Alternate History Sports

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3/03/2020 8:18 pm  #221

Re: The AltHL - Group C Voting & Owner Application!

I'll take this matchup by matchup:

Bruins v. Rovers: W
Canadiens v. Chevaliers: W
Flyers v. Founders: W
Rangers/Islanders v. Gargoyles: W
Blackhawks v. Ghosts: L
Wild v. Loons: W
Maple Leafs v. Terriers: Draw
Avalanche v. Bighorns: W
Flames v. Wranglers: W
Canucks v. Glaciers: W
Sharks v. Dragons: W
Kings v. Titans: W

Only one loss, which is pretty darn good!


3/03/2020 8:36 pm  #222

Re: The AltHL - Group C Voting & Owner Application!

Fun little poll!

Bruins v. Rovers - W - Rovers win on creativity.

Canadiens v. Chevaliers - W - Chevs is much more creative than Canadiens. 
Flyers v. Founders - W (2OT) - Culturally, Founders makes more sense. I'll give it a 2OT win.
Rangers/Islanders v. Gargoyles - W - In this 2v1, let's go with Gargoyles which is much more NYC specific.
Blackhawks v. Ghosts - L - Close but I don't think Ghosts is enough to edge Blackhawks here.
Wild v. Loons - W - Wild is a dumb name so Loons wins by default
Maple Leafs v. Terriers - L - Tough to beat Maple Leafs. Terriers doesn't do it for me.
Avalanche v. Bighorns - L - While I like Bighorns, Avalanche is just cool.
Flames v. Wranglers - W - Wranglers fits better culturally.
Canucks v. Glaciers - L - Can't really beat Canucks here.
Sharks v. Dragons - L - I think Sharks is a cool name, and Dragons comes up just short in a shootout.
Kings v. Titans - D - I declare this a tie.

Final record: 6-5-1

AHS Admin. Creator of the THL, PUCH, WHA: Redux and Retroliga.

3/03/2020 9:15 pm  #223

Re: The AltHL - Group C Voting & Owner Application!

Bruins v. Rovers - Push
Canadiens v. Chevaliers - Chevs
Flyers v. Founders - Founders
Rangers/Islanders v. Gargoyles - Gargoyles
Blackhawks v. Ghosts - Blackhawks
Wild v. Loons -  Loons
Maple Leafs v. Terriers - Push
Avalanche v. Bighorns - Bighorns
Flames v. Wranglers - Wranglers
Canucks v. Glaciers - Canucks
Sharks v. Dragons - Push
Kings v. Titans - Titans


3/03/2020 9:22 pm  #224

Re: The AltHL - Group C Voting & Owner Application!

Bruins v. Rovers - W
Canadiens v. Chevaliers - L
Flyers v. Founders - W 
Rangers v. Gargoyles - W
Islanders v. Gargoyles - L
Blackhawks v. Ghosts - Draw
Wild v. Loons - W
Maple Leafs v. Terriers - L
Avalanche v. Bighorns - W
Flames v. Wranglers - W
Canucks v. Glaciers - L
Sharks v. Dragons - L
Kings v. Titans - Draw


I think the ones we won were vastly better names, where as the ones we lost were much closer. Maple Leafs and Terriers is our closest loss, while Loons and Wild is by far our biggest win, that or Bighorns and Avalanche.


3/03/2020 9:25 pm  #225

Re: The AltHL - Group C Voting & Owner Application!

Bruins v. Rovers - W
Canadiens v. Chevaliers - W
Flyers v. Founders - Tie
Rangers/Islanders v. Gargoyles - W
Blackhawks v. Ghosts - L
Wild v. Loons -  W
Maple Leafs v. Terriers - Tie
Avalanche v. Bighorns - W
Flames v. Wranglers - W
Canucks v. Glaciers - L
Sharks v. Dragons - Tie
Kings v. Titans - Tie

Overall 6-2-4 


3/03/2020 9:33 pm  #226

Re: The AltHL - Group C Voting & Owner Application!

Bruins v. Rovers - W
Canadiens v. Chevaliers - W
Flyers v. Founders - L
Randers/Islanders v. Gargoyles - W
Blackhawks v. Ghosts - W
Wild v. Loons - W
Maple Leafs v. Terriers - Tie
Avalanche v. Bighorns - W
Flames v. Wranglers - W
Canucks v. Glaciers - L
Sharks v. Dragons - Tie
Kings v. Titans - Tie

7-2-3 overall.

Last edited by Burmy87 (3/03/2020 9:33 pm)


3/03/2020 10:46 pm  #227

Re: The AltHL - Group C Voting & Owner Application!

Chevaliers Loons Bighorns Wranglers and Titans are better


3/04/2020 5:38 am  #228

Re: The AltHL - Group C Voting & Owner Application!

Bruins v. Rovers  Bruins
Canadiens v. Chevaliers  Chevaliers
Flyers v. Founders  Flyers
Rangers/Islanders v. Gargoyles  Rangers/Islanders
Blackhawks v. Ghosts  Ghosts
Wild v. Loons  Loons
Maple Leafs v. Terriers  Even
Avalanche v. Bighorns  Even
Flames v. Wranglers  Even
Canucks v. Glaciers  Canucks
Sharks v. Dragons  Even
Kings v. Titans  Kings

I know a 3-4-5 record doesn't sound great, but when you consider that we're competing with long established brand identities, really, we did quite well with these names I feel.  


3/04/2020 10:03 am  #229

Re: The AltHL - Group C Voting & Owner Application!

Bruins v. Rovers: Rovers. Just love the name.
Canadiens v. Chevaliers: Chevaliers. Not a fan of the name but still, a little more creative than Canadiens.
Flyers v. Founders: Founders. It made sense given the historical tie-in.
Rangers/Islanders v. Gargoyles: Rangers/Islanders. I never liked the name Gargoyles. I was hoping for something like Dukes or Boroughs.
Blackhawks v. Ghosts: Both. Each is good on their own.
Wild v. Loons: Loons. Specific to Minnesota.
Maple Leafs v. Terriers: Both. Same as Chicago.
Avalanche v. Bighorns: Bighorns. I prefer this over the Avs'.
Flames v. Wranglers: Flames. Simple and catchy. Also, the Professional Hockey League has one already so is it too late to change?
Canucks v. Glaciers: Canucks. Glaciers sound stupid, to be honest.
Sharks v. Dragons: Dragons. As an Asian myself (East Malaysian to be specific), I can proudly say the Asian heritage is now displayed in sports greatly.
Kings v. Titans: Both. Though, for LA, I could accept the name 'Stars' for Hollywood connection.

It's a 6-3-3 record! Impressive!

(Formerly) Owner of the Quebec Owls of the AtlHL
Now Athletic Director of the Victoria International College Clarets

3/04/2020 11:34 am  #230

Re: The AltHL - Group C Voting & Owner Application!

Alright, a blackjack analogy here.
Bruins v. Rovers - 18 v. 20 - Rovers
Canadiens v. Chevaliers - 19 v. 21 - Chevaliers
Flyers v. Founders - Bust v. 17 - Founders
Rangers/Islanders v. Gargoyles - (Split) Bust v. 17 v. 19 - Gargoyles
Blackhawks v. Ghosts - Bust v. 15 - Ghosts
Wild v. Loons - 11 v. 20 - Loons
Maple Leafs v. Terriers - Blackjack v. 21 - Maple Leafs
Avalanche v. Bighorns - 20 v. 20 - Push
Flames v. Wranglers - Bust v. 19 - Wranglers
Canucks v. Glaciers - 21 v. 20 - Canucks
Sharks v. Dragons - 17 v. 18 - Dragons
Kings v. Titans - 14 v. 17 - Titans



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