Alternate History Sports

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8/07/2021 12:00 am  #11

Re: Lee's War of Liberty

Im also gonna post my history for the project to paint you a better picture

This Timeline diverges from the our Timeline (aka OTL) at The Battle of Shiloh. In this world General Johnston and Beauregard have a worked out Battle Plan which leads to not only the defeat of the Union at Shiloh but the death of Ulysses S. Grant. Without Grant to help control the troops at Pittsburg Landing the Union Army begins a massive retreat from the scene. Eventually the Army of Mississippi forces it's way into Kentucky and meets the Army of the Tennessee, under newly appointed General McClernand, at the Battle of Columbia. This Battle was key to US defeat in the War. McClernand was a good General but wasn't able to rally his forces leading to the Battle of Louisville where Johnston defeats the defending Union Army and continues into Indiana. Beauregard attacks westward and launches the Invasion of Missouri. These successes lead to a very anti-Lincoln majority and in 1863 Lincoln is impeached for leading the US into an unjust war. He is replaced by President Hannibal Hamlin who is forced to sign a Peace Treaty giving Indiana, Kentucky and Missouri to the CSA.

After the Treaty of 1863 the history of this world becomes very different. The Confederate Election of 1866 emerged as very important as two Political Parties emerged the Constitution Party and the Veterans Party. The Constitution Party chose Senator John Bell as their candidate and the Veterans chose General Robert E. Lee, age 59, for their Candidate. Lee was elected and trumpeted as the next Washington. Although very popular at first Lee was against Slavery and aware of their plight. So in 1869 he put forth a bill of manumission into the CS Congress. It was unanimously defeated and Lee resigned as he couldn't stand to lead a nation of Slavery. In his wake Robert Hunter was elected who led an uneventful time in the Confederacy’s history.

In the Election of 1871 a new Candidate arose for the Constitution Party, a rich former General from, well, Maine. Zebulon York the First spent his time after the War building an Industrial Cotton Plant in New Orleans. Being in the right place at the right time. Pro Slave and a decorated Veteran York became a Senator in 1869. The Veterans Party Candidate was none other then PGT Beauregard, the Capturer of Saint Louis. A hero of the War and a noted Liberal, Beauregard was in favor of reforming the aristocrat dominated Confederate political system. In 1871 York won and the Veterans Party took a back seat for the next 6 years.

In 1878 Zebulon York had completed his term as President of the CSA. And during his time as President York had reached out to European Nations and assured that the CSA would grow rich under exported Cotton. He also ushered in the industrialization of Southern Cities like Richmond, Atlanta, Charleston and the newly created port of Miami. In the Election of 1878 York's Vice President Thomas A. Hendricks, from Indiana, was elected. This helped the CSA cement it's control over the state of Indiana. During Hendricks's Presidency the CSA and the German Empire signed an alliance of cooperation. After Hendricks left office in 1883 he was replaced by Constitution Party Senator from Kentucky , John G. Carlisle. Carlisle's presidency was dull and he didn't accomplish as much as York or Hendricks. However the institution of Slavery was becoming less and less popular with the working class, who no longer tolerated Blacks getting the jobs while they had to live in rural poverty. By 1889 a new face was needed for the Confederacy. In 1890 a new face was in the Gray House. Thomas G. Jones of Alabama was elected on the Veterans Party ticket. Convinced that Slavery was a thing of the past he openly campaigned that the Workers needed to be paid. He was able to mobilize the underpaid workers and get elected. He was also able to change the Constitution to disallow slavery much to the chargin of the Old Party. The terms of manumission left many former slaves worse off then they had been before and were still not considered citizens. This led to the Texan Secession Crisis of 1890.

During the Secession Crisis the Republic of Texas was declared. Texas had not industrialised like the rest of the Confederacy and for the most part was still largely rural. Northern Texas, centered in Dallas, had begun to industrialize but the southern portion of Texas had not. In a very quick War the Texan Revolt was put and until 1894 Texas was occupied by the Confederate States Army. Jones also began the process of centralizing the Government. In 1896 he was succeeded by Charles O'Ferral, a Veterans Party member who decided to expand on the CSA's current territory with a War with Spain. He sent the CSS Florida to keep peace in Havanna harbor. However it exploded and the CSA declared War on the Kingdom of Spain. In a war that would end in 1899 the CSA lost the War and became very angry over this. However the loss rejuvinated Spain’s national pride and Spain began to reemerge into world affairs. In 1901 the Veteran Party lost and the Constitution won.

In 1902 Duncan Heyward was elected President, he was a major influence on the future of the CSA. He passed an act that made all 18 year olds obligated to 4 years in the Service of the Army, Navy or Marines. He made sure that the CSA and the German Empire would continue it's cooperation. President Heyward also begin to modernize the armed forces. Heyward was succeeded by Martin Ansel a German-Confederate, who had been born in South Carolina but had grown up in a German town in South Carolina. Ansel, taking office in 1908, passed a bill forming the Confederate Air Corps (CAC) and beginning the CSA's Air Military. Ansel was responsible for getting the CSA to the point where it was ready to declare War. He did so by strengthening German-Confederate ties thanks in large part to his fluent German. He was succeeded by Champ Clark.

The Great War: September 17th, 1914- March 22nd, 1918
On September 17th, 1914 President Champ Clark ordered the Invasion of the Bahamas. The Confederate Marines landed on Grand Bahama Island on September 20th after a brief Naval battle with British Coastal ships. The Bahaman Campaign was going very well for the Confederacy at first and so was the War at large. General Albert Johnston the Third led the Marines in the invasion of the other Islands. The CSA developed a system where they would build air strips on each island to make access easier, the CAC was able to utilize this strategy and were a major part of the Bahaman Campaign’s early success. And by January of 1915 the Confederates had advanced to Andros Island. Andros, the largest of the Bahaman Islands, was a major British naval base and provided the Royal Air Force with a base for bombing Confederate installations in the Bahamas. The Battle of Andros would be the longest battle of the Bahaman Front. President Clark was poorly informed and was under the impression that the Offensive would be successful so under very poor judgment he ordered the Invasion of Spanish Cuba to coincide with the invasion of Andros. Spain up until that point had been a neutral nation. Although they were sympathetic to the Central Powers the CSA changed the tides of the Spanish Empire's opinion. On June 7th, 1915 the Confederate Navy engaged the Spanish Navy off La Habana. The Cuban Front was a huge draw on the reserves of the CS Armed Forces and changed the motion of the War.

On December 12th, 1916 the Confederate States Armed Forces retreated from the Bahamas with the Royal Navy hot on their trail. On December 13th, 1916 the Battle of Miami began. For three days the British ships shelled the port repeatedly. On December 16th the Royal Marines landed in Miami and advanced. By December 25th the Confederate Armed Forces had retreated North as the British advanced. By March of 1917 the Spanish had repelled the Confederate Invasion Force and was skirmishing with Confederate Ships in what is known as the Battle of the Gulf. On April 1st, a day later to be known as Fools Day, saw a coup in Richmond.

General Alan Fleischer ordered troops to occupy the Presidential Mansion. Holding a quick Kangaroo court he ordered the President Champ Clark shot. He also had the Vice President give control of the country to him. This coup was an unusual event in CS history. The April Coup, as it came to be known, led to the CSA being run by a Militaristic dictatorship hellbent on victory. The rule of President Fleischer instilled a no surrender attitude for soldiers. The United States had remained neutral despite actions including the sinking of the RMS Lusitania, however Fleischer strained relations when he seized the assets of US Citizens living in the Confederate States. This action gave the US a reason to declare war on the Confederacy and President Hughes put forth the proposal of a war of declaration to the Senate.
On April 17th the USA invaded the Confederate States. President Fleischer moved the Government to Atlanta, Georgia for safety. The US Offensive was so large and effective that the Confederacy was completely caught off guard. On April 21st, Spanish and British Troops led the attack on Tampa Bay while Spanish ships bombarded New Orleans and Mobile. On December 5th, United States troops captured President Fleischer. The Confederate Government didn't officially surrender until March 22nd, 1918.
As punishment for their invasion of the Bahamas and Cuba the CSAF was forced to limit Production of Arms and lessen their military. Also the former Territory of West Florida was occupied by Spain and Southern Florida was occupied by British Troops. The United States also required the Confederate States to recognize Blacks as citizens and give them rights.

The Appotomox Government: 1919-1928
After the end of the Great War the CSA was under occupation. The States of Indiana, Missouri, Virginia, Kentucky and Texas were forced to come under United States occupation. The Mandate of Southern Florida was under the occupation of British Troops and the Territory of West Florida was occupied by Spanish Imperial troops. The Confederate Government was reformed in the Appotomox, Virginia. The Senate appointed Furnifold McLendel Simmons, a Senator from North Carolina, as Interim President. The Appotomox Government was safe from the roving bands of Veterans angry at the Government for it's surrender and throughout 1919 instability rocked the nation. In 1920 President Simmons resigns for reasons unknown, although many attributed it to pressure from the growing support for the Populist Party in the Senate. The Populists, had formed right after the war and were in favor of reestablishing Confederate sovereignty. Later that year a presidential election was held with Marion Butler winning on the Populist Ticket. The Constitution Party is effectively finished losing the majority of it's support. President Butler introduces a series of reforms aimed at re-establishing the CSA as a sovereign nation. They continue to instill segregation in all states not occupied by the US, Spain or Britain.

This dosen't put a stop to racism by a long shot however and amidst the mess of the post war politics emerges a third party, the Confederate Equality Party. The founder, Jeb Albright was raised in the hills of the Piedmont and championed the right of the CSA's working class Whites. However the Party had no person with talent behind it until Lieutenant Henry Clay joined the Party in 1921. Clay, born in a country shack in Virginia in 1889, entered the Marines at age 18 in 1907 and stayed as a military professional. He earned the Purple Heart at the Battle of New Providence and a Silver Star for his leadership at the Siege of Lakeland. Clay believed if the Government had utilized the Black and Hispanic's within it's own borders then the CSA could have won the War. Clay introduces a form of radical socialism as the party’s economic plan and begins a speaking tour of the Confederate States.

Clay gained popularity among the working class and poor Whites and Blacks but fails to get them to vote in the 1925 Presidential election. However Oscar Underwood, carried every state in the Confederacy except Alabama. Underwood infamously agrees to allow the Spanish Empire to formally annex West Florida. Clay gains rapid support from the remaining military leaders who agree that at least Clay wants to bring the CSA back to power. On Christmas of 1927, Clay and the CS Military took action and brutally overthrew the Government. The entire cabinet was killed and the Populist Party was outlawed. Henry Clay, was voted interim President by the Confederate Senate until an election could be held. However no such election would be held.

Clay immediately outlawed segregation and reinstated the old draft laws of the CSA. He started by getting recognition for his government and was unsuccessful. So in a move no one saw Clay went on a tour of major American cities. Clay, only President for three months, spoke in San Francisco’s Cow Palace, Chicago Coliseum, Madison Square Garden and finished his tour with a visit to US President LaFollette in the White House. The two got along well and with Clay’s progressive attitude, LaFollete felt safe lifting the occupation of Texas, Kentucky, Missouri and Virginia. Indiana would remain under occupation by US troops until the Confederacy proved that it was going to remain friendly to the United States. This immediately cemented Clay’s popularity and he became recognized by the world’s governments. Clay also restored the Confederate Government to Richmond. Richmond, which had been demolished during the War underwent a massive reconstruction project. Clay hoped to build a new capital for the Confederacy
in the center of the nation, on the border of Tennessee and Alabama, called the District of Davis.

He wanted to create a city built in neo-renaissance style, to expound the Confederacy’s rebirth. Construction began in November of 1930 north of the town of Athens, Alabama. Clay kept the building of it secret along with his other plans. On January 3rd, 1931 he abolished the Confederate Senate and Congress for being innefective. By June he had destroyed state borders and eliminated state governments uniting the Country into one single political unit ruled by a Council of 10 unelected councillors. By November the CSA was hardly recognizeable and on New Years, 1932 he declared that the Confederate States was no more and had become the Grand Republic of the South. He became the Chief of State.

Owner of the Texas Jackalopes 
2008-2009 AltBA Champions

8/07/2021 12:09 am  #12

Re: Lee's War of Liberty

The Grand Republic of the South

Smarter than your average Confederate Fascist State!

Clay also began to actively support the growth of Pro Sports attending every game of the Cherokees-Crusaders Dixie Series. He pushed for the organization of Football clubs, chose Basketball as a method of keeping soldiers fit recreationally and created the National Soccer League. However this was just in hopes of distracting the world and the people from his true intentions.

Clay immediately ordered a purge of the high ranking generals around him, installing friends he trusted to implement his actions to the fullest. This purge of the military was a sign of things to come with Free Speech and Freedom of Press gradually being destroyed. Across the South, Government officials of the old regime were found dead but the murderers were never caught. But then most of the deaths were ruled as suicides. He united all people of the South forcing Blacks and Whites to integrate in certain neighborhoods in all major cities. This caused violence, and the so called Friendship Districts of major Southern cities became the most dangerous and were under constant police scrutiny.

Abroad Clay began to foster a relationship with Japan and Italy. Although some assumed he would befriend the Nazi’s, Clay was disgusted by their racial attitudes. However Clay was a great admirer of Benito Mussolini and postured into a semi alliance with the Germans. However he never fully signed a military agreement. He had plans for expansion though.

Three areas were under his scrutiny at the time. West Florida, still under Spanish occupation with a strong pro Clay terrorist insurgency. South Florida, still in British hands, and Mexico, a former satellite state of the CSA. On June 20th, 1934 on the GRS-Mexican border shooting erupted between two border patrol squads, one from each nation. Both claimed the other fired first and that they were only reacting defensively. On August 3rd 1934, Clay issued an Ultimatum to Mexican president Alberaldo L. Rodriguez demanding that Mexico claim responsibility for the incident at the border. Rodriguez refused and let the ball keep growing. As tensions mounted, Mexican neighborhoods across the South were razed by Blacks and Whites, brought together by a new common enemy.

On November 7th, 1934 Clay unveiled the District of Davis to the nation. On this joyous occasion he also announced a Declaration of War against the United States of Mexico. Two days later Southern ships began shelling the Mexican cities of Veracruz, Coatzacoalcos and Alvarado. The GRS also mounted an invasion of the land directly across from Texas. Although the GRS had militarized more in his 4 years as Chief of State, it was still miniscule in comparison to the large amount of people that Mexico could draw upon if neccesary. However Mexico was divided and the Invasion by the GRS was met with panic as the Mexican army was forced to attempt to stop better equipped invaders as well as the people from destroying themselves Spain, which had interests in keeping the GRS down and Mexico stable sent a regiment of their best trained “volunteers” to assist the Mexican military at the Northern Front (Tamulipas, Nuevo Leon and Coahuila). The United States were forced to remain neutral because of being bogged down in the midsts of depression. British Prime Minister MacDonald firmly disapproved of Southern actions but was not prepared for war and in an act of defiance allowed the Mexican President to set up operations in Miami after the war.

By 1935, GRS forces breached the Rio Grande and much of the East Coast was rendered totally useless by constant shelling. All Spanish aid was received from Western Ports. The US refused to allow War ships to use the Panama Canal however so it took quite some time for the Southern Fleet to reach the West Coast to blockade it. After the coasts were rendered entirely useless the invasion was put into full swing. The leader of the Grand Army of the South was Oliver Murphy, a so called “hill billy” who was a rising star in the military before the PCE Putsch. His tactics were nothing special but his willingness to get his hand dirty is what made his march to Mexico City exceptionally. He ordered his troops not to steal “as these are our future brethern, why would we want to harm them”. This did not mean that GRS forces were not brutal, executing all army units that they capturd on the march into the capital.

By June of 1935, Murphy’s army was stalled at the Battle of Queretaro, where Mexican forces staged a final front. The battle, the longest of the war
went on for two weeks until the Mexicans were forced to retreat to defend Mexico City from the advancing forces under the command of Lionel Bridge, a mulatto from Louisiana who was a good friend of Clay and leader of the Unity Corps, the military wing of the Equality Party. The Unity Corps were comprised of veterans of foreign wars and were amongt the best troops in the Grand Army of the South. Under Bridge’s command, the UC committed atrocities against their enemies including the massacre of 300 citizens after they captured Perote in Pubela. On September 6th, Mexico City was captured by Grand Republican forces and the Mexican government fled to Oaxaca de Juarez before finally setting up govenrment in exile in Miami on New Years Day, 1936.
The United States of Mexico was dissolved and Mexico was divided into 6 states, Sonora, Rio Grande, Durango, Mexico, Oaxaca and Yucatan. Each state was given equal representation in the Grand Southern Congress. However, only Black and White’s could vote and so the Mexican population were excluded unless they could prove Anglo or African ancestry to the Unity Court’s in Mexico. Clay was personally responsible for this because he felt that while Mexicans were capable, they were not trustworthy enough to become citizens yet.

Clay was quick to declare victory, regardless of the vast anarchy that plagued post war Mexico. Victory celebrations were held across the South, including in British occupied Miami and Spanish West Florida. In Pensacola, the capital of the West Floridan occupation force, the Spanish troops fired into the crowd that quickly gathered in downtown Pensacola. This lead to rioting and a planned rising by Pro-Clay dissedents. The rioting lasted for 3 days and the occupation forces of West Florida killed 5 citizens for every soldier killed during the riots.

The brutality of the Spanish lead to a denouncement from the League of Nations, which the Spanish dealt with by withdrawing from the League. Chief of State Clay declared the occupation of West Florida null and void as a result. Clay threatened but could not back up his claims for war as the Grand Army of the South was busy pacifying Mexico. The Spanish mobilized however, and 4,000 fresh troops arrived to West Florida from Cuba. Meanwhile, pressure began to mount in South Florida for a plebiscite. The British authorities promised an election by June of 1938 and offered the options of remaining a British Protectorate, joining the Grand Republic of the South and independence. Clay authorized his agents within South Florida to use force in order to win the plebiscite.
This move was not entirely neccesary. While the British rule had been quite liberal since the late 1920’s, the population remained quite loyal to the government in Richmond. Even when the CSA ceased to be, South Florida’s population remained largely in favor of reunion. When the plebiscite came, South Florida voted for reintegration with the rest of the state of Florida. British forces evacuated South Florida for the Bahamas by January of 1939. Calls for a similar plebiscite in West Florida were ignored by the Generalissimo of Spain, Armando Ramirez, who increased crackdowns on guerilla’s in favor of joining the Grand Republic of the South. Ramirez even went so far as to order the building of a series of defensive walls to keep a huge army at bay, while flooding West Florida with fresh troops in anticipation of conflict.

Second World War: September 3rd, 1939-?
In Europe, war was seemingly unavoidable, with both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany making inroads to start a fresh conflict. In March of 1939, the Germans invaded Czechoslovakia and established two puppet governments. In September, the Soviet Union and the Greater German Reich invaded Poland, resulting in the declaration of war between the Allies (France, Great Britain and Poland) and the Axis (Germany, Italy and Japan). Taking advantage of the situation, the Grand Republic of the South launched its invasion of West Florida two days later on September 3rd.

Initially, the Grand Republic of the South faced tremendous losses. The Spanish defenders held strong and gave the Southern Army large losses in the first week of combat. However, the Spanish were unable to compete with Southern air power. The Grand Southern Air Force launched daily bombing raids, decimating Spanish airfields and the fleet of ships docked in Pensacola. On September 20th, Southern forces broke through the defensive line and began the march to Pensacola. During the same time, Southern naval ships intercepted the Spanish reinforcement fleet in the Battle of the Gulf. The Southern ships routed the Spanish fleet and formed a blockade around Cuba. After the Southern Army captured West Florida on October 1st, 1939, the Spanish High Command expected an invasion of Cuba, an invasion that would never come.

Chief of State Clay, remembering the Confederacy’s lack of success in Cuba in the Confederate-Spanish War and the disaster of the First World War, ordered the Southern Navy to blockade Cuba and deter any attempt to launch an invasion fleet to Florida. With West Florida captured and the British occupied in Europe, Clay layed his eyes on the Bahamas, the jewel of the Caribbean. However, before he could turn his attention to the Caribbean, he had to deal with the giant to the north.

The United States had always had strained relations with the Confederacy. But when the Grand Republic of the South was formed, it was seen as a new nation, eager to separate itself from its past. Clay was very popular in the United States and was considered a good leader. When Southern forces captured West Florida, most Americans saw it as a good thing. Even President Roosevelt viewed Henry Clay as an ally, which was why no one expected the events of Christmas, 1939.

On Christmas, 1939, Clay launched Operation Hamlet. The first move was the air attack of New York City from aircraft carriers. the planes managed to blow out several bridges and severely damaged the Brooklyn Bridge. Immediately afterwards, Unity Corps paratroopers fell from the sky into Manhattan, causing panic. Several hours later, the Southern Army began heavy shelling of Washington DC, which had been re-instituted as the capital of the United States in 1936. Meanwhile, a Southern force under the command of Commander Oliver Murphy strove into Northern Indiana, headed for Chicago.

The invasion caught the United States completely off guard. With the exception of some minor fighting in Hawaii, the US Army had been completely dormant since 1920. Small and untrained, the US forces were no match for the superior, yet smaller force of the South. By January, Manhattan Island, Washington and all of Indiana were under Southern control. Clay attempted to use this as a bargaining chip to force the United States into a puppet state of the South, demanding that California, New Mexico, Arizona, Maryland and Delaware be ceded to the South. Clay also demanded annual tribute from the United States. The very idea was considered ridiculous to President Roosevelt who, from his bunker in Philadelphia, urged every American to fight to the last for American freedom.
While Roosevelt preached for Americans to stay strong, Clay celebrated military victories. At the Battle of Peoria, Oliver Murphy’s force met with a smaller force commanded by General Austin Rales of the US Army. Rales put up an excellent defense but was defeated none the less. By May of 1940, the Grand Army of the South was laying siege to Chicago and the Army of Northern Virginia was launching an attack on Baltimore.
From Philadelphia, Roosevelt began to plan the United States counterattack, starting with the US invasion of Texas. Clay had forseen this move, he assigned the Oklahoma Army Group to perform guerilla warfare in the face of a massive American invasion. However, Roosevelt did not launch a gigantic invasion, instead launching a small coordinated armored group into West Texas. The main invasion was launched from Kansas into Missouri. The American plan was to capture Little Rock and cut off the main supply line for Murphy’s army.

The invasion, known as Operation Hare, was lead by Douglas McArthur, the son of a military legend. The American’s large scale attack on Kansas City, which had been ignored by Southern military strategists as to hard to capture, was successful and was the first major military victory for the United States in the Second World War. The army was then bogged down in the Battle of Westport Landing, where the Missouri Militia put up a decent defense and guerilla attacks from auxillary forces.

By September, the Southern forces were bogged down in Chicago, where fighting took place from city block to city block. To the south of Chicago in Central Missouri, US Forces had come to a halt in the face of a large home force at the Battle of the Rhineland, which took place outside of Jefferson City. And in the east, Baltimore had been captured and the Southern Army Group East was moving through towards Philadelphia as the US Army began to shell Manhattan Island.
The decision to shell New York City came from the necessity to root out the most northern held territory in the grasp of the Southern military. Since the island had fell in January, Roosevelt had stayed orders to shell the iconic American city in order to preserve American morale. However, after Southern forces entered Chicago and began to threaten Philadelphia, Roosevelt needed to recapture the largest city in the United States.

After Manhattan had been captured, the Southern troops had expelled most of the citizens and forced them off the island. A few thousand had been kept as hostages. The Southern troops then destroyed all links to land and set about making Manhattan into a fortress. However, by October, the US Navy had cut off the re-supply line and Manhattan was becoming a death trap. Seeing no means of survival other than to attack, Southern troops, lead by the Unity Corps, struck out of Manhattan into the Bronx, forcing the Battle of Sputyn Devil. Across the Harlem River, where US Troops had been stationed, held off by Southern barricades and artillery. However, once the troops left their barricades US firepower over took the Southern commando’s, who were hungry and ragged. The United States recaptured Manhattan on October 4th, 1940. In Chicago, Southern troops had been forced into a stalemate with the American forces. And in Missouri, US Forces were steadily progressing past Southern lines.

With the surprising turn around in the American war effort, the Spanish sent a communique to the Powell House offering to send Spanish divisions to the United States to fight the Southern forces. This concept, known as Plan North, was devised by the commander of Spanish forces in North America, Emilio Mola. Mola, realizing that the Spanish could not break the Southern embargo on Cuba, theorized that Spanish ships carrying troops from Europe, where Spain was neutral, could be used effectively in the North American campaign. The plan, with the support of Mola and President Ramirez, was put into action and 1,000 Spanish troops under the command of General Vincente Lluch. The Spanish troops were sent to Chicago, where they helped lift the fighting.

To coincide with the liberation of New York, a large force amassed in California, struck southward in an attempt to capture Mexico. Although American forces were stalled by border defenses, Clay and Southern military leaders were worried by the American military resurgence. Difficulties in the capture of Philadelphia and Chicago had pushed back the planned invasion of The Bahamas. As a veteran of the old campaign, Clay badly desired to annex the islands just off Florida. However, with the brunt of the Spanish and United States navy levied against its coast, the South couldn’t hope to engage in a new military theatre.

In look of an ally, Clay extended overtures to the Japanese. Japan, who was winning handily in the Pacific, had lost a large amount of its oil supply when the US stopped exporting oil to help with the war effort. Clay orchestrated an alliance between the GRS and Japan, hoping to open a new front in America, promising Japan control of Hawaii, Alaska and the city of Portland, Oregon. They also threatened to cut off their oil to the Japanese. As a result the Japanese capitulated, and declared war on the United States, attacking the Aleutian Islands and moving their navy towards Hawaii. As the year of 1940 came to and end, the United States seemed to be up sh-t's creek.

Owner of the Texas Jackalopes 
2008-2009 AltBA Champions
     Thread Starter

8/10/2021 8:12 pm  #13

Re: Lee's War of Liberty


1. Atlanta Crackers: 6-4
2. Charleston Sea Wolves: 5-5
3. Richmond Virginians: 5-5
4. Norfolk Bloodhounds: 3-7

1. Louisville Kings: 7-3
2. Kansas City Cowboys: 5-5
3. Dallas Texans: 5-5
4. Saint Louis Giants: 4-6

Stonewall Bowl
Louisville Kings over Atlanta Crackers

Owner of the Texas Jackalopes 
2008-2009 AltBA Champions
     Thread Starter

8/10/2024 8:00 pm  #14

Re: Lee's War of Liberty

Just a note, if anyone can help me with scheduling, I could do a TL about the PFA.


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