The Logos and Uniforms Thread! East Jersey Poll Open!

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Posted by Gritty
3/30/2020 3:37 pm

Sorry for the delay.  Had some computer troubles over the last couple of days.  With that said let's get back to the Jersey roll out.  This post will unveil the Central Conference Uniforms.  Once again if something is a tad 'off' about it don't sweat it I'll be working on this 3D renderings when things slow down with our AltHL process.  Here is an update for the next steps of our process.  Voting for the Western Conference (next post) will last until Wednesday.  I will share the Western Uniforms on Thursday.  Tomorrow I will share with you the process for how we will determine the Owner Draft Order as well as some of the Draft Guidelines.  The Draft Order will be shared on Thursday.  The AltHL Owner Draft will start on Friday!  The Central Conference was extremely close with multiple one vote victories. With that said enjoy the Central!  Give some love to our winners.  

Chicago Ghosts - 3pointtally - some nice Chicago pride in those alternates.

Denver Bighorns - Had the most trouble adopting this sweater.  Working on it today.  Very cool look from Steelman.

Toronto Terriers - 3pointtally (2nd win of the conference) Nice classic look.

Winnipeg Arrows - Section30 

Charlotte Racers - QCS 

Minnesota Loons - MyTeamIsDrPepper (i love that alternate!) Loons were the most popular team to design for during the uniform round with 5 submissions.

Posted by Gritty
3/30/2020 3:42 pm

Let's head out West.  Home of Calgary, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.  If there is anything wrong with the graphics or submissions let me know ASAP.  Get voting!

Posted by QCS
3/30/2020 5:26 pm

Really glad my sweaters won! All three submitted for Charlotte were great and I honestly would've been happy with any of them (of course my own was my preference). I really like all six of the Central sweaters and oh man do the Loons look great. They're my pick for number 1 in the draft just based on logos/sweaters (with Halifax number 2), so whoever gets them will be lucky indeed! The Western Conference looks great as well, with Portland being my overall favorite. Very excited to see when all 18 teams have their identity set. Of course, no matter what, they'll all look amazing thanks to the wonderful talent we have here.

Posted by FC Macbeth
3/30/2020 5:39 pm

I will admit the Terriers and Arrows one was a great choice. I just want something progressive for Toronto, and something simple yet beautiful for Winnipeg. I guess my alternates aren't good enough for everyone.

(Formerly) Owner of the Quebec Owls of the AtlHL
Now Athletic Director of the Victoria International College Clarets
Posted by Stickman
3/30/2020 6:13 pm

First things first, once again, we ended up with an amazing looking conference in the Central!  While there isn't a ton of color variety in the conference, (3 primarily black teams, 2 primarily red teams, and a brown primary team) I still think this is the best conference, jersey wise, so far!  Lots of great options for the owners draft here!

As for the Western Conference, here's my thoughts.

Calgary Wranglers: This was a tough one.  Option A had the stronger use of stripes and the horseshoes on the helmet and pants were a good touch, but I do believe Option B's alternate was a great one and the whole set makes great use of its color combinations throughout the jersey set, plus the number font was my preferred choice.  Two really neat options here.

Vancouver Glaciers:  This team, like the Founders, didn't excite me at first with its name choice.  However, this team's stock has risen dramatically for me after seeing these jersey sets!  Seriously, all 3 of these were really cool!  I really enjoyed the glacier background for Option A's jersey set, and Option C has a nice striping pattern.  Option B ended up winning for me, primary because I like the shade of blue being used in the color jersey (pairs nicely with the darker blue helmet) and the shoulder striping I feel works really well for this team.  

Portland Sawblades:  Normally I would pick Option B, as it is an all around solid jersey choice that's got a simple and classic feel to it.  However, I can't stop loving Option C's saw like patterns on the home and away set!  Really crazy, artsy, and yet, still appealing!  This alternate is a real winner for me too!  Definitely the hardest choice between those two jerseys for me in the entire conference!  Don't get me wrong either, Options A and D are very good too!  It's just B and C really stood out for me this time!

Seattle Seawolves: Well, all 4 of these had the same idea in mind, Teal primary for color jersey, light blue for alternate jersey.  Really the uses of teal and light blue were the main differences .  I went with Option B here, because, wow that alternate is NICE!  No need to force teal here either, just a simple, yet really appealing jersey!  Liked the number fonts here too and just the balance of teal and light blue won the day for me.  But all 4 of these were nice, want to shout out Option D's alternate, which was really neat looking with the use of waves and wavy looking Seawolves script.  Very good job all around there!

San Francisco Dragons:  Not gonna lie, I was a little surprised to see red primaries here, considering the dragon head itself is red.  I definitely expected nothing but black primaries here!  The dragon head sort of bleed into the red jersey a bit much for my liking though, which is a shame, as a red primary was definitely unexpected and enjoyed.  With a strong outline around the dragon head, this primary could definitely work wonders though!  Went with Option C here, as black does seem the better primary color choice given this logo, and I do like the spike lines. Altogether, these were really interesting jerseys to look at though!

Los Angeles Titans: Great way to close out the jersey choices!  Option A is again, very subdued, taking the simple and classy route.  Option B has a really exotic choice of striping, really nice to look at!  Option C's number font is very... again, exotic!  Definitely some strong creativity with this jersey set!  

Overall, once again an amazing set of jerseys from this site!  Still jealous of your skills everyone!

Posted by Stickman
3/30/2020 6:17 pm

FC Macbeth wrote:

I will admit the Terriers and Arrows one was a great choice. I just want something progressive for Toronto, and something simple yet beautiful for Winnipeg. I guess my alternates aren't good enough for everyone.

I'm not sure which Options were yours, but as there wasn't a bad set for either one of those teams, I can safely say you did a great job with your submissions, so I wouldn't say they weren't good enough.  Really, from what Gritty said, these votes were really close, and I think that's a good indication of how much appreciation we had for all of these jersey choices!

Posted by Steelman
3/30/2020 6:44 pm

Nice work by everyone! Sounds like it was super close all around. So many tough choices to make, it definitely means all of the submissions have been quality. The way I see it is there are tons of great options for potential new sweater sets down the road for each team. 

For the West, I honestly changed my mind a half dozen times on each team. All the designs offer so many great design choices. So hard to choose!

AHS Admin. Creator of the THLPUCHWHA: Redux and Retroliga.
Posted by Gritty
3/30/2020 7:01 pm

It's never easy when you have to choose between good options.  As I was putting together the Central uniforms I was wondering why wasn't the AltHL community hired to help out the NFL design the new team looks.

Posted by QCS
3/30/2020 8:17 pm

Gritty wrote:

It's never easy when you have to choose between good options.  As I was putting together the Central uniforms I was wondering why wasn't the AltHL community hired to help out the NFL design the new team looks.

I know, right? Any one of us could do better than the Rams did. And I'll be honest here: most (if not all, I'd have to check the NHL again) of these look better than NHL teams! The talent around here is insane and I really wish teams spent more time looking for amateur designers that tend to understand the team better than Nike ever could, lol.

Posted by FC Macbeth
3/30/2020 9:16 pm

Stickman wrote:

FC Macbeth wrote:

I will admit the Terriers and Arrows one was a great choice. I just want something progressive for Toronto, and something simple yet beautiful for Winnipeg. I guess my alternates aren't good enough for everyone.

I'm not sure which Options were yours, but as there wasn't a bad set for either one of those teams, I can safely say you did a great job with your submissions, so I wouldn't say they weren't good enough.  Really, from what Gritty said, these votes were really close, and I think that's a good indication of how much appreciation we had for all of these jersey choices!

From what I can tell, most of us are willing to associate simple striping on traditional hockey markets and complicated patterns on other cities outside the US-Canada border. This influenced the type of jerseys we saw and voted for in the AltHL. Doesn't mean it's bad, though.

And I thought I might win on Option B (Toronto) and Option D (Winnipeg). Perhaps I almost got it.

(Formerly) Owner of the Quebec Owls of the AtlHL
Now Athletic Director of the Victoria International College Clarets

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