 3:08 pm

Great work all around! I'm pretty glad my first ever hockey concept was well received!

Posted by Gritty
3/31/2020 10:38 pm

AltHL Owners:

It is time for the long-awaited AltHL Owner Draft.  This process will conclude with each of you owning one of our illustrious franchises.  With that team in your control you will run the team, design it further, and make it your own.  The only rules are that the teams must retain their location, name, logos and uniforms. We will then go through other rounds like hiring coaches, drafting teams, creating a farm team, building an arena, negotiating for a special event (Draft, Outdoor Game, All Star Game, etc.).  

The draft list will be carefully crafted based on a number of factors. Now I will explain the process that created it.  After taking into account a number of we go! If you have any questions you can reach out to me personally and I will give you an even further look behind the curtain. 

The goal of this process is to balance random fairness with a weighted advantage to people who have a connection to teams (named the team, designed a winning logo or jersey).  I believe that the following system accomplishes that.   Each owner will be given a score based off of their participation throughout the design process.  

-Nominated the winning name of a team = +2 points
-Nominated the runner up name of a team = +1
-Designed a winning logo = +2-Designed a winning  uniform = +2
-Team Sweep Bonus: Nominated winning name, designed winning logo and uniform of one team = +3
-Participation Bonus: Submitted a logo or uniform design = +2

 *Each owner can reach a maximum of 10 points.  Meaning you could have a +68 and have 10 points.

 I then will hold a random name selection lottery (which I will film for full transparency, you can ask to check it out if you wish).  The person selected first gets a +1 and the 18th person selected gets +18. A combination of both numbers gives the owner their Total Points.  The owners are then put into order based on their Total Points with the most receiving the top pick and the least earning the last pick.  In honor of fairness and to make sure that it looks like that way as well, I will cap my pick at 10th.  

 On Thursday I will only be sharing the official Draft Order.  I won't be posting the scores of individuals. If you are interested in how it shook out you can reach out to me directly. We need to wait until the Western Conference Jersey returns come in to finalize the order.  On Friday the Owner Draft begins. Friday morning I will post the draft order and open the draft.  After that post, the owner with the first pick will be ‘on the clock’. Once the person in front of you posts their pick you are up.  I will update the ‘draft board’ every five picks.

That’s it! Put together your ‘wish list’ and choose carefully.  Once you pick your team, it is your team. I can’t wait for Friday. 

Last edited by Gritty (3/31/2020 10:40 pm)

Posted by ThisIsFine
3/31/2020 10:58 pm

Wish List:

1. Toronto
2. Los Angeles
3. Vancouver
4. Seattle
5. Portland
6. Chicago

AHSylum Inmate
Posted by Steelman
3/31/2020 11:44 pm

How will you break ties in the points totals?

AHS Admin. Creator of the THLPUCHWHA: Redux and Retroliga.
Posted by FC Macbeth
4/01/2020 1:07 am

So, my Wish List......

Ones I want:

Ones I sorta want:
-San Francisco
-Los Angeles

Ones I don't want:
New York

Last edited by FC Macbeth (4/01/2020 2:19 am)

(Formerly) Owner of the Quebec Owls of the AtlHL
Now Athletic Director of the Victoria International College Clarets
Posted by Darknes
4/01/2020 1:07 am

1. Boston
2. Halifax. 
3. Quebec
4. New York
5. Winnipeg
6. Chicago

Last edited by Darknes (4/01/2020 1:07 am)

Posted by Gritty
4/01/2020 7:59 am

Steelman wrote:

How will you break ties in the points totals?

I was thinking that the tiebreak would be their positioning in the random lottery.  

Posted by 3pointtally
4/01/2020 8:45 am

Can't wait to put the finishing touches on these teams and see how everything else shakes out. I'll wait until the Western jerseys are revealed to put my wish list in, but you can't go wrong with any of them really.

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