An Alternate History of American Football: The NAFA

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Posted by n00bthtpwnz
6/01/2019 5:12 pm

Name: Chris Green
Age: 38
Bio: Owner of Green's Groceries, a grocery store chain with locations all across the Midwest. He was born and raised in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin and currently resides in Milwaukee.
Choices for Expansion: Milwaukee, for obvious reasons and Ottawa. He believes that there is more potential in Canada and believes that the Canadian capital deserves a team to call their own.

Posted by ~Bear
6/01/2019 5:27 pm

Name: William C. Hatcher Jr.

Age: 43

Bio: Hatcher’s father, William C. Hatcher, was the founder of Hatcher Agriculture Co., a farming equipment company of great success based out of Kansas. The elder Hatcher retired in 1942, leaving his young son in charge of the business. Since then, Hatcher Jr. has helped expand the company and increase clients and one of the few companies of its type to compete with John Deere. His growing fame and potential national outreach make him an interesting and influential candidate worthy of the expansion counsel. He’s taking a great liking to NAFA and sees expansion, like with his business, essential to dominate.

Milwaukee - a fairly large market and helps to continue to move the league in a westernly direction
Ottawa - Hatcher, while American, sees potential in getting more Canadian franchises into the league.

Hatcher believes it’s too early for too westernly teams and transportation could be an issue. However, Hatcher believes western markets should get consideration in the future.

Posted by JG36
6/01/2019 6:45 pm

Truman Harry is back, and his votes are:

May or may not be a Celtics fan after July 1st
Posted by Steelman
6/01/2019 7:52 pm

I dig that Chiefs update. Love the drop shadow on orange. The main logo looks like the drop shadow is only on the right hand side though? If the Saints are sold, any chance of them not staying on Montreal?

Name: Newton Nadeau
Age: 43
Bio: Born and raised in New Orleans. Built a shipping business out of mostly southern ports. Sold it for big bucks and moved to New York to attend college. A natural at networking, his brash style earned him a reputation as a business maverick for hire. Now is a business consultant with a reputation as a cutthroat closer and headhunter for big firms. He currently roots for the Blues due to his connection with New York.

Choices for Expansion:

For sake of your series, I'll roll with your choices but I'm confused on how they were made. Perhaps a little info on each option and why they're an option? According to *census data, you're missing out on many top and quickly-growing markets for that decade. Even Ottawa, which I chose, trailed Hamilton and Winnipeg between 1951-1956. Milwaukee and Minneapolis both stayed in the bottom half of the Top-20 for the decade, with cities like Pittsburgh and Detroit seeing notable rises during that time. Just some thoughts!

Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ottawa, Ontario

* US Population Data:

AHS Admin. Creator of the THLPUCHWHA: Redux and Retroliga.
Posted by DoctaC
6/01/2019 8:10 pm

Steelman wrote:

I dig that Chiefs update. Love the drop shadow on orange. The main logo looks like the drop shadow is only on the right hand side though? If the Saints are sold, any chance of them not staying on Montreal?

Name: Newton Nadeau
Age: 43
Bio: Born and raised in New Orleans. Built a shipping business out of mostly southern ports. Sold it for big bucks and moved to New York to attend college. A natural at networking, his brash style earned him a reputation as a business maverick for hire. Now is a business consultant with a reputation as a cutthroat closer and headhunter for big firms. He currently roots for the Blues due to his connection with New York.

Choices for Expansion:

For sake of your series, I'll roll with your choices but I'm confused on how they were made. Perhaps a little info on each option and why they're an option? According to *census data, you're missing out on many top and quickly-growing markets for that decade. Even Ottawa, which I chose, trailed Hamilton and Winnipeg between 1951-1956. Milwaukee and Minneapolis both stayed in the bottom half of the Top-20 for the decade, with cities like Pittsburgh and Detroit seeing notable rises during that time. Just some thoughts!

Minneapolis, Minnesota
Ottawa, Ontario

* US Population Data:

The NAFA wanted to expand farther west with a few franchises and establish itself there before adding more eastern ones. There will be some new eastern teams (such as Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Washington, Detroit as possible options) coming in the next expansions.

Ottawa was an option because they're a Canadian market close to the current teams.

Last edited by DoctaC (6/01/2019 8:10 pm)

Posted by Section30
6/02/2019 1:20 am

Name: Anders Lindberg
Age: 47
Bio: Owner of a Midwestern pizza restaurant chain. Born and raised in St. Paul Minnesota. Played football in college and is a very invested in bringing a team to the Twin Cities.
Choices for Expansion: Minneapolis - Expands the league westward, but still within reason in terms of travel. Big enough of a market to sustain itself and support a team.
Ottawa - Adds another Canadian team to the league. Close enough to other teams to create new rivalries right away.

Last edited by Section30 (6/02/2019 1:20 am)

Posted by ZO82
6/02/2019 1:31 am

Name: Pat Libbey
Age: 43
Bio: Owner of Libbey Glass and Steel, Largest Glass and Steel manufacturer in the South Central US
Choice of Expansion:: Ottawa & Milwaukee

Posted by DoctaC
6/02/2019 3:08 pm

The votes for the Expansion Council currently sit at:
Milwaukee: 5
Minneapolis: 4
Ottawa: 4
Denver: 0
Los Angeles: 0
Vancouver: 0

The council will be open until 6pm on Monday, June 3rd. Thank you to everyone who has participated so far.

Last edited by DoctaC (6/02/2019 3:09 pm)

Posted by Stickman
6/02/2019 5:15 pm

=16pxName: Johnny Armando

=16pxAge: 44

=16pxBio: Television executive for ABN (American Broadcast Network), one of the major 3 networks on television.  Believes sports are the future for television ratings success.  Although originally from Detroit, (which would have been his selection for expansion had it been an option) is currently stationed in Chicago, where he wishes to own a team.  


L.A. and Denver: Though I doubt they're winning at this point, I don't think it's too early for these cities.  The Rams actually moved to the area in 1946 in real life, so Los Angeles certainly could succeed with a team at that time.  Picking Denver mostly due to its relative proximity to Los Angeles. 

Posted by WithaCapitalG
6/02/2019 8:44 pm

=16pxExpansion time already? Time sure flies. Regardless, I'll use the same bio as last time:

Name: David Ross
=16pxAge: 35
=16pxBio: Sport play-by-play broadcaster for multiple colleges and start-up broadcasting CEO in Louisville, Kentucky. 

Votes are for: Ottawa and Minneapolis


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