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6/05/2024 7:17 pm  #2661

Re: North American Association of Football - NAAF

QCS wrote:

That's right Neville you show em who's boss 😤😤😤😤😤

y'all enjoy your second-round loss to vancouver for me


6/07/2024 4:33 pm  #2662

Re: North American Association of Football - NAAF

It’s fine that we lost to the Poverty Wings, as long as we beat them at home.


6/07/2024 5:26 pm  #2663

Re: North American Association of Football - NAAF

1972 Week 7

Roster Moves
BOS: DL Wayne Baxton | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
BOS: DL Sam Holmes | Reserve List -> Active Roster
BUF: S Eric Willis | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
BUF: S Gabriel Allerton | Reserve List -> Active Roster
LOU: TE Knobby Silverton | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
LOU: TE Rex Williamson | Reserve List -> Active Roster
OTT: LB Tuukka Tariitt | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
OTT: LB Sheamus Desmond | Reserve List -> Active Roster
PIT: DL Jeff Lamonte | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
PIT: DL Yura Love (Debut) | Reserve List -> Active Roster
PRO: OL Emil Jennings | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
PRO: OL Danny Nyce | Active Roster -> Reserve List
VAN: DL Qian Zhou | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
VAN: DL Gord Garrick | Reserve List -> Active Roster

Calgary Predators - 32 @ Winnipeg Falcons - 19 - Provencher Park - August 3, 1972 - 7:00 PM ET/6:00 PM CT - Weather: Cloudy - Attendance: 22,331

1st Q
7-0: CGY - PTD QB Emmitt Jackson -> WR Ted Jackson
14-0: CGY - RTD RB JC Skyes
2nd Q
21-0: CGY - RTD QB Emmitt Jackson
21-7: WPG - RTD RB Joe Rivers
21-10: WPG - FG K Jordan Hollingsworth
3rd Q
22-10: CGY - Single K Billy Eichelberger
22-13: WPG - FG K Jordan Hollingsworth
29-13: CGY - PTD QB Emmitt Jackson -> WR Eric Norris
4th Q
29-19: WPG - PTD QB Emerson Thompson -> WR Terry Upshaw
32-19: CGY - FG K Billy Eichelberger

Winnipeg came into their Thursday Night matchup with Calgary with a bit of a disadvantage having played on Sunday while Calgary had a couple of extra days off.
On top of that, the Falcons also turned to QB Emerson Thompson after QB Ulysses Lawyer’s rough performance against Regina.
The difference two days made was apparent right from the start with Calgary blasting out to a 21-0 lead.
Winnipeg finally started their engine midway through the 2nd, scoring 10 points before the half. 
Calgary would rebuild their lead a bit in the 3rd, but Thompson was able to get the Falcons into the endzone in the 4th but failed to pull within a score after a missed 2-point attempt.
Winnipeg would get chances to score again, but the Predators’ defence would hold them off.
After Calgary’s offence had sputtered through the first 5 weeks, they have put up 65 points in the last two games, which has helped them pick up back-to-back wins.

Providence Gold Stars - 40 @ Indiana Victors - 11 - Victory Stadium - August 4, 1972 - 7:00 PM ET - Weather: Cloudy - Attendance: 44,996

1st Q
7-0: PRO - PTD QB Red King -> WR Justin Palmer
10-0: PRO - FG K Gilbert O’Neill
10-1: IND - Single K Ross Poindexter
2nd Q
17-1: PRO - PTD QB Red King -> WR Justin Palmer
3rd Q
23-1: PRO - RTD RB Tresean Jones
23-8: IND - PTD QB Matt Fletcher -> WR Ed Edwards
30-8: PRO - RTD RB Ronnie Byers
4th Q
33-8: PRO - FG K Gilbert O’Neill
33-11: IND - FG K Ross Poindexter
40-11: PRO - DTD INT DB Nazario Piacenza

The Gold Stars rolled into Indiana and came out of the gates rolling with DB Michael Cope getting an interception on the opening drive, which would turn into a WR Justin Palmer touchdown.
Indiana’s offence, still being operated by QB Matt Fletcher, had little to say in the first half, only scoring a single point while a second Palmer touchdown would give the Gold Stars a 16-point lead.
Indiana showed a little life in the 3rd with a great touchdown grab from WR Ed Edwards who was able to beat his former teammate in DB Neville Falkner, however, the single touchdown would be dwarfed by the 2 rushing scores from the Gold Stars’ backfield.
By the 4th Providence started resting players, and yet they still put up points when DB Nazario Piacenza took an interception to the house.

Halifax Mariners - 23 @ Boston Independents - 36 - Richardson Stadium - August 5, 1972 - 12:00 PM ET - Weather: Partly Cloudy - Attendance: 45,019
1st Q
7-0: HFX - RTD RB George Seahorse
10-0: HFX - FG K Albert Wickerweaver
10-7: BOS - RTD RB Wesley Wu
2nd Q
10-14: BOS - PTD QB Nathaniel Braddock -> WR Tyreek Flores
13-14: HFX - FG K Albert Wickerweaver
3rd Q
13-20: BOS - PTD QB Nathaniel Braddock -> TE Spencer Griepentrog
13-22: BOS - 2PT RB Wesley Wu
16-22: HFX - FG K Albert Wickerweaver
4th Q
16-29: BOS - PTD QB Nathaniel Braddock -> WR Edward Webb
23-29: HFX - PTD QB Todd Sparrow -> WR Shane Steadman
23-36: BOS - PTD QB Nathaniel Braddock -> WR Al Allmendinger

Boston played ultra-aggressive in their game against the Mariners, taking any chance to build up a strong lead.
They would get a 9-point lead in the 3rd off of a 2-point conversion, then in the 4th when Halifax was able to pull the game back to within 6 points, QB Nathaniel Braddock would launch it deep instead of playing conservatively, resulting in his 4th passing touchdown of the game.
Halifax put up a solid fight in the game, with QB Todd Sparrow returning from being banged up last week, but they were just no match for Boston’s more aggressive approach as they look to recover from their 2-4 start.

Long Island Raiders - 35 @ Pittsburgh Blacksmiths - 38 - OT - Riverfront Stadium of Pittsburgh - August 5, 1972 - 12:00 PM ET - Weather: Cloudy - Attendance: 48,239
1st Q
0-1: PIT - Single K Nigel Stewart
0-4: PIT - FG K Nigel Stewart
7-4: LI - PTD QB Ivan Sanchez -> WR Larry Mossholder
2nd Q
14-4: LI - RTD RB Scott Norton
14-11: PIT - RTD RB Max Tracy
3rd Q
21-11: LI - PTD QB Ivan Sanchez -> TE Eric Peterson
21-18: PIT - RTD RB Max Tracy
21-25: PIT - PTD QB Louis Vaughn -> WR Edward Washington
4th Q
21-28: PIT - FG K Nigel Stewart
28-28: LI - PTD QB Ivan Sanchez -> WR Otto Washington
28-35: PIT - PTD QB Louis Vaughn -> WR Yahui Sun
35-35: LI - RTD RB Scott Norton
35-38: PIT - FG K Nigel Stewart

The Raiders and Blacksmiths got into an offensive battle on Saturday afternoon.
Long Island controlled the game up until the 3rd quarter when Pittsburgh finally put up back-to-back touchdowns to gain a lead heading into the 4th.
The Raiders were able to tie the game up late with a score from WR Otto Washington following a great Ivan Sanchez-led drive, which would force overtime.
In the extra frame, the two teams would trade touchdowns leaving the game tied with 2:23 to go in the frame. Louis Vaughn would manage to get down the field in time, allowing them to get the field goal to win the game.

Minnesota Serpents - 23 @ Edmonton Rangers - 22 - Forest Heights Park - August 5, 1972 - 3:30 PM ET - Weather: Clear/Hot - Attendance: 28,461
1st Q
0-3: EDM - FG K Thomas Standberry
2nd Q
7-3: MIN - RTD RB Hugo Hughes
10-3: MIN - FG K Ray Bough
3rd Q
10-10: EDM - RTD RB Jimmy Golden
17-10: MIN - PTD QB Martin Keller -> WR Sebastian Dassler
17-13: EDM - FG K Thomas Standberry
17-16: EDM - FG K Thomas Standberry
4th Q
17-22: EDM - PTD QB Michael Benedict -> WR Stanley McClendon
23-22: MIN - PTD QB Martin Keller -> WR Sebastian Dassler

QB Michael Benedict would get the start for the Rangers, marking the 4th different team he has started for.
Benedict got off to a bit of a slow start but was able to pull the Rangers back into the game late with a touchdown toss to WR Stanley McClendon, which would give them the late lead.
Minnesota had a slow game themselves, allowing Edmonton to get the late lead in the game despite the team’s impressive start to the season, however, they would get the last punch in, with QB Martin Keller, returning from injury, tossing the game-winning score to WR Sebastian Dassler.

Montreal Rouge - 16 @ Ottawa Royals - 25 - Royals Stadium at Brewer Park - August 5, 1972 - 7:00 PM ET - Weather: Clear - Attendance: 45,115

1st Q
3-0: MTL - FG K Buster McDooley
3-7: OTT - RTD RB Corbyn Knight
2nd Q
3-14: OTT - PTD QB Drake Young -> WR Charles Toothacre
3rd Q
10-14: MTL - PTD QB Nathan Houle -> TE Sylvain Leblanc
10-17: OTT - FG K Ira Foster
13-17: MTL - FG K Buster McDooley
4th Q
16-17: MTL - FG K Buster McDooley
16-23: OTT - PTD QB Drake Young -> TE Luiss de Brands
16-25: OTT - 2PT QB Drake Young -> WR Marshall Leonard

The Royals looked for revenge in the 2nd half of the Montreal-Ottawa home and home.
QB Nathan Houle, who was getting the start for the Rouge with QB Gene Bishop injured, did get Montreal the 3-0 lead, but Ottawa would counter with a pair of big touchdowns to take a 3-14 lead into halftime.
In the 3rd, Montreal would get a touchdown with TE Sylvain Leblanc bailing out a scrambling QB Nathan Houle by getting wide open in the endzone.
Montreal was then able to climb back to within a point by the 4th quarter, however, Ottawa’s offence woke up again and QB Drake Young would get the team back into the endzone, tagging on a 2-point conversion to make it a 2-score game, giving Ottawa the important win, and beating Montreal by enough to win the tiebreaker.

Louisville Thunder - 30 @ Toronto Steelheads - 24 - Anderson Stadium - August 6, 1972 - 1:00 PM ET - Weather: Cloudy - Attendance: 47,455
1st Q
3-0: LOU - FG K Rhys Kupp
3-7: TOR - PTD QB Landon Ross -> WR Cameron Kane
10-7: LOU - PTD QB Buck Murphy -> WR Casey Coleman
2nd Q
17-7: LOU - PTD QB Buck Murphy -> WR Casey Coleman
17-10: TOR - FG K Frank Hughes
3rd Q
17-17: TOR - RTD RB Shannon West
20-17: LOU - FG K Rhys Kupp
4th Q
20-24: TOR - DTD INT DB Dwayne James
27-24: LOU - PTD QB Buck Murphy -> WR Ben Graham
30-24: LOU - FG K Rhys Kupp

The Steelheads put up a solid fight against the Central-leading Thunder, coming back from a 17-7 hole in the 2nd, to take a late lead off of a pick-6 from DB Dwayne James.
Louisville had to rally late, with a touchdown toss to WR Ben Graham, who was QB Buck Murphy’s 3rd TD pass of the game. Hopefully, this will mask his many mistakes in this game.
Toronto looked like they may have had a late shot to steal the game, but a great defensive stand from the Thunder would hold them off.

Buffalo Blue Wings - 35 @ London Tigers - 37 - Western Fair Stadium - August 6, 1972 - 1:00 PM ET - Weather: Cloudy - Attendance: 28,434
1st Q
0-7: LDN - PTD QB Henry Johnsson -> WR Cole Fletcher
7-7: BUF - PTD QB Charles Lemieux -> WR Julius Drake
7-10: LDN - FG K Nimrod Handsworth
2nd Q
14-10: BUF - RTD RB Jasper Dickerson
21-10: BUF - PTD QB Charles Lemieux -> WR Tracy Driscoll
21-13: LDN - FG K Nimrod Handsworth
3rd Q
21-19: LDN - RTD RB Jeremy Royal
21-26: LDN - PTD QB Henry Johnsson -> WR Lloyd Lane
28-26: BUF - PTD QB Charles Lemieux -> WR Tracy Driscoll
4th Q
28-33: LDN - PTD QB Henry Johnsson -> TE Lucas Warmer
28-34: LDN - Single K Nimrod Handsworth
35-34: BUF - RTD RB Jasper Dickerson
35-37: LDN - FG K Nimrod Handsworth

The Tigers-Blue Wings rematch would be a stellar game between the young QB Henry Johnsson and the veteran QB Charles Lemieux.
The Tigers got the first blow in, but Buffalo would answer back with 21 of the next 24 points to take a 21-10 lead.
London would get a late field goal in the 1st half to pick up some momentum which they carried into the 3rd with back-to-back touchdowns to take a 5-point lead.
Buffalo got a touchdown back before the end of the quarter, but London answered right back to start the 4th.
However, Buffalo got back in front in the 4th, off of a great drive from QB Charles Lemieux, capped off by a 2-yard touchdown run from RB Jasper Dickerson.
It was then QB Henry Johnsson’s turn to play hero, leading a late-game drive that would end with a beautiful game-winning kick from the legend himself K Nimrod Handsworth to cap off one of the best Tigers-Blue Wings games in their rivalry.

Vancouver Wolves - 26 @ Regina Wheat Kings - 8 - Broad Street Stadium - August 7, 1972 - 4:00 PM ET/2:00 PM CST - Weather: Cloudy - Attendance: 14,258
1st Q
3-0: VAN - FG K Sterling Brooks
2nd Q
3-1: REG - Single K Mark Mundle
10-1: VAN - PTD QB Kevin Westwood -> WR Tristan Lewis 
3rd Q
17-1: VAN - RTD RB Jeremiah Morrow
19-1: VAN - Safety DL Alex Young
4th Q
19-8: REG - RTD RB Deion Chapman
26-8: VAN - KRTD RB Nikki Yang

The Wolves rolled into Regina without their top wide receivers and managed to get a decent lead on the Wheat Kings.
Luckily, the defence made up for the slowed-down offence, only allowing a single point in the first 3 quarters of the game. They even scored some points with a safety in the 3rd. 
Regina finally found the endzone in the 4th, only to have the ensuing kickoff be returned to the house to just put the game away for good.

Injury Report
BOS: DL Joseph Kerr - 5 Weeks
BOS: DL Sam Holmes - 1 Week
BUF: DL Ned Hedman - 3 Weeks
BUF: LB Randall Lambert - Season
EDM: DL John Belanger - Day-to-Day
HFX: WR Jav Kerrigan - 3 Weeks
IND: OL Taylor Alexander - 4 Weeks
LDN: DB Ray Hallatt - 6 Weeks
LI: OL Albert Newport - 1 Week
LI: DB Ross Conroy - Day-to-Day
LOU: OL Robert Pelletier - Day-to-Day
LOU: S Graham Kensigton - 2 Weeks
LOU: WR Stu Weidemann - 3 Weeks
LOU: S Brett Tavers - 2 Weeks
MTL: LB Jean-Christophe Bain - Day-to-Day
MTL: DL Ross Jackson - Day-to-Day
MTL: LB Walker Colson - 2 Weeks
MIN: DB Davey Woods - 8 Weeks
MIN: S Peter Sellers - 6 Weeks
OTT: DL Robin Lucas - Day-to-Day
OTT: DL Obert Roux - Day-to-Day
PIT: S Garet deVale - Day-to-Day
PIT: OL Erik Nelson - Day-to-Day
REG: DL Porter Pikesville - Day-to-Day
REG: OL Simon Northcott - 4 Weeks
TOR: OL Taylor Forbes - 7 Weeks
VAN: DL Rashawn Sutherland - 12 Weeks

Players of the Week

OFF: QB Nathaniel Braddock BOS - 4 Passing Touchdowns, 333 Passing Yards
Braddock is turning on another gear this season with another monster game to pick up a vital win

DEF: DL Bernhard Hartmann OTT - 2 Sacks, 1 Forced Fumble, 6 Tackles
Hartmann was all over QB Nathan Houle in the win over the Rouge, clearly aiming at getting revenge on the Rouge


Minnesota - 7-0
Vancouver - 5-2
Calgary - 2-5
Regina - 2-5
Edmonton - 2-5
Winnipeg - 1-6

Louisville - 6-1
London - 5-2
Buffalo - 4-3
Pittsburgh - 3-4
Toronto - 2-5
Indiana - 1-6

Providence - 7-0
Ottawa - 5-2
Long Island - 4-3
Montreal - 3-4
Boston - 3-4
Halifax - 1-6

Power Rankings
1 - Providence - 
2 - Minnesota - 
3 - Ottawa +1
4 - Louisville -1
5 - London +1
6 - Vancouver -1
7 - Buffalo -
8 - Montreal -
9 - Long Island -
10 - Boston - 
11 - Pittsburgh -
12 - Toronto -
13 - Edmonton - 
14 - Halifax - 
15 - Calgary +1
16 - Indiana -1
17 - Regina -
18 - Winnipeg -

Week 8 Games
LDN (5-2) @ LI (4-3) - AUG 10 - 7:00 PM ET - Thursday Night Football
HFX (1-6) @ IND (1-6) - AUG 11 - 7:00 PM ET - Friday Night Football
BOS (3-4) @ TOR (2-5) - AUG 12 - 3:00 PM ET
OTT (5-2) @ PIT (3-4) - AUG 12 - 7:00 PM ET - Saturday Night Football
MTL (3-4) @ BUF (4-3) - AUG 13 - 1:00 PM ET
LOU (6-1) @ PRO (7-0) - AUG 13 - 4:30 PM ET
BYE: CGY (2-5), EDM (2-5), MIN (7-0), REG (2-5), VAN (5-2), WPG (1-6)

     Thread Starter

6/11/2024 5:58 pm  #2664

Re: North American Association of Football - NAAF

1972 Week 8

Roster Moves
BOS: DL Joseph Kerr | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
BOS: LB Mads Strahlman | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
BUF: LB Randall Lambert | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
BUF: LB Virgil Rolsson | Reserve List -> Active Roster
EDM: DB Eddie Brink | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
EDM: DB Sam Kroshaw | Active Roster -> Waivers
EDM: OL Darrell Lemay | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
EDM: OL Cal Legar | Active Roster -> Waivers
HFX: RB Rene Lyons | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
HFX: RB Chris Shine | Active Roster -> Waivers
LDN: TE Pete Mayfield | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
LDN: TE Rénald Longuepee | Active Roster -> Waivers
LDN: DB Ray Hallatt | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
LDN: DB Jordan Jackson | Reserve List - > Active Roster
LOU: S Brett Tavers | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
LOU: S Malcom Emerton | Reserve List -> Active Roster
MIN: S Peter Sellers | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
MIN: S Alex Spurrier | Reserve List -> Active Roster
MIN: DB Davey Woods | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
MIN: DB Leonard Cannon | Reserve List -> Active Roster
TOR: DL Irwin Anthonyson | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
TOR: DL JR Stevens | Active Roster -> Reserve List
TOR: OL Taylor Forbes | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
TOR: OL Aaron McAfee (Debut) | Reserve List -> Active Roster
VAN: DL Rashawn Sutherland | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
VAN: DL Frank Colt (Debut) | Reserve List -> Active Roster
WPG: OL Czesław Krasowsk | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
WPG: OL John Dough | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve

London Tigers - 25 @ Long Island Raiders - 33 - Long Island Stadium - August 10, 1972 - 7:00 PM ET - Weather: Clear - Attendance: 40,232

1st Q
7-0: LDN - RTD RB Jeremy Royal
7-7: LI - RTD RB Scott Norton
7-14: LI - PTD QB Ivan Sanchez -> WR Otto Washington
3rd Q
10-14: LDN - FG K Nimrod Handsworth
10-17: LI - FG K Henderson Schumacher
3rd Q
10-20: LI - FG K Henderson Schumacher
17-20: LDN - PTD QB Henry Johnsson -> WR Lloyd Lane
4th Q
17-23: LI - FG K Henderson Schumacher
24-23: LDN - PTD QB Henry Johnsson -> WR Alex Browne Sr.
25-23: LDN - Single K Nimrod Handsworth
25-26: LI - FG K Henderson Schumacher
25-33: LI - DTD INT LB Callum Owen

A renewal of the Tigers-Raiders rivalry was on hand for Thursday Night Football. 
The Tigers started the game well with the first score, but then the Raiders came roaring back with the next two scores, which was helped by a LB William Washington II forced fumble.
The teams would trade field goals in a much slower 2nd quarter, with the Raiders then adding to the lead in the 3rd. 
The Tigers would climb back into the game in the 3rd, scoring two touchdowns in the last two quarters to finally take the lead 24-23. 
After the Tigers got a single, the Raiders would take back the lead on a field goal late in the 4th.
QB Henry Johnsson was now in a position to make the big save at the end of the game, however, his pass attempt to WR Cole Fletcher would be slightly behind the WRs allowing LB Callum Owen to nab the crucial interception which would be returned to the house for a touchdown to secure the win for the Raiders.

Halifax Mariners - 15 @ Indiana Victors - 22 - Victory Stadium - August 11, 1972 - 7:00 PM ET (Game Delayed to 8:00 PM ET Due to Thunderstorm) - Weather: Rain - Attendance: 39,079

1st Q
0-1: IND - Single K Ross Poindexter
2nd Q
7-1: HFX - PTD QB Todd Sparrow -> WR Shane Steadman
7-4: IND - FG K Ross Poindexter
7-11: IND - RTD RB Daniel Collins
3rd Q
8-11: HFX - Single K Albert Wickerweaver
8-14: IND - FG K Ross Poindexter
4th Q
15-14: HFX - RTD RB George Seahorse
15-15: IND - Single K Ross Poindexter
15-22: IND - PTD QB Tom Applewhite -> WR Jake Abbredezzi

After the hour-long delay due to thunderstorms, the Victors and Mariners would take the field with the Victors making the switch back to QB Tom Applewhite as the starting QB after Matt Fletcher started the last two games. 
The wet weather would affect the first half with both teams struggling to get much offence going. 
Halifax would get the first major score of the game with a WR Shane Steadman touchdown, while the Victors slowly added points until finally reaching the endzone with RB Daniel Collins’ first career touchdown.
Another slow 3rd quarter would lead to an 8-14 game heading into the 4th, where Halifax would finally regain the lead on a touchdown rush from RB George Seahorse.
The Victors were able to tie the game on a single with 5 minutes to go.
Both teams would trade drives until Applewhite would come through with the game-winning touchdown pass to WR Jake Abbredezzi to capture the team’s first win since week 1 against Calgary.

Boston Independents - 21 @ Toronto Steelheads - 14 - Anderson Stadium - August 12, 1972 - 3:00 PM ET - Weather: Cloudy - Attendance: 48,143
1st Q
7-0: BOS - RTD RB Wesley Wu
2nd Q
7-3: TOR - FG K Frank Hughes
7-6: TOR - FG K Frank Hughes
3rd Q
14-6: BOS - PTD QB Nathaniel Braddock -> WR Al Allmendinger
14-12: TOR - RTD RB Shannon West
14-14: TOR - 2PT QB Landon Ross -> WR Cameron Kane
4th Q
21-14: BOS - PTD QB Nathaniel Braddock -> WR Tyreek Flores

Boston would look to build off of their recent success despite the plethora of injuries that are piling up.
They would get an early lead, but Toronto was able to stick around with the Independents into the 4th.
However, QB Nathaniel Braddock was able to beat the solid Steelheads' defence and the game-winning score to get back to .500 on the season.

Ottawa Royals - 34 @ Pittsburgh Blacksmiths - 37 - Riverfront Stadium of Pittsburgh - August 12, 1972 - 7:00 PM ET - Weather: Cloudy - Attendance: 48,239

1st Q
0-3: PIT - FG K Nigel Stewart
0-10: PIT - RTD RB Max Tracy
7-10: OTT - RTD RB Corbyn Knight
2nd Q
14-10: OTT - PTD QB Drake Young -> WR Marshall Leonard
14-17: PIT - PTD QB Louis Vaughn -> WR Taylor Austin
14-24: PIT - RTD RB Max Tracy
3rd Q
17-24: OTT - FG K Ira Foster
17-31: PIT - RTD RB Max Tracy
24-31: OTT - PTD QB Drake Young -> WR Matthew de la Cruz
4th Q
24-34: PIT - FG K Nigel Stewart
31-34: OTT - PTD QB Drake Young -> TE Luiss de Brands
34-34: OTT - FG K Ira Foster
34-37: PIT - FG K Nigel Stewart

The Royals and Blacksmiths would meet for the first time since 1968 for Saturday Night Football.
Pittsburgh got out to a 0-10 lead after DL Arthur Bradshaw was able to punch the ball out RB Corbyn Knight’s arms to set up a RB Max Tracy touchdown.
Knight would rebound with a touchdown on the ensuing drive before the Royals would take the lead to start the 2nd, but once again Pittsburgh’s offence went to work, scoring another 14 before halftime.
The Royals would only be able to make up 3 points by the end of the 3rd, with Tracy finding the endzone for a 3rd time in the game. 
However, QB Drake Young didn’t let up and was able to lead the Royals in the comeback to tie the game in the 4th at 34. 
QB Louis Vaughn would have too much time left in the game following the game-tying field goal and would be able to lead the Blacksmiths down the field to answer back and secure a huge win over the Royals.

Montreal Rouge - 15 @ Buffalo Blue Wings - 20 - Milton Charles Stadium - August 13, 1972 - 1:00 PM ET - Weather: Cloudy/Fog - Attendance: 53,871
1st Q
0-3: BUF - FG K Ryan Perch
3-3: MTL - FG K Buster McDooley
2nd Q
6-3: MTL - FG K Buster McDooley
6-10: BUF - RTD RB Jasper Dickerson
9-10: MTL - FG K Buster McDooley
3rd Q
9-13: BUF - FG K Ryan Perch
4th Q
12-13: MTL - FG K Buster McDooley
15-13: MTL - FG K Buster McDooley
15-20: BUF - PTD QB Charles Lemieux -> WR Tracy Driscoll

The banged-up Blue Wings would welcome the Rouge in a classic NAAF matchup.
Montreal’s offence was overall pretty consistent throughout the game, being able to get past the injured Blue Wings’ defence effectively, but QB Nathan Houle struggled to finish drives leading to the team scoring 5 field goals in the game.
It would be enough to take a lead in the 4th, but the inability to capitalize with more points allowed QB Charles Lemieux to do what he does best and lead a late-game scoring drive to secure Buffalo’s 5th win of the season. 

Louisville Thunder - 20 @ Providence Gold Stars - 30 - New Providence Stadium - August 13, 1972 - 4:30 PM ET - Weather: Partly Cloudy - Attendance: 62,787
1st Q
3-0: LOU - FG K Rhys Kupp
2nd Q
3-7: PRO - PTD QB Red King -> WR Leon Hudson
10-7: LOU - PTD QB Buck Murphy -> TE Rex Williamson
10-10: PRO - FG K Gilbert O’Neill
3rd Q
10-17: PRO - PTD QB Red King -> TE Kairos Knight
13-17: LOU - FG K Rhys Kupp
13-20: PRO - FG K Gilbert O’Neill
4th Q
20-20: LOU - PTD QB Buck Murphy -> WR Casey Coleman
20-23: PRO - FG K Gilbert O’Neill
20-30: PRO - DTD INT DB Neville Falkner

Two division leaders would square off with the unbeaten Gold Stars welcoming the Thunder, Louisville was hoping to end Providence’s unbeaten campaign for the second year in a row.
It would be a close contest in the first half with the teams knotted up at 10, but Providence would start to slip away in the 3rd.
However, Providence’s secondary would become vulnerable with both S Tom Parrish and S Paul Christopher would leave the game early allowing WR Casey Coleman to find the endzone to tie the game.
After the Gold Stars regained the lead, it would be DB Neville Falkner who would step up late in the game, intercepting a QB Buck Murphy pass to put the game out of range and keep the Gold Stars’ perfect record intact.

Injury Report
BOS: DB Claus Pickering - 9 Weeks
BOS: S Mason Paquette - 2 Weeks
BUF: S Wesley Jones - 6 Weeks
BUF: S Levi Brickshaw - Day-to-Day
HFX: S Sampson Wendel - 3 Weeks
HFX: LB Alastair Glass - Day-to-Day
IND: RB Daniel Collins - 4 Weeks
IND: LB Marshall Langenbrunner - 6 Weeks
LDN: OL Hamish Esposito - Day-to-Day
LI: DL Dallas Breaker - 6 Weeks
LOU: LB Daniel Timothy - Day-to-Day
LOU: RB Neil Bradley - 9 Weeks
MTL: DL Mateo Cousineau - 1 Week
MTL: DL Stan Walz - Season
PIT: WR Edward Washington - 2 Weeks
PRO: S Tom Parrish - 12 Weeks
PRO: OL Jon Parkes - 2 Weeks
PRO: OL Gregg Rosenberg - 5 Weeks
PRO: OL Emil Jennings - Day-to-Day
PRO: S Paul Christopher - Day-to-Day

Players of the Week

OFF: RB Max Tracy PIT - 3 Rushing Touchdowns, 110 Rushing Yards
Tracy flashed his old self in a dominant performance to capture the vital win over the Royals

DEF: LB Callum Owen LI - 7 Tackles, 1 Interception, 1 Defensive Touchdown
There were a lot of great defensive performances this week, but Callum Owen's crucial game-securing pick-6 to go along with an already impressive outing earns him Defensive Player of the Week


Minnesota - 7-0
Vancouver - 5-2
Calgary - 2-5
Regina - 2-5
Edmonton - 2-5
Winnipeg - 1-6

Louisville - 6-2
Buffalo - 5-3
London - 5-3
Pittsburgh - 4-4
Toronto - 2-6
Indiana - 2-6

Providence - 8-0
Ottawa - 5-3
Long Island - 5-3
Boston - 4-4
Montreal - 3-5
Halifax - 1-7

Power Rankings
1 - Providence -
2 - Minnesota -
3 - Ottawa - 
4 - Louisville - 
5 - London - 
6 - Long Island +3
7 - Vancouver -1
8 - Pittsburgh +3
9 - Boston +1
10 - Buffalo -3
11 - Montreal -3
12 - Toronto -
13 - Edmonton -
14 - Calgary -
15 - Indiana +1
16 - Halifax -2
17 - Regina -
18 - Winnipeg -

Week 9 Games
TOR (2-6) @ CGY (2-5) - AUG 18 - 7:00 PM ET - Friday Night Football
BUF (5-3) @ MIN (7-0) - AUG 19 - 2:00 PM ET
PIT (4-4) @ EDM (2-5) - AUG 19 - 5:00 PM ET
VAN (5-2) @ LOU (6-2) - AUG 19 - 8:00 PM ET - Saturday Night Football
WPG (1-6) @ LDN (5-3) - AUG 20 - 1:00 PM ET
IND (2-6) @ REG (2-5) - AUG 20 - 4:30 PM ET
BYE: BOS (4-4), HFX (1-7), LI (5-3), MTL (3-5), OTT (5-3), PRO (8-0)

Last edited by Wallflower (6/12/2024 7:40 pm)

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6/11/2024 6:37 pm  #2665

Re: North American Association of Football - NAAF

Boston..please..stop..getting..injured..for..God's sake


6/11/2024 6:46 pm  #2666

Re: North American Association of Football - NAAF

Darknes wrote:

Boston..please..stop..getting..injured..for..God's sake

Well, the good news is they have a bye week next week, so there won't be any injuries....I would hope anyways.

     Thread Starter

6/12/2024 9:14 am  #2667

Re: North American Association of Football - NAAF

Big win for Providence! Tom Parrish being injured is a little worrying but I’m feeling good about this Gold Stars team. Fingers crossed!


6/12/2024 1:38 pm  #2668

Re: North American Association of Football - NAAF

Hey now, Halifax is 2-6, not 1-7! We are having a bad enough year there, Comissioner! 😂😂😂


6/12/2024 3:06 pm  #2669

Re: North American Association of Football - NAAF

RaysUp wrote:

Hey now, Halifax is 2-6, not 1-7! We are having a bad enough year there, Comissioner! 😂😂😂

Nope, sorry to break it to you, they are 1-7, the graphic is a mistake, the text is correct. I will fix it once I have a chance.

     Thread Starter

6/13/2024 5:27 pm  #2670

Re: North American Association of Football - NAAF

1972 Week 9

Roster Moves
CGY: LB Junior Abbott | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
CGY: LB Teddy Redmond | Active Roster -> Reserve List
CGY: QB Jesse Essex | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
CGY: QB Eric Reed | Reserve List -> Active Roster
CGY: DB Andre Patterson | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
CGY: DB Ken Oleson | Active Roster -> Reserve List
EDM: OL Lenny Barrigan | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
EDM: OL Kurt Klitsome | Active Roster -> Waivers
EDM: OL Cal Legar | Waivers -> Reserve List
EDM: DB Sam Kroshaw | Waivers -> Reserve List
LDN: TE Rénald Longuepee | Waivers -> Reserve List
LOU: RB Neil Bradley | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
LOU: RB Chris Shine | Waivers (HFX) -> Active Roster
MTL: DL Stan Walz | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
MTL: DL Smith Yap (Debut) | Reserve List -> Active Roster
PRO: OL Gregg Rosenberg | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
PRO: S Tom Parrish | Active Roster -> Injured Reserve
PRO: S Larry Lee Stichman (Debut) | Reserve List -> Active Roster
REG: LB Brett Pride | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
REG: LB Arsenio Baldi | Active Roster -> Waivers
VAN: WR Akira Sakamoto | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
VAN: WR Graham Spencer | Active Roster -> Reserve List
WPG: OL Ian Yager | Injured Reserve -> Active Roster
WPG: OL Damien Brisebois | Active Roster -> Reserve List

Toronto Steelheads - 13 @ Calgary Predators - 25 - Predators Stadium at The Stampede - August 18, 1972 - 7:00 PM ET/5:00 PM MT - Weather: Clear - Attendance: 27,879

1st Q
3-0: TOR - FG K Frank Hughes
3-3: CGY - FG K Billy Eichelberger
2nd Q
3-10: CGY - RTD RB Rocco Peaks
3rd Q
3-17: CGY - PTD QB Emmitt Jackson -> WR Ted Jackson
6-17: TOR - FG K Frank Hughes
6-18: CGY - Single K Billy Eichelberger
4th Q
6-25: CGY - RTD RB Rocco Peaks
13-25: TOR - RTD RB Shannon West

Calgary rolled into Friday Night Football riding a 2-game win streak, while Toronto hoped to end a 4-game skid.
The teams would leave the 1st tied at 3, but Calgary’s offence started to roll in the 2nd, scoring a touchdown to take the lead into halftime.
Calgary continued to build on the lead with QB Emmitt Jackson hitting WR Ted Jackson while evading a collapsing pocket, before then adding another touchdown in the early stages of the 4th. 
Toronto’s offence was left looking for many answers, only scoring 6 points heading into the final frame.
QB David Simmons would check into the game and would get the team into the endzone to make the score look a little better, while Calgary held on for their 3rd straight win.

Buffalo Blue Wings - 15 @ Minnesota Serpents - 33 - Midgard Stadium - August 19, 1972 - 2:00 PM ET/1:00 PM CT - Weather: Partly Cloudy/Hot - Attendance: 48,972
1st Q
0-7: MIN - PTD QB Martin Keller -> WR Sebastian Dassler
7-7: BUF - RTD RB Jasper Dickerson
2nd Q
7-10: MIN - FG K Ray Bough
8-10: BUF - Single K Ryan Perch
8-17: MIN - RTD RB Tyler Kuhn
3rd Q
8-20: MIN - FG K Ray Bough
8-27: MIN - RTD RB Tyler Kuhn
4th Q
15-27: BUF - PTD QB Charles Lemieux -> WR Jimmy Jack
15-30: MIN - FG K Ray Bough
15-33: MIN - FG K Ray Bough

The Serpents would defend their unbeaten record against the Blue Wings on a scorching afternoon in Minneapolis.
The heat did not slow RB Tyler Kuhn down who rushed for a pair of touchdowns and 102 yards against the banged-up Blue Wings’ defence.
Buffalo’s offence was able to get an early touchdown but fell silent until finally getting back in the endzone in the 4th, but it was far too late as Minnesota would cruise the rest of the way to their 8th win of the season.

Pittsburgh Blacksmiths - 19 @ Edmonton Rangers - 6 - Forest Heights Park - August 19, 1972 - 5:00 PM ET/3:00 PM MT - Weather: Partly Cloudy - Attendance: 28,375
1st Q
7-0: PIT - PTD QB Louis Vaughn -> WR Taylor Austin
2nd Q
7-3: EDM - FG K Thomas Standberry
14-3: PIT - RTD RB Max Tracy
3rd Q
14-6: EDM - FG K Thomas Standberry
17-6: PIT - FG K Nigel Stewart
4th Q
19-6: PIT - Safety DL Matthias Hartmann

Pittsburgh’s offence had a little more trouble than expected against the Rangers, only getting 17 points on the board, but the defence played one of their best games of the season keeping the Rangers to only 6 points and adding 2 themselves.
QB Michael Benedict made his second straight start and was struggling to pick up 1st downs all day, causing many 2-and-outs.
Edmonton’s defence managed to hold up despite the significant difference in time of possession between the teams with Pittsburgh having the ball a lot more than Edmonton.
Either way, Pittsburgh gets their 4th straight win to get above .500 for the first time this season.

Vancouver Wolves - 23 @ Louisville Thunder - 32 - Thunder Stadium - August 19, 1972 - 8:00 PM ET - Weather: Cloudy - Attendance: 44,690

1st Q
7-0: VAN - RTD RB Jeremiah Morrow
7-7: LOU - RTD RB Robert Jack
2nd Q
7-14: LOU - PTD QB Buck Murphy -> WR Ben Graham
7-17: LOU - FG K Rhys Kupp
14-17: VAN - PTD QB Kevin Westwood -> WR Akira Sakamoto
3rd Q
14-20: LOU - FG K Rhys Kupp
17-20: VAN - FG K Sterling Brooks
17-26: LOU - RTD RB Robert Jack
4th Q
17-29: LOU - FG K Rhys Kupp
23-29: VAN - PTD QB Kevin Westwood -> WR Keshawn Johnston
23-32: LOU - FG K Rhys Kupp

Louisville looked to rebound from the loss to Providence while Vancouver hoped to keep the Serpents within a reasonable distance at the top of the West.
Both teams scored early with a pair of touchdowns, RB Robert Jack scoring as the starter for the Thunder who were without RB Neil Bradley.
The Thunder built off of the score with the next 10 points, but a late score from a returning WR Akira Sakamoto would keep the Wolves within 3 heading into halftime.
The 3rd would see the teams trade field goals, but a fumble from QB Kevin Westwood would allow the Thunder to take a 9-point lead into the 4th off of Jack’s second touchdown of the game.
Vancouver was able to cut the lead down to 6 in the 4th on a WR Keshawn Johnston touchdown, but they would be unable to get more points before a K Rhys Kupp field goal would put the game out of reach.

Winnipeg Falcons - 10 @ London Tigers - 24 - Western Fair Stadium - August 20, 1972 - 1:00 PM ET - Weather: Partly Cloudy - Attendance: 27,639
1st Q
0-7: LDN - RTD RB Jeremy Royal
2nd Q
0-14: LDN - PTD QB Henry Johnsson -> WR Cole Fletcher
3rd Q
3-14: WPG - FG K Jordan Hollingsworth
4th Q
3-21: LDN - RTD RB Jeremy Royal
3-24: LDN - FG K Nimrod Handsworth
10-24: WPG - PTD QB Emerson Thompson -> TE Douglas Northway

The Tigers would bounce back from the loss to the Raiders in a strong win over the lowly Falcons.
RB Jeremy Royal was especially impressive with a pair of touchdowns while torching the Falcons’ defence. 
Winnipeg did start QB Emerson Thompson for the 2nd consecutive game. Still, he struggled against the solid Tigers defence, only able to score a late touchdown on TE Douglas Northway’s 1st of his career. 

Indiana Victors - 37 @ Regina Wheat Kings - 33 - Broad Street Stadium - August 20, 1972 - 4:30 PM ET/2:30 PM CST - Weather: Cloudy - Attendance: 14,118
1st Q
3-0: IND - FG K Ross Poindexter
3-7: REG - PTD QB Stanley Evans -> WR Jimmy Franks
10-7: IND - RTD RB Ed Finley
10-10: REG - FG K Mark Mundle
2nd Q
10-17: REG - RTD RB Deion Chapman
10-20: REG - FG K Mark Mundle
17-20: IND - PTD QB Tom Applewhite -> WR Jake Abbredezzi
3rd Q
20-20: IND - FG K Ross Poindexter
27-20: IND - RTD RB Yancy Harrison
27-23: REG - FG K Mark Mundle
4th Q
30-23: IND - FG K Ross Poindexter
30-30: REG - PTD QB Stanley Evans -> WR Leonard Green
30-33: REG - FG K Mark Mundle
37-33: IND - PTD QB Tom Applewhite -> WR Jake Abbredezzi

A high-scoring affair in Regina would close out the week with QB Stanley Evans and the Wheat Kings’ offence having their best performance of the season.
WR Leonard Green scored a touchdown against his former team in the Victors, which allowed the Wheat Kings to tie the game and eventually take a late lead.
QB Tom Applewhite started once again for the Victors and was the hero once again with a game-winning toss to WR Jake Abbredezzi, despite his defence letting him down overall with many costly mistakes.
Ultimately, Indiana walked away with a 2nd straight win while the fans at Broad Street Stadium were treated to a fun game.

Injury Report
CGY: RB JC Skyes - Day-to-Day
EDM: OL Lenny Barrigan - Day-to-Day
LOU: LB Le’Darius Wynn - Day-to-Day
MIN: DB Jayson Klyde - 1 Week
MIN: OL David Biarski - 1 Week
MIN: LB Garrett Roberts - 12 Weeks
PIT: WR Yahui Sun - 2 Weeks
PIT: S Garet deVale - Day-to-Day
PIT: RB Max Tracy - Day-to-Day
REG: DL Cole Brentford - Day-to-Day
REG: LB Austin Ford - 6 Weeks
TOR: OL Amos Sewell - 9 Weeks
TOR: WR Emiliano Ariail - 3 Weeks
VAN: LB Daniel Shao Li - 1 Week
VAN: OL Kenny Rudolph - Day-to-Day
VAN: DL Joseph James - Day-to-Day
VAN: DL Jared Kendall - Day-to-Day
WPG: WR Elijah Skinner - Day-to-Day
WPG: WR Ryan Conway - Day-to-Day

Players of the Week

OFF: RB Tyler Kuhn MIN - 2 Rushing Touchdowns, 120 Rushing Yards
Kuhn’s performance in the heat was a key factor in helping the Serpents beat the Blue Wings

DEF: DL Matthias Hartmann PIT - 2 Sacks, 1 Safety, 6 Tackles
Hartmann was instrumental in the Blacksmiths’ fantastic defensive performance with a pair of sacks including the safety score


Minnesota - 8-0
Vancouver - 5-3
Calgary - 3-5
Edmonton - 2-6
Regina - 2-6
Winnipeg - 1-7

Louisville - 7-2
London - 6-3
Buffalo - 5-4
Pittsburgh - 5-4
Indiana - 3-6
Toronto - 2-7

Providence - 8-0
Ottawa - 5-3
Long Island - 5-3
Boston - 4-4
Montreal - 3-5
Halifax - 1-7

Power Rankings
1 - Providence -
2 - Minnesota -
3 - Louisville +1
4 - Ottawa - 1
5 - London -
6 - Long Island -
7 - Pittsburgh +1
8 - Vancouver -1
9 - Boston -
10 - Buffalo -
11 - Montreal -
12 - Calgary +2
13 - Toronto -1
14 - Edmonton -1
15 - Indiana -
16 - Halifax -
17 - Regina -
18 - Winnipeg -

Week 10 Games
EDM (2-6) @ MTL (3-5) - AUG 24 - 7:00 PM ET - Thursday Night Football
HFX (1-7) @ REG (2-6) - AUG 25 - 7:00 PM ET - Friday Night Football
BOS (4-4) @ CGY (3-5) - AUG 26 - 3:00 PM ET
MIN (8-0) @ OTT (5-3) - AUG 26 - 7:00 PM ET - Saturday Night Football
LI (5-3) @ WPG (1-7) - AUG 27 - 1:00 PM ET
PRO (8-0) @ VAN (5-3) - AUG 27 - 4:30 PM ET
BYE: BUF (5-4), IND (3-6), LDN (6-3), LOU (7-2), PIT (5-4), TOR (2-7)

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