Some general thoughts here.
Boston Rovers: These all went pretty simple, which was the right call here in my opinion. Option B's use of a double green alternate definitely caught my eye! All of these were really good though, hard to screw up green and white!
Montreal Chevaliers: This was pretty tough too to choose from! Option A's lack of alternate was a disappointment, but I do like the no frills approach that jersey set has. Very safe and effective! I like that Option B makes good use of gray, red and gray is an under-utilized combo. However, Option C's gray alternate is a high point for me. I think it's because of that general design approach the whole set has. The Chevaliers owner would be happy no matter what choice wins.
Quebec Owls: Holy heck, is Option A's set fantastic, (only main critique is the number font, which is fine, but not my personal favorite choice)! A classy and conservative approach to the white and navy jerseys....followed by one of the zaniest alternates I've ever seen! And I mean that in a nice way, as the creativity is through the roof. The whole set sold me. Don't get me wrong, B and C are very nice too, (and I do like the increased use of gray), no bad choices here for sure, (Option C's alternate is very old school, which is cool).
Halifax Kingfishers: Although I'm not convinced the diagonal lines and number font mesh with the old-school logo, Option B does look nice, particularly the white jersey with the white helmet (really surprised this was the only use of a white jersey to be honest). Option A and C have a more traditional feel to them, really like the orange alternate for A. Have a feeling that no matter which set wins, Halifax will probably be an early pick in the owner's draft!
New York Gargoyles: I was a little surprised by how many yellow and gray combos there were in these sets! Was expecting more black and yellow or black and gray combos. I know it's an alternate, but I feel Option B's yellow jersey with black helmet and pants is the best out of all of these, and one of the best out of any jersey. These were very creative!
Philadelphia Founders: Wow, what a tough choice! Option A is more traditional looking, and I actually feel like it's flawless. Excellent execution here! Option B took some risks with going more red dominant, which was unexpected and yet very striking. Not gonna lie, I wasn't fond of the Founders name at first, but the logo and jersey sets (no matter who wins) have really pushed this team up the ladder for me!
Seriously awesome work here everyone!