Alternate History Sports

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10/05/2022 11:00 pm  #141

Re: AltLB Season - 2022

Dan O'Mac, grinning ear-to-ear steps to the microphone at home plate of Cox Ballpark following the close of game seven, the sounds of James Earl Jones' voice fills the air, reminiscent of when he announced his purchase of the Bison.
The one constant through all the years has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It's been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game -- it's a part of our past. It reminds us of all that once was good, and it could be again.
Dan still smiling, lets the echo from the voiceover die out. 

February 25th, 2022. I stood right here at home plate of this ballpark and announced that I had purchased the Bison. I went on to promise that I would put a great team on this field. A winning team. I promised I would take this team and it will succeed now and into the future. I stand here with the players from your 2022 AltLB Champion Oklahoma City Bison!

Dan pauses to let the cheers from the fans in the stadium roll over himself and the players.

Firstly, congrats to IDM and the Las Vegas Atoms. This championship could've gone either way, and it's a shame one of us had to lose. I'm sure we'll see each other on the field again next year.

Dan pauses again as the fans show their respect for the Atoms.

But now? Let's celebrate. OKC deserves this. Have fun, enjoy everything, but respect this city! WE ARE OK!

Dan throws the microphone in the air, whooping with joy as the team continues to celebrate.


2x Alt Champion :: AltLB Champion Oklahoma City Bison - 2022 :: AltFL Champion New York Emperors - 2022

10/06/2022 9:01 am  #142

Re: AltLB Season - 2022

Congrats to Dan O'Mac and the Bison for joining the Universe's most exclusive club - The Pantheon of Champions! 

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