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5/29/2020 3:54 pm  #31

Re: Escalian Football League

DireBear: Writes detailed writeup with great logos accompanying
Also DireBear: Begins teaser with “Boogity, boogity, boogity”

Last edited by ThisIsFine (5/29/2020 3:54 pm)

AHSylum Inmate

5/29/2020 7:19 pm  #32

Re: Escalian Football League

Rugrat wrote:

Great job with the Dragons. From one Arizona guy to another. BTW, why do like Chicago teams too? I have liked Cleveland and Philly teams because those are where my parents are from?

Glad you like the Dragons! I mainly like Chicago teams since I grew up there, and then moved to AZ 4 years ago and started to root for Arizona teams as well.

Stickman wrote:

Owls:Well, I do like the green and blue combination for sure!  I'll agree with ThisisFine that color blind people might struggle with the two colors with the stripe on the helmet.  However, I'm not entirely sure that's something football executives worried about as much back then.  Maybe some white stripes around the blue one could help bring that blue stripe out, (granted, wouldn't help a color blind person anyway, but it'd help for those who aren't)?  Plus, for the home jersey, that'd add more white, as right now the numbers are the only white on the jersey.  I like the old school lettering as their logo, wasn't expecting that for a team that'd only been around since the 50s, but its nice.

Dragons: The logo is pretty interesting, as it does change colors from red to yellow from the main logo to its appearance on the helmet.  I kinda wonder if switching to a yellow helmet down the road and going back to the red dragon wouldn't be an interesting idea, (with them wearing yellow pants, it would still look sharp, I think).  I like those shoulder stripes, they definitely stand out!  Are they supposed to be full circles?  Or more like half circles?

Although I do agree that on second glance the blue gets lost in the green, the Owls don't want to change anything at this moment, since they've be extremely successful with these duds. Although when they do change that will be one of the major additions. The letter logo for them is a result of me not getting a good enough owl design to use, so I reverted to the lettering to go with it for a classy look. As for the Dragons, yellow helmets will probably come some time down the road, probably whenever management decides that their rebuild is over and wants a new look. For the shoulder stripes, I tried to make them like the Colts' shoulder stripes, but they turned out a bit rough. There will be another team with similar striping to the Dragons, so I'll see how they do against the new stripes and fix as needed. 

ThisIsFine wrote:

DireBear: Writes detailed writeup with great logos accompanying
Also DireBear: Begins teaser with “Boogity, boogity, boogity”

A little Darrell Waltrip for the preview the Racers is never a bad thing! Glad you're like the writeups/logo packages!

The Racers will be up soon!

Last edited by DireBear (5/29/2020 7:19 pm)

Founder of the EFL and the AFL
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5/29/2020 7:32 pm  #33

Re: Escalian Football League

Orcaster Racers

About the City:
For being the further team west, Orcaster (or-CAS-ter) is actually the second largest city in Escalia, currently powered by a strong automotive industry and a racing scene that began in the nearby city of Corcombe (core-CUMB). The Garnet Auto Company set up shop in 1921, with some help from former executives from Oldsmobile, and is the largest domestic car manufacturer in the nation. Racing is a new sport in Escalia, taking some cues from both Formula 1 and the newly created NASCAR to build both a circuit and a speedway within the metropolitan area. With the combination of the potential of two growing sports, a city on the rise, and an owner who’s willing to shell out money for the growth of the previous two points, Orcaster was a lock-in for the first season.

About the Team:
The newest of the non-expansion teams, the team dominated the Western League, which was the weakest of the preexisting leagues due to instability of teams, with only the Racers playing in every season. The team’s owner, Gardner Hill of the popular Garnet Motor Company and Garnet-Orcaster Speedway, named the team after the budding racing industry and the city’s automotive roots. They will play at Speedway Sports Park, a stadium built in the center of the Speedway and part of the Orcaster Motorsports Complex. Hill brought more of his influence into the team, using a garnet and black color palette from his company.  


The Racers seem to have a decent squad, acquiring college standouts RB’s Amaro Zimmerman and Gabriel Sydney from Western League drafts, along with signing DB Devin Augustine from the amateur teams in the area. However, the team has lost its chemistry over the past few years, and is expected to be at their worst since their founding. Expect them to be a middle-of-the-pack team at best, and a dumpster fire at worst.
Power Rankings: 7 of 8 (Division: 4 of 4)

C&C Appreciated. Up next: Running with the Bulls in Augusta

Founder of the EFL and the AFL
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5/29/2020 9:56 pm  #34

Re: Escalian Football League

Nice to know about your teams. All four cities pretty much have mediocre sports teams at the moment (Except Cleveland, the worlds saddest city.) Nice job on the racers tough


5/30/2020 1:29 pm  #35

Re: Escalian Football League

We're down to the last two teams today, which are the two expansion teams! If you want a sig for your favorite team(s), feel free to ask and I'll be happy to make them .

On to the final reveals!

Augusta Bulls

About the City:
The province of Tallokope is the wild west of Escalia. Dry, barren, and perfect for cattle. A mix between Dallas and Kansas City, Augusta is the city at the end of the long cattle drives from all across the largest province. The city has grown at a staggering rate since the end of the cattle driving golden age of cowboys and bandits, due to the expansion of the meatpacking industry and introduction of rodeo culture. Although its distance from the other teams may be a downside, the new league would not pass on the fastest growing city in the nation, as it passed into the top 10 most populated cities at number 9 from barely being in the top 30 in the last census.

About the Team:
For a city based around the cattle drive, meatpacking, and rodeo industry, the name that linked the three together, according to team owner Wilfred Charles, was the bull. He took the colors of the city’s flag, orange and blue, and used them for the team. Originally, the Bulls were going to be primarily orange, but Charles budded in and wanted them to be mainly blue. This resulted in a compromise that made the home uniforms blue, but with a heavy use of orange on the away jerseys.  His hands-on approach to the uniform design yielded a uniform with both sleeve and shoulder stripes, as he couldn’t choose one over the other. Charles is the owner of the Escalian Royal, an event similar to the American Royal, and thus the team will play in the Escalian Royal Stadium, made for the Royal but also built in mind for other sports like soccer or football.

Being an expansion team, the Bulls seem to have a functioning team that can take them to the playoffs in just their first season. Having won the first pick in the expansion draft, they snagged QB Christopher Lyon, RB Damien Rains, and DT Gideon Skeates, all stars in college. Besides those star players, veteran coach Robert Lyon knows how to create something from nothing, as he coached the Adelaide Owls when they won their first few Capital Football League championships, coming out of retirement to coach for his hometown. The Bulls will either make a splash, or fall flat on their faces.
Power Rankings: 3 of 8 (Division: 2 of 4)

C&C Appreciated. Up Next: Norfolkers sing the Lumberjack Song

Founder of the EFL and the AFL
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5/31/2020 1:14 pm  #36

Re: Escalian Football League

Here's the final team for the inaugural season!

Norfolk Lumberjacks

About the City:
Going north from Duvall will lead to the interior of the woodland province of Argil, filled with lush forests. The capital of Norfolk (pronounced like the U.S. city) is the center of the lumber industry, and very much a blue collar town similar to Cleveland or Pittsburgh. Even with the city’s blue collared attitude, they have that sense of weirdness like Portland, due to being isolated in the Dellorey Woods. Currently, the city’s only other sports team is the successful soccer club of Norfolk SC, having won the most league titles, so some are quick to point fingers and say the only reason Norfolk got a team over other cities was to piggy-back off soccer's success in the city. Adding to the piggy-backing theory, they will play in the same stadium, Riverside Stadium.

About the Team:
Logging and logistics magnate Oliver Schnell brings the Lumberjacks to Norfolk, the Forest City. Taking colors straight from the tree’s mouth (or whatever they have as a mouth), they will sport forest green and brown. Wearing primarily green as Schnell thought that the shade of brown did not look good enough to have it be the primary, he says he compensated with brown socks to “stand out against the wash of blues, reds, and greens” of socks in the league. Their logo consists of two crossed lumber axes, one green and one brown, representing the link between the Dellorey Woods and the Torrance River

Unlike their expansion brother Augusta, ready to compete out of the gate, Norfolk seems to be a middle of the pack to basement tier team.  They have the current Herbie Ward Trophy (most outstanding college player, similar to the Heisman) winner in RB Eddy Belmont and college stalwart coach Emil Haden, who brought local Argil Agricultural College to a record 5 straight national titles in a row. Although they seem like a one-trick pony, they have serious potential to shake up their division and get the other playoff spot with Adelaide.
Power Rankings: 5 of 8 (Division 3 of 4)

And with that, all the teams have been unveiled! Which team will you be rooting for? The 1960 season is up next! C&C Appreciated!

Founder of the EFL and the AFL
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5/31/2020 1:28 pm  #37

Re: Escalian Football League

Let's go Gatekeepers! I would have a sig if you can do that


5/31/2020 11:06 pm  #38

Re: Escalian Football League

Racers: I like this one!  Garnet and black is a new idea for a color combo, and it works here pretty well!  Great color balancing (I know I bring that point up a lot, but it is important for football jerseys I feel), the logo is simple, but effective. Good job here!

Bulls: I'll admit, the logo isn't my favorite.  I know it's a bull head that's in position to charge soon, but something just isn't working there.  It could be the bull head's angle, or because of the really good use of stripe outlines in the rest of the jersey makes the logo (which has no outline) feels more flat. An outline might help there.  But that jersey is a great one.  The color combo is excellent, and the white outlines in the striping makes the overall design pop a lot!  In fact, despite the logo, the Bulls nearly became my favorite team.  At least until...

Lumberjacks: I saw this.  This is my favorite team in the EFL (Escalian Football League),  I love this team.   Great color combo, (and the usage is nice!), logo is nice.  Overall, this reminds me of Docta C's Cleveland Lumberjacks team, (my first favorite team on this website, which means this is a good thing).  Curious if that team had any influence in the Norfolk Lumberjacks design.  Awesome job here!


5/31/2020 11:22 pm  #39

Re: Escalian Football League

Just when I thought you weren’t going to post anything today, Dire.

AHSylum Inmate

5/31/2020 11:25 pm  #40

Re: Escalian Football League

Also, call me a Keepers fan for now!

AHSylum Inmate

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