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8/11/2020 9:51 am  #571

Re: History of the National Football Association - 1974-75 Season

Love the Tulane inspired one more. #hootyhoot


8/11/2020 11:57 am  #572

Re: History of the National Football Association - 1974-75 Season

Okay here’s the expansion council! There’s only 5 bids and I want everyone to pick 3 of them. We’re going to be doing things a tad different this time around. So instead of just listing your 3 choices, I want you to rank them. 1st place votes get 3 points, 2nd place votes get 2, and 3rd place votes get 1. I’ll be excited to see how this one shakes out, usually I have a feeling about how these will turn out but this time all the bids are pretty good so I can see any of them getting in or missing out. 

When submitting a bid, please give me your:
Name:Age:Bio:Favorite Team:
Three Choices for Expansion *Ranked*:
Any Additional Identity Ideas (Colors, Logo Ideas, Names): 

*Please, do not suggest Ironmen for Pittsburgh, I am interested in seeing other potential identity routes for the team.*

1966 NFA Expansion Council 

Pittsburgh, PA 

Bio: Does this need an intro? Pittsburgh and it’s civilians have been waiting for this since the Ironmen left not too long ago and the league couldn’t leave one of it’s best markets without a team for too long.  

Metro Population: 〜  604,332 

History of Football in Pittsburgh: The only team worth mentioning here out of Pittsburgh’s entire 60+ years of professional football history are the Ironmen. They played from 1925 to 1964 before being sold and relocated to Milwaukee. Despite being one of the most disappointing teams in the original AFA, the team actually became one of the bigger fan bases by the time they left, clincing two Champions Bowl victories. 

Potential Owner:  The potential owner is Jack Sims (65), former owner of the SFL’s Birmingham Anvils as of a few months ago. Sims, as discovered earlier during the SFL season, had originally attempted to move the Anvils to Pittsburgh before being rejected by the SFL. His love for the city was apparent then and ever more now as the 59 year old makes the most promising bid out of any to return football to western Pennsylvania. 

Potential Stadium: The former Ironmen Stadium is the current submitted stadium for any returning Pittsburgh teams. However, it is old. It’s been around since the 30’s making it one of the oldest in the league and it would be one of the smaller ones with only a 41,500 seat capacity. 

Ranking: 5 Stars. Pittsburgh deserves a return to the NFA. 

Cincinnati, OH 

Bio: A city that's made an appearance on almost every council so far. Cincy’s been longing for a team since the reincarnation of the league, but it’s now that may be their best bet to get one. It, with Pittsburgh, would be a good way to complete the “filling in the gaps” of the east. It’s also a proven site for a good fanbase. The former Cincinnati Knights/Gladiators had some of the loyalist fans in the country.

 Metro Population: 〜 502,550 

History of Football in Cincinnati: Cincinnati has had a slew of short lived football teams, but some major ones have stuck out, in particular; the Cincinnati Knights/Gladiators of the AFA (1921-1935) and the Cincinnati Royals of the Heartland Football League (1920-27)  

Potential Owner: A bit of an abstract way to own a team, the proposal is for the Cincy franchise to be publicly owned. Spearheaded by a group of 25 people, the idea is that they have as many people interested in owning the team as possible. Currently, including the 25 mentioned before, there is a waiting list of over 500 people willing to invest in becoming a team stockholder. This number is expected to only go up as the process continues. 

Potential Stadium: Cincinnati University Stadium is a 39,000 seat stadium that has been waiting for a professional team to take its field once again. A multipurpose stadium plan has also been thrown around that would apparently seat over 60,000. However that stadium wouldn’t be ready until 1970. 

Ranking: It’s a surprising 5 Stars. Despite being a bit of a risky move, it’s also seen as a high reward. Cincinnati University Stadium isn’t the biggest however it has some of the nicest facilities of any in the country, it’s pretty much new, it would be a great stepping stone if the multipurpose stadium was built as well. 

Buffalo, NY 

Bio: The first of the former Tigers home cities, Buffalo has maybe the least promising of all the bids, but it’s still worth counting. 

Metro Population:  〜 532,759 

History of Football in Buffalo: The city of Buffalo has been home to a couple teams in the past. Most notably the Buffalo Indians of the original AFA who played from 1922-25 before relocating to Baltimore, the Buffalo Mighties and Bulls, both of the NEFL who played from 1932-33 and 1934-36 respectively. Finally the Buffalo Tigers who were founded in the NEFL in 1938 and transferred to the NFA in 1948 and currently play in Los Angeles. 

Potential Owner: Greg Madison (age 61) is a local businessman and actually a friend of the current New York Governor; Nelson Rockefeller. Madison also has a history as a politician, running against Rockefeller for the Republican nomination on the Governor's ballot. Madison is also friends with the man behind Buffalo’s ULB bid, meaning a plan to build a multi-purpose stadium is working its way and waiting on approval from the city. 

Potential Stadium: A potential multipurpose stadium is in the groundworks. As of now the plans have it having a 55,000 seat capacity. If that was to fall apart, the old Niagara Field could also be renovated, it’s currently at a 32,100 seat capacity. 

Ranking: With the stadium plans in the air, and an unstable owner, this bid isn’t as polished as some of the others, the hope is it will get better with time. But right now it’s only 3 stars. 

Dallas, TX 

Bio: Maybe the most promising bid of them all. Dallas is a huge TV market, which was exemplified by the Roughriders of the SFL last season, and has what would be the biggest NFA stadium under construction in the heart of the city. Not to mention the same group of investors, now led by a more promising head, that are really looking solid for a second run at a team. 

Metro Population: 679,684  

History of Football in Dallas: Dallas has had 2  previous professional teams; the Dallas Hawks who played in the Heartland Football League (1929-1930), and the current Texas Roughriders of the Southern Football League, who play more in the Fort Worth area at the Texas Bowl. 

Potential Owner: Leading a group of 10 investors is Warren Murphy (age 63) a rich businessman who’s been around the oil business his whole life. More invested in the college game than the professional for most of his life, Murphy has more recently gotten interested in becoming a part of the business since seeing the teams last bid in 1959. 

Potential Stadium: Metro Stadium is a 70,000 seat stadium that will be finished by the time of the 1967-68 season and will be the nicest stadium in the league. 

Ranking: I think this is obviously 5 Stars, the only real downside to this bid is the SFL and the Roughriders. But Murphy and his group have much more staying power than Thomas Moore, the Riders owner, does. 

St. Louis, MO 

Bio: St. Louis is a surprising bid. They are the second former Tigers home, a team the city had practically forgotten about so much they had to relocate. The city was so disinterested in football in general that they didn’t even submit a bid in the 1959 council. But the man behind this bid has some pretty nice plans and has already gathered a following, with many showing up to a meeting held at a public park in the city to support the bid. 

Metro Population:〜750,026 

History of Football in St. Louis: The Los Angeles Tigers played in St. Louis from 1953-1960. Outside of them the city has had the St. Louis Tornadoes, that played from 1925-30 in the Heartland Football League.  

Potential Owner: Edwin Maxwell (age 42)  is a younger man and a son of the founder of a regional restaurant chain. Maxwell has grown up wealthy and has had co-ownership of his late father's restaurant chain with his brother since his father's passing. A former college football player and a big fan of the game, Maxwell has managed what many couldn’t. He’s come up with a promising plan for St. Louis football. He’s a big hit among many younger fans of the game. 

Potential Stadium: Maxwell has a plan with the city of St. Louis to install a 60,000 seat stadium in the same lot as the recently demolished St. Louis University’s stadium, which was under 20,000 seats and hadn’t been used in half a decade after the football team folded. The Gateway Stadium, as it would be called, is already being looked into as a potential college football bowl host and would be great for the NFA 

Ranking: A great potential stadium and a young enthusiastic owner makes this a really promising bid, however the team would still need a place to play their first season, and it’s unsure whether Morgan Garfield, the St. Louis Olympians owner, would be happy to allow the team to play there until the Gateway Stadium is finished construction. 4.5 Stars.

I'll leave this up for a couple days, once the votes slow down I'll move onto the SFL offseason.

     Thread Starter

8/11/2020 12:02 pm  #573

Re: History of the National Football Association - 1974-75 Season

And as promised, here's the newly rebranded Cleveland Rangers!

C&C Appreciated! I hope you like it!

     Thread Starter

8/11/2020 12:04 pm  #574

Re: History of the National Football Association - 1974-75 Season

Name: John Cassie Age:55 Bio: Professor at University Of Ohio Favorite Team: Cleveland Rangers
Three Choices for Expansion *Ranked*: 1. Cincinnati 2. St. Louis 3. Buffalo
Any Additional Identity Ideas (Colors, Logo Ideas, Names): St. Louis Catfish, Cincinnati Rivermen And Buffalo Freeze

Last edited by GeorgeBryzzo (8/12/2020 4:36 pm)


8/11/2020 12:18 pm  #575

Re: History of the National Football Association - 1974-75 Season

Name: Greg Seale
Age: 52
Bio: Owner of a prominent flour mill in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. Recently has invested time into football and bringing teams to other cities.
Favorite Team: Washington Pirates
Choices for Expansion: St. Louis (Explorers; navy and yellow), Pittsburgh (Colliers; black and gray), Dallas (Wings; red and blue)

Last edited by RightGuard (8/11/2020 12:26 pm)


8/11/2020 12:20 pm  #576

Re: History of the National Football Association - 1974-75 Season

Name: Paul Royman
Age: 49
Bio: WWII Veteran who manages a small hotel and restaurant in Tacoma.
Favorite Team: Seattle Lumberjacks
Three Choices for Expansion and Identity Ideas: Pittsburgh Bridges (Black/Grey), St. Louis Fleurs (Blue/Red/Gold), Cincinnati Caesars (Brown/Red/Gold)

AHSylum Inmate

8/11/2020 12:24 pm  #577

Re: History of the National Football Association - 1974-75 Season

*Only one submission per person* Sorry next time you do an expansion, remember to remind everyone that!

Last edited by GeorgeBryzzo (8/11/2020 12:31 pm)


8/11/2020 12:55 pm  #578

Re: History of the National Football Association - 1974-75 Season

Name: Ken Nakamura
Age: 34
Bio: A nisei (second generation Japanese immigrant), Nakamura has become infatuated with American football, currently living in San Francisco.
Favorite Team: San Francisco Whales

Expansion Choices: 
1. Dallas - Derricks, Texas blue/red - infiltrating the SFL's territory at its strongest point is a gamble that could pay off big, possibly facing the Riders to move, weakening the SFL greatly (sort of like how the NFL's Cowboys kicked the AFL's Texans out in our timeline).
2. Pittsburgh - Strikers, black/gray/gold - References both the Pittsburgh railroad strike as well as the act of "striking" metal to cast it, like in steelmaking or laying down railroad tracks.
3. Cincinnati - Senators, red/old gold - References Cincinnatus, the Roman senator the city takes its name from.


8/11/2020 1:28 pm  #579

Re: History of the National Football Association - 1974-75 Season

Name: Reggie Mangold
Age: 38
Bio: Founder of a hardware store chain that is looking to expand its roots outside of his home state of Illinois, and would love the publicity football brings to spread the word of his stores
Favorite Team: Milwaukee Barbarians

Expansion Choices:
1. Pittsburgh - Blazers (Red/Gold?): Calls back to the original Ironmen name while still being a reference t the city's ironworks industry
2. St. Louis - Pioneers (Brown/Red): Honors the pioneers who set off from St. Louis onto the wild frontier of the west, the most famous being Lewis and Clark
3. Dallas - Roughnecks (Blue/Red): Takes a stab at the already present Roughriders as well as tapping into the oil industry Texas is so known for

Founder of the EFL and the AFL

8/11/2020 1:36 pm  #580

Re: History of the National Football Association - 1974-75 Season

Name: Wally Flowers
Age: 28
Bio: Canadian Marketing Wiz, With an interest in Sports Branding and Marketing
Favourite Team: Minnesota Blue Ox

Expansion Choices
1 - Pittsburgh - Smiths or Blacksmiths
2 - Cincinnati - Spartans or Apollos - Play into the "Athens of the West" 
3 - Dallas - Greyhounds - Something that's not oil or western related, sounds cool


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