The vote as of now;
Chicago- 5
Detroit- 2
Cleveland- 1
Minneapolis- 1
St. Louis- 0
(seeing as though Chicago is the runaway winner right now, and I'm being pulled in several directions as to how I want their identity to be)
The Barber brothers, astounded by the support found for their expansion bid, has opened up a Name the Team Contest, as of now they have their top 3 choices, but hopefully everyone comes out and votes or suggests new names to help with the naming process.
As of now their top 3 choices are;
Chicago Mustangs: Being the owners of one of the biggest Ford manufacturing plants, so the name Mustangs, after one of their sports cars, comes as a big player.
Chicago Zephyrs: Named for the city's nickname, the Windy City, and for the trains that run the streets, the Zephyrs provide several connections to the city.
Chicago Meatpackers: Being one of the meatpacking capitals of the world, the name could help connect with a lot of the fans of the team and represent the city well.
I'm excited to hear what you guys have to say about this new contest!