Posted by QCS ![]() 1/21/2020 5:26 pm | #1 |
Welcome to the North American Association of Baseball! In this universe, the MLB never took off in the early 20th century, so commisioner Grayson Rose took it upon himself to create a new, national baseball league in 2003.
Current year: 2006
Teams: 10
Reigning Champion:
California Golden Suns
Past Champions:
(Original Post below)
See the logos and uniforms here:! I've been browsing these boards basically since they were founded, and I finally have a concept series to present: the North American Association of Baseball!
The NAAB was founded in the late 1990s to give the American people want they want: good, clean baseball! (In this universe, the MLB either never existed or folded sometime before it could really take off, meaning clean slates for identities. That said, it's pretty much the only thing different in this universe.) The league will start in 2003, with eight teams, but commissioner Grayson Rose hasn't decided which teams to start with. 47 cities have submitted bids, and he needs other league officials to help him decide the first eight.
(Not everything is quite ready to begin, but I have several logos and uniforms ready to go, I just need to fill out everything. That's where you guys come in! Here I have a map of 47 different cities that are under consideration. The ones that are colored I have at least a name/color scheme for. I'd like you guys to pick eight you think would make good starting cities for the league! Obviously things get sped up a little if the cities already have ideas, but please feel free to give ideas for names or colors.)
In case it's hard to tell which cities I have listed, here they are in text form:
Montréal *
New York City *
New Jersey/NYC *
Philadelphia *
Baltimore *
Washington *
Norfolk *
Charlotte *
Atlanta *
Nashville *
Memphis *
Louisville *
Cleveland *
Chicago *
Minneapolis/St. Paul *
St. Louis *
Kansas City *
New Orleans *
Houston *
Dallas *
San Antonio
Oklahoma City
Denver *
Salt Lake City
Phoenix *
Las Vegas *
San Diego
Los Angeles *
San Francisco *
San Jose *
*I have a name/colors/logo concept. Some are completely done, others aren't.
I'll be using Out Of The Park Baseball 18 to simulate, so I'm not in control of anything outside of identities and cities. I'll craft a narrative around the game's results, including championships, injuries, and players. This is my first time doing something like this, so I hope you all enjoy!
Last edited by QCS (3/18/2020 8:58 pm)
Posted by QCS ![]() 1/21/2020 5:29 pm | #2 |
Here's the first of many concepts: the league logo!
I didn't want to use a boring RWB color scheme, so I went with a white, gray, and black scheme. I'm honestly not sold on this, but I figured having something would be a good way to start.
Posted by Steelman ![]() 1/21/2020 10:41 pm | #3 |
Hey QCS, glad you're starting a new series, especially baseball! Looking forward to seeing it develop.
For the league logo, I like the neutral shades but I think the logo could use a little more to it, such as further developing a baseball into it, or significantly thickening up the lines and such on it to give it some weight. Right now it strikes me like a volleyball for some reason. Not sure if you're familiar with doing arched text, but it might be cool to see that in it.
For the initial cities, lots of choices! Starting in 2003 is a very unique choice. Based on top market DMA's in that time period, I'd go for a top-10 like this:
New York City
Los Angeles
San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose
Dallas-Fort Worth
Washington DC
I'd also potentially consider doing the top 6 and adding two teams to NYC and LA, or top 7 and two teams in NYC to start off. But any of those top 10 teams would seem like a solid starting point for the league.
Offbeat question: Since you're on an alternate timeline where MLB never existed/rose to prominence, will you be avoiding or using MLB team nicknames?
Posted by QCS ![]() 1/22/2020 7:31 pm | #4 |
Steelman wrote:
Hey QCS, glad you're starting a new series, especially baseball! Looking forward to seeing it develop.
For the league logo, I like the neutral shades but I think the logo could use a little more to it, such as further developing a baseball into it, or significantly thickening up the lines and such on it to give it some weight. Right now it strikes me like a volleyball for some reason. Not sure if you're familiar with doing arched text, but it might be cool to see that in it.
For the initial cities, lots of choices! Starting in 2003 is a very unique choice. Based on top market DMA's in that time period, I'd go for a top-10 like this:
New York City
Los Angeles
San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose
Dallas-Fort Worth
Washington DC
I'd also potentially consider doing the top 6 and adding two teams to NYC and LA, or top 7 and two teams in NYC to start off. But any of those top 10 teams would seem like a solid starting point for the league.
Offbeat question: Since you're on an alternate timeline where MLB never existed/rose to prominence, will you be avoiding or using MLB team nicknames?
Hey Steel! This is a smaller project before I go full-scale in applying what I've learned from you. I mostly picked 2003 to start in because I don't really know how to make "fauxback" logos, so the more modern style fits the time period. I will indeed be avoiding MLB nicknames, although I may use similar/the same nicknames for different cities. There will be no "New York Yankees" or "Tampa Bay Rays", though there may be a "Phoenix Rays", or something along those lines. I'll definitely go back and work on the league logo. I promise they won't be this barebones going forward! In fact, going off these cities, I should have the first full concept up soon! I will need some help on nicknames for a couple of these, namely Boston and Detroit, since I don't have anything for them already. Thanks for your feedback!
Last edited by QCS (2/23/2020 11:04 am)
Posted by QCS ![]() 1/22/2020 8:11 pm | #5 |
Alright, here we have the first team! Hailing from San Jose, California...
The California Golden Suns!The team is named after the bright, golden sunshine found in The Golden State! The color scheme is simple, just yellow and black. On the home and away jerseys, I went for a traditional style, with black and yellow piping and simple stripes on the sleeves. The primary logo serves as a sleeve patch while the nickname/location is printed arched in yellow with black outlining. The alts are a little different, however. I was going to add an outline around the logo, but I realized I liked how it looked with just the yellow or black parts showing. With that in mind, I placed the primary on the chest, one with a yellow base, the other with a black base.The first alt gets a special cap, mostly yellow with a black brim, while the other cap, used with the other jerseys, is mostly black with a yellow brim.
Two quick side notes: first, the template is of my own creation, based on real life images. Second, the team is actually named after my favorite game of all time, Golden Sun. However, it fit with California, so I ran with it!
So, what do you guys think? This was the first full concept I created, so feel free to critique my concepts and presentation. I want to improve!
Posted by Section30 ![]() 1/22/2020 8:38 pm | #6 |
Good start, I like the colors and team name.
Looking forward to whats to come!
Posted by Steelman ![]() 1/22/2020 9:27 pm | #7 |
I reeeeally like the font choice for California! The name is uniquely awesome as well. The logo is growing on me. At first I thought a C or combo of CGS or GS inserted in the middle of the sun would be cool, but that could be a future update of some sort. I like how the beveled sun rays are different colors so it looks different on the different colored jerseys. I'm also a sucker for black and gold (Pittsburgh blood dies hard) so I'm a fan of this whole situation here.
The only other thing I'll offer as a minor suggestion is you could make the rays a little bolder, same amount of rays but a little fatter in width, so when it's on a colored background the half-bevels stand out a little more. Not sure if that make sense or not.
I also dig the template, nice work on creating that. Looks clean. Good start man!
Posted by Gritty ![]() 1/23/2020 4:52 pm | #8 |
I like your map. A unique way of showing fandom!
Posted by QCS ![]() 1/23/2020 7:28 pm | #9 |
Steelman wrote:
I reeeeally like the font choice for California! The name is uniquely awesome as well. The logo is growing on me. At first I thought a C or combo of CGS or GS inserted in the middle of the sun would be cool, but that could be a future update of some sort. I like how the beveled sun rays are different colors so it looks different on the different colored jerseys. I'm also a sucker for black and gold (Pittsburgh blood dies hard) so I'm a fan of this whole situation here.
The only other thing I'll offer as a minor suggestion is you could make the rays a little bolder, same amount of rays but a little fatter in width, so when it's on a colored background the half-bevels stand out a little more. Not sure if that make sense or not.
I also dig the template, nice work on creating that. Looks clean. Good start man!
Thank you! I see where you're getting at with the rays, and I'll see how it looks with larger rays. Honestly, the Golden Suns are probably my favorite team I've ever done, so I may be cheering for them (although my sports teams luck is lousy, so good luck with that).
Anyway, on to the next concept! Taking flight from the ATL, it's.... the Atlanta Jets!
The Jets take their name from Atlanta's famous airport, as well as owner Tyler Hudson's desire for the team to capture the "fast-moving speed" of the city of Atlanta. The colors are red for Atlanta's other sports, as well as gold for the "champion spirit", as Hudson put it.
Honestly, I'm personally not sold on the design, but it's a nostalgic theme for me (the name and logo comes from my first fictional league, several years ago, although the logo belonged to a different team) and I felt the logo was strong enough to stand on its own. I went with a red and gold color scheme, not exactly like the Five Stripes, but pretty darn close (if you're wondering, the gold is different and so is the dark red). The home and away jerseys are simple, with gold piping on the home and red on the away, and one red and one gold sleeve stripes. The number is displayed on the front, under the wordmark. I really liked how "Atlanta" looked when it was framed by the primary, so I picked a font to go with that. The alt is a little different. A red base, gold wordmark, dark red sleeve stripes, and the number as a sleeve patch, this is definitely an "out-there" idea for a more traditional team. The cap is a simple red base with a gold brim.
That's team number two! Again, if you guys have any suggestions for cities and names, I'm always open. Thanks for your kind words. Enjoy!
C&C welcome.
Posted by Steelman ![]() 1/24/2020 7:55 pm | #10 |
I like the winged A logo. That's nice. I feel like the Atlanta wordmark needs a little more weight to it, feels a bit thin for a baseball mark. I could see the serif with an added same-color stroke around the outside edges to provide some depth and rounded corners. I would consider flipping the colorway on the cap so it pops more instead of the red inside.
The JETS font seems super arbitrary compared with the classic serif on the rest of the set. But it's an alt jersey so it works but doesn't feel as connected.
The color scheme is great but the overall package is a little less than cohesive. I think you've got plenty to work with here though.