Alternate History Sports

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5/18/2020 11:12 pm  #1

AHS Turns One!

Alternate History Sports Turns One!

That's right, this big baby is a whole year old. Whew. Does time fly or what? In some ways it feels like yesterday our fearless leader Balu the Bare created this little space of the internet to host our frail and homeless fictional creations. In other ways it feels like we've been doing this forever.

I've personally been so excited to see the growth of this board, especially in the past few months. We have so many active users and incredible original series with tons of fictional teams to root for. Our signature lines have definitely been growing with fictional our team pride. Our site engagement is at an all-time high lately.

With all that growth, Balu and I decided to add Section30 to our moderator staff to help add another pair of eyes around here. S30 has one of our longest-running and most popular series on the boards and has been an integral part our core group since the beginning. Please give him a warm welcome to our little staff.

I love our little community here. We've had very few issues and all of you fine folks are very good about keeping things encouraging, civil, constructive and welcoming. Thank you for doing your part. Please keep that up. We always want to maintain a safe, inviting place for creators and those who enjoy fictional sports.

In another wonderful addition to this community, we've also added fictional fantasy sports which has been widely popular as the community has come together in collaboration and competitive spirit. Gritty first started the project in January with our blessing and what began as just hockey has now expanded into a football league as well. Thank you, Gritty, for all your fine work in organizing these two massive projects. The creative contributions we've seen emerge from those projects have been awesome.

As always, we want to support you, the creator, in your fictional sports endeavors. If you're unsure of anything or need advice or feedback on your series or potential idea, please don't hesitate to ask our team. We're here to help and facilitate your growth as a designer, writer, creator, etc. We will uphold the guidelines to make sure our community is able to stay fair and upright but we also want to help you grow. These are all passion projects of ours and we will help foster that to the best our abilities.

Along with community growth also comes the future.

Our forum host/software is fairly limited, and of course, we've run into some technical issues such as the thread titles and such. Balu and I definitely want to upgrade it at some point but it won't be easy and typically isn't free. We want to keep this community free and easy to use. Here are some goals we have in mind for the future of our site:

  • We'd like to upgrade the forum software (there are many options, depending on budget)
  • We''d like to purchase a unique domain (current available) and our own host for the website
  • We'd like to run a fundraiser later in the year to help fund the growth of our site
  • We'd like to add a web developer to the team to assist in the technical aspects of the site

Times are tough right now so I don't imagine a fundraiser would be anytime soon but I'm confident we can figure out some ways to help grow our community even more in the mean time. There are a few things we'd like to continue working on and establish but we also want to hear from you!

Here are some general questions to foster answers, but please feel free to share any thoughts or ideas you may have.

  • What are your thoughts on our community?
  • What are some ideas for our community to help us grow?
  • What's the most random, out of the box idea you can think of for this site?
  • What are your ideas on the organization or guidelines of this site? Any changes, updates?
  • If you could change anything about this site or community, what would it be?
  • If we ran a fundraiser later in the year, would you consider contributing?
  • Do you have any hidden skills you can offer the community if needed?

On behalf of Balu and the mod team of MyTeamIsDr.Pepper, Noe38, and Section30, I am grateful for this team and community and I'm excited to see what another year holds for us. Major thanks to the whole community for all of your contributions. Let's keep creating!

- Steelman

AHS Admin. Creator of the THLPUCHWHA: Redux and Retroliga.

5/19/2020 9:21 am  #2

Re: AHS Turns One!

Well then. A year already, huh? I'm proud to be here for it.

As to suggestions, being able to post images directly to the site would be helpful, and maybe optional themes for the appearance of the boards. Otherwise, I love our little acre of the internet. As long as this place doesn't become like the CCSLF boards, we're golden, my friends!


5/19/2020 10:19 am  #3

Re: AHS Turns One!

I'd love a "Like" button. There are many times I want to show my appreciation for a post without a "I like this" post.

2x Alt Champion :: AltLB Champion Oklahoma City Bison - 2022 :: AltFL Champion New York Emperors - 2022

5/19/2020 11:32 am  #4

Re: AHS Turns One!

Wow a whole year! Congrats everybody on a year full of greatness and here's to more!


5/19/2020 1:37 pm  #5

Re: AHS Turns One!

Dan O'Mac wrote:

I'd love a "Like" button. There are many times I want to show my appreciation for a post without a "I like this" post.

I like this.

Haha jokes aside, the alt community is a good one! Have made more friends here in the past year than I had in my previous 7 years with any other design community (I mean I’ve only ever been part of one other community.... not to name names but I think my username gives away the other one I’m part of).  These boards have made me much more comfortable presenting what I have to offer, and it has dramatically accelerated my skills in the process. I’m not even talking about what I have out there atm, I have so much to share that I have just waiting in my TYHDA folder right now.

Special thanks to the guy who shot out the original post, Steelman, he deserves a lot of praise for turning design from a “here’s what I have judge it” experience to a collaborative and personal experience that has helped me build relationships with like minded people. His fictional world has inspired so much creativity, and even though I am not as active on that THL thread, believe me when I say Torland is about as real and important to me as the actual NHL.... until the Sharks start doing something again. So that means you have my full attention for at least 5 more years Steelman haha!

Also congrats to Section30 taking on responsibility, you have really shaped this community and it’s only right you look over it. I know I might be the harshest on your work, but I truly believe it is all unbelievable and can never wait to see what you have next.

Lastly, yes. I’d cut my weekly beer money to contribute to this site financially.


5/19/2020 2:23 pm  #6

Re: AHS Turns One!

Let me just say, when these boards started a year ago, I never thought they would be this successful. The moderating team and all the contributing members deserve a ton of praise for helping to build a community and for leading these boards to thrive. 

I think a unique domain could help as it could bring in even more traffic. I can't make any financial promises, but if you did a fundraiser, I would love to contribute if I can. 

But cheers to everyone and to the future of these boards!


5/19/2020 2:46 pm  #7

Re: AHS Turns One!

Super glad to have been a part of this community since basically day one, even if I didn't start posting regularly until several months later. I think the general consensus is the desire for a like button, but to my understanding that would cost money to upgrade the board. I'd be willing to make a financial contribution, but I'd also like to know what other options are possible.

I'd like to thank everyone that's commented on both my NAAB and Robin Island threads as well as every creator who's been working hard to create something unique for everyone. The AltHL and AltFL have been fun (if a little stressful, and I apologize for that) so far and I'm excited to both get to the fantasy part as well as the creation of new leagues in the future.

Here's to many years to come!


5/19/2020 3:31 pm  #8

Re: AHS Turns One!

So glad to have been a part of this from the get go!  We now have over 160 members with over 40 sports histories having been made.  So yeah in one short year, we really have come a long way!  Can't wait to see where this board goes from here!


5/19/2020 7:47 pm  #9

Re: AHS Turns One!

Another thing I just thought of: I'd love it if you were notified if your post was quoted (or liked if we institute that). It's super helpful on CCSLC for looking at criticism/continuing the conversation immediately and I think it'd be a nice feature to have if possible.


5/19/2020 9:00 pm  #10

Re: AHS Turns One!

QCS wrote:

Another thing I just thought of: I'd love it if you were notified if your post was quoted (or liked if we institute that). It's super helpful on CCSLC for looking at criticism/continuing the conversation immediately and I think it'd be a nice feature to have if possible.

I like this.

2x Alt Champion :: AltLB Champion Oklahoma City Bison - 2022 :: AltFL Champion New York Emperors - 2022

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