Yea, I think the hockey jerseys are fine, I'm also in agreement with the alt having the diagonal Riders and the hat logo on the homes. Overall, these are some nice jerseys across the board in all four sports.
New hockey with y'all's suggestions:Ā
I'm not a big fan of the script but if you guys like it I'm fine with keeping it.
On inspection, I think the TRU Monogram is Stronger than the Riders. I do like the Moose on the Grey Alt.
Here's how the lacrosse set looks like with the antlers on the helmets. I'm not really feeling this, but what do you guys think about it?
As for the hockey set, looks great! I'll also agree that the the TRU is better than the diagonal script on the road. If I'm not mistaken, once the hockey and lacrosse sets are finalized, are we then pretty much ready to submit our stuff?
Yeah, I believe so. I'll make that change as soon as I can.
Ok, I put together the hockey jerseys and I'll post the baseball jerseys again for good measure. I'm good with every jersey, if everyone else is good then we can ship it off.
I personally prefer the one with only the antlers, it fills the space better than the moose logo does. I think the moose gets lost on orange applications as well, but if everyone else wants to switch it back I'm ok with it.
Yeah I agree with QCS, the Antlers are a better way to go on the helmets considering they can be sorta interchangeable with color applications.
Alright, the one with antlers it is. Iām not fully against them, it was just my preference. I would have been fine with either, but on second look the moose does blend in with the orange, so the antlers do look better.