Alternate History Sports

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7/06/2020 7:51 pm  #1

Yorkland Hockey League

The Country Of Yorkland
The Yorkland territory was formed in 1917. It was controlled by the United Provinces of Amirah until 1946 when the residents of Yorkland declared independence and named Vincenzo Pacino it’s first ever Prime Minister. This led to the 1947 Yorkland War, which was won by the newly formed country after the UPA surrendered in the province of Flamboro. Once the war was declared over, Prime Minister Pacino declared the city the war was won in as the Capital of Yorkland and named it Battlefield. In 1951, Prime Minister Pacino was assassinated while giving a speech in Fort Theory. The gunman was never caught and caused a major uproar, nearly splitting the country in 2. It took nearly 20 years until 1971 when the country really came together and voted in Prime Minister Terry Jones. Jones was considered a man of the people and a great leader as he brought the country forward as population and cities quickly grew. In 1972, the country revealed its flag that was voted on by the people.

However, he refused to spend government money to support the growth of sports and felt it should be organized independently from the government. In 1985, Prime Minister Jones announced he would not seek re-election in the 1986 election and it opened the door for the new Prime Minister Alexander Cochrane to gain a majority government. Prime Minister Cochrane was very much in support of building sport in the new country and announced that the government would spend upwards of $10,000,000 to help organize professional leagues. Cue the Yorkland Hockey League...

Yorkland Hockey League
January 1st, 1989 - The announcement

League commissioner Richard Paul announces that on January 1st, 1990, the inaugural season of the Yorkland Hockey League will kick off. The league will feature 10 teams  and has secured 10 private owners for it’s clubs. The league is being backed by the federal government and Prime Minister Cochrane reveals that they have donated a championship trophy to the league known as the Pacino Cup.

While acknowledging that it is a major risk by the government, Prime Minister Cochrane says that sport has brought people together for centuries and it’s time that sport takes centre stage in Yorkland. They anticipate great  attendance for the first professional sports league in the country and Cochrane says he is confident that Commissioner Paul will lead the league to great success. While there was still a ton of work to do, the league was announced and Commissioner Paul revealed there would be a 10 city reveal tour starting on April 1st. The inaugural league draft would take place on August 1st, 1989 and training camps would begin on November 1st. All 10 teams will start the season on January 1st, 1990 in a 76 game season. With that, the YHL logo was revealed and the countdown began for team reveals…

**On a side note - I have been working on this project for about 2 months and finally feel like I have a successful simulation system in place. Having a fictional world really got my creativity flowing and I have been designing like crazy in the little spare time I've had. Shout out to Torland Hockey, Minnesota Hockey and Robins Island for really motivating me to get a project like this going and sticking to it. I look forward to revealing all the work I've put into this and I think just the graphics alone should show the amount of effort put in so far.**

[/url][url=] <--- Official home of the fictional country of Yorkland

7/06/2020 7:58 pm  #2

Re: Yorkland Hockey League

Team Announcement Tour
April 1st, 1990 - April 15, 1990

Stop 1 - Dawn Mills, Dundas
Owner - Henry Murray

The Dawn Mills Devil Rays are announced as the first team in the YHL and will be playing their games out of Stasis Arena.

Stop 2- Fort Theory, Cambridge
Owner - Lucas Kane
The Fort Theory Generals are the second team announced and will be playing their games out of the Beacon Grounds Coliseum. The arena is on the land where Prime Minister Pacino was assassinated and also where the Yorkland army was stationed during the Yorkland war.

Stop 3 - Anchor City, Strabane
Owner - Gabriel Lyle
The Anchor City Sharks are the third team announced and are playing their games out of the Gilded Centre which is on the waterfront downtown. The team is named the sharks due to the several species that are found in the waters outside the arena.

Stop 4 - Battlefield, Flamboro
Owner - Aaron McLaughlin
The Battlefield Braves are the fourth team, playing out of the Capital of Yorkland in the Renaissance Bowl. The team is named after the Yorkland army regiment who won the war; they went by the name the Braves and had a strong Native presence. The team name honours the country as well as the heroes who allow Yorkland to be an independent country.

Stop 5 - Bentley, North Puslinch
Owner - Randy Oliver
Team 5 is the Bentley Stars, playing out of the Element Air Centre. They are named the stars as Bentley is considered one of the best places in the country to see the starry skies.

To be continued...

[/url][url=] <--- Official home of the fictional country of Yorkland
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7/06/2020 7:59 pm  #3

Re: Yorkland Hockey League

Nice!  Having been a happy customer of your minor league hockey teams for my Los Angeles Titans franchise, I can't wait to see what you have for this project!


7/06/2020 8:51 pm  #4

Re: Yorkland Hockey League

Everything looks fantastic so far. I love the map a lot, very well done. Cool seeing a Canadian base for the makeup of the country, government wise at least. Its a great start, looking forward to seeing more.


7/06/2020 9:56 pm  #5

Re: Yorkland Hockey League

Great start, definitely looking forward to this.

Love the light blue for the Rays. The Braves remind me a lot of North Dakota so I automatically have some dislike for them lol


7/06/2020 11:47 pm  #6

Re: Yorkland Hockey League

Nice work so far, looks like it'll be a cool project. Glad I could be a small inspiration for it. Developing a fictional country is fun, there's so much of Torland that I've never even shared. Good work on the map. What type of environment does this island country sit in? What is the population and culture like?

I really like the light blue and devil ray inset into the D logo. I kinda wish Fort Theory's khaki color was darker to contrast more with the yellow but it's a good look overall. I like the logo and color scheme for the Sharks but I'm not a fan of the numbers. Cool striping. The Braves look like a love child between the Blackhawks and the Dallas Stars. Bentley looks super clean, I like the sticks in the logo.

AHS Admin. Creator of the THLPUCHWHA: Redux and Retroliga.

7/07/2020 5:14 pm  #7

Re: Yorkland Hockey League

Steelman wrote:

Nice work so far, looks like it'll be a cool project. Glad I could be a small inspiration for it. Developing a fictional country is fun, there's so much of Torland that I've never even shared. Good work on the map. What type of environment does this island country sit in? What is the population and culture like?

I really like the light blue and devil ray inset into the D logo. I kinda wish Fort Theory's khaki color was darker to contrast more with the yellow but it's a good look overall. I like the logo and color scheme for the Sharks but I'm not a fan of the numbers. Cool striping. The Braves look like a love child between the Blackhawks and the Dallas Stars. Bentley looks super clean, I like the sticks in the logo.

Appreciate the feedback!

Yorkland isn't an island, it's actually part of a continent with the mentioned United Provinces of Amirah.

I've been focusing on Yorkland right now, with a long term plan of fishing our the continent, but that's really long term. My plan is to fill on the backstory on Amirah in the future.

As for Yorkland, the climate is very similar to that of North America. The culture is a cross between Europe and North America. The people love their leisure and free time but are driven on the expanding markets. I hope to reveal as much as possible as time goes on including major companies (I already revealed one in Element Air). It's been really fun just meshing everything together  and watching the world grow slowly.

But now, back to the reveal tour...

[/url][url=] <--- Official home of the fictional country of Yorkland
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7/07/2020 5:24 pm  #8

Re: Yorkland Hockey League

Stop 6 - Brooklynn, South Puslinch
Owner - Killian Clark
The Brooklynn Blackhawks are the sixth team announced, playing their games from the Brooklynn Arena. They have a natural rivalry built in with Bentley  who are only an hour away. The team is named after the city’s main bird which can be seen flying high above the city regularly.

Stop 7 - Kelly City, Kelly
Owner - Bryson McCrae
The Kelly City Lakers are team seven, named because they sit in between Puslinch Bay and Kelly Bay and are the biggest shipping port in the country. Hundreds of laker ships can be seen in the city every week. They are playing out of the Quest Centre.

Stop 8 - Mount Faith, McNally
Owner - Benson Cowan
The 8th team is the Mount Faith Eruption. While the city of Mount Faith is an active volcano, it’s last eruption was in 1938. The Eruption are playing their games from the Phantom Grounds, which is in the shadows of Mount Faith volcano. It is one of the nicest sites in the country and an absolute destination.

Stop 9 - Lake Hope, Copetown
Owner - Sullivan Roth
The Lake Hope Lions are the 9th team, and will be playing their games out of the Vertex Centre. Lake Hope is home to the largest zoo in the country and is home to a major lion sanctuary. The Vertex Centre sits on the shores of Lake Hope and is considered to be a legendary venue in the country where a who’s who of musicians have performed.

Stop 10 - Cayuga, Kirkwall
\The final team is the Cayuga Saints. Playing out of the Cardinal Grounds, Cayuga is considered to be the centre of Catholicism. The Cardinal Grounds are owned by the Catholic Church of Yorkland and they built a 10,000 seat arena to host their massive church ceremonies. They are leasing the building to the Saints where the building will be transforming into a hockey rink which can be easily converted back to a church setting. The fans have nicknamed the building "The Chiesa."

Up next, the inaugural draft...

[/url][url=] <--- Official home of the fictional country of Yorkland
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7/07/2020 5:30 pm  #9

Re: Yorkland Hockey League

I feel like the Sharks numbers and font on the nameplate are a little thin, and I could see issues with the readability of the names.

2x Alt Champion :: AltLB Champion Oklahoma City Bison - 2022 :: AltFL Champion New York Emperors - 2022

7/07/2020 5:45 pm  #10

Re: Yorkland Hockey League

Looking good so far 3Point!  

While I do like Lake Hope and Brooklyn, I'd say my favorite is the Battlefield Braves, (green team bias).  


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