Merry Christmas, you filthy animals! And a happy new year!
I just wanted to say I'm personally very grateful for this board and community and I appreciate every one of you. In a year that has sucked on so many levels, this community has been a constant source of peace and comfort during difficult times, both globally and personally. Quite a few great relationships have developed as our community has grown and it's such a wonderful thing to see. It's a blessing to be part of this little slice of the internet.
I sincerely hope y'all can enjoy these holidays as best as you can and that we as people can embrace a new year as we soldier through unprecedented times. Meanwhile, I always know I can count on a bunch of fictional sports writers, designers and readers no matter what is happening around me. Every post and comment and interaction matters. Every piece of encouragement or acknowledgement or critique matters. Even in a community where I don't know many of your real names (and it would feel weird to call any of you by something other than your web handle) the support and camaraderie I've felt and seen here has been exceptional.
For that, I'm incredibly grateful.
Cheers to all of our favorite fictional sports teams!