Posted by Enigmajones ![]() 6/14/2020 1:38 am | #21 |
1973 NFL Season
Eastern Conference
1. Miami Dolphins: 12-2 ##
2. Washington Redskins: 9-5
3. Bay State Patriots: 5-9
4. Baltimore Colts: 3-11
1. Pittsburgh Steelers: 9-5 #
2. Philadelphia Eagles: 7-7
3. Cleveland Browns: 6-8
4. New York Giants: 6-8
Western Conference
1. Minnesota Vikings: 12-2 #
2. Detroit Lions: 6-8
3. Green Bay Packers: 4-10
4. Chicago Bears: 2-12
1. Atlanta Falcons: 13-1 ##
2. Dallas Texans: 7-7
3. Houston Oilers: 6-8
4. New Orleans Saints: 5-9
35: ATL@BSP: 16
28: ATL@CHI: 10
17: ATL@DAL: 3
27: ATL@GBP: 10
24: ATL@HOU: 0
24: ATL@NOS: 0
13: ATL@WAS: 7
7: BAL@ATL: 30
26: BAL@BSP: 41
17: BAL@HOU: 31
0: BAL@MIA: 45
34: BAL@NYG: 24
26: BAL@PIT: 20
10: BAL@WAS: 42
35: BSP@BAL: 38
15: BSP@CLE: 38
17: BSP@DAL: 14
6: BSP@MIA: 38
21: BSP@NOS: 16
10: BSP@PHI: 38
9: BSP@WAS: 31
15: CHI@DAL: 16
7: CHI@DET: 9
3: CHI@GBP: 14
14: CHI@MIN: 31
3: CHI@NOS: 17
7: CHI@NYG: 14
0: CHI@PIT: 21
24: CLE@BAL: 10
0: CLE@CHI: 10
10: CLE@GBP: 20
10: CLE@MIA: 27
20: CLE@NYG: 14
7: CLE@PHI: 27
14: CLE@PIT: 10
7: DAL@ATL: 10
30: DAL@BAL: 16
13: DAL@DET: 0
17: DAL@HOU: 0
3: DAL@MIA: 28
10: DAL@MIN: 30
16: DAL@NOS: 10
3: DET@ATL: 24
17: DET@CHI: 7
7: DET@CLE: 28
3: DET@GBP: 9
48: DET@HOU: 17
10: DET@MIN: 14
21: DET@PHI: 14
10: GBP@CHI: 21
10: GBP@DAL: 20
23: GBP@DET: 28
6: GBP@MIN: 23
13: GBP@NOS: 34
21: GBP@NYG: 17
13: GBP@PIT: 17
35: HOU@ATL: 28
7: HOU@BSP: 20
13: HOU@CHI: 10
6: HOU@DAL: 20
21: HOU@GBP: 17
10: HOU@NOS: 23
3: HOU@WAS: 10
9: MIA@ATL: 14
28: MIA@BAL: 9
37: MIA@BSP: 7
9: MIA@HOU: 10
28: MIA@NYG: 13
31: MIA@PIT: 8
17: MIA@WAS: 10
7: MIN@ATL: 27
38: MIN@CHI: 7
10: MIN@CLE: 9
31: MIN@DET: 10
24: MIN@GBP: 7
28: MIN@HOU: 17
35: MIN@PHI: 13
21: NOS@ATL: 34
31: NOS@BAL: 6
16: NOS@DAL: 9
10: NOS@DET: 31
14: NOS@HOU: 21
7: NOS@MIA: 13
3: NOS@MIN: 27
16: NYG@BSP: 26
14: NYG@CLE: 12
24: NYG@DET: 21
17: NYG@MIN: 42
28: NYG@PHI: 14
3: NYG@PIT: 16
17: NYG@WAS: 15
38: PHI@BAL: 10
29: PHI@CHI: 17
3: PHI@CLE: 20
17: PHI@GBP: 16
0: PHI@MIA: 31
24: PHI@NYG: 13
22: PHI@PIT: 16
24: PIT@BSP: 7
17: PIT@CLE: 10
23: PIT@DET: 7
24: PIT@MIN: 17
14: PIT@NYG: 27
31: PIT@PHI: 3
35: PIT@WAS: 10
10: WAS@BAL: 3
38: WAS@BSP: 13
20: WAS@CLE: 12
16: WAS@DAL: 6
6: WAS@MIA: 23
21: WAS@NOS: 7
24: WAS@PHI: 12
Eastern Conference Final
13: Pittsburgh Steelers at Miami Dolphins: 20
Western Conference Final
14: Minnesota Vikings at Atlanta Falcons: 24
NFL Championship
20: Miami Dolphins at Atlanta Falcons: 13
Pacific Coast Football League 1973
1. Oakland Raiders: 8-1-1 ##
2. Los Angeles Rams: 7-2-1 #
3. Denver Broncos: 5-5
4. San Francisco 49ers: 3-7
5. Saint Louis Cardinals: 3-7
6. San Diego Chargers: 3-7
Week 1
37: Oakland at Los Angeles: 9
21: Saint Louis at Denver: 30
30: San Diego at San Francisco: 14
Week 2
21: Saint Louis at San Diego: 32
24: Los Angeles at Oakland: 24
7: San Francisco at Denver: 48
Week 3
13: Denver at Saint Louis: 20
51: Oakland at San Francisco: 10
27: Los Angeles at San Diego: 10
Week 4
17: Denver at Oakland: 23
9: Los Angeles at San Francisco: 3
20: San Diego at Saint Louis: 38
Week 5
0: San Francisco at Oakland: 30
45: Los Angeles at Saint Louis: 14
17: Denver at San Diego: 38
Week 6
6: Denver at Los Angeles: 34
21: Oakland at San Diego: 0
13: Saint Louis at San Francisco: 27
Week 7
14: San Diego at Los Angeles: 17 OT
3: Saint Louis at Oakland: 15
10: Denver at San Francisco: 27
Week 8
13: Los Angeles at Denver: 30
27: San Francisco at San Diego: 13
Week 9
34: Saint Louis at Los Angeles: 35
9: Oakland at Denver: 10
Week 10
14: San Francisco at Saint Louis: 20
17: San Diego at Denver: 42
Week 11
34: Oakland at Saint Louis: 10
0: San Francisco at Los Angeles: 28
Week 12
6: San Diego at Oakland: 23
Pacific Bowl
20: Los Angeles Rams at Oakland Raiders: 13
Posted by Enigmajones ![]() 6/14/2020 1:39 am | #22 |
1974 NFL Season
Eastern Conference
1. Bay State Patriots: 11-3 #
2. Washington Redskins: 10-4
3. Miami Dolphins: 5-9
4. Baltimore Colts: 2-12
1. Pittsburgh Steelers: 14-0 ##
2. Cleveland Browns: 6-8
3. Philadelphia Eagles: 5-9
4. New York Giants: 4-10
Western Conference
1. Minnesota Vikings: 10-4 ##
2. Green Bay Packers: 10-4
3. Detroit Lions: 7-7
4. Chicago Bears: 6-8
1. Atlanta Falcons: 7-7 #
2. Dallas Texans: 6-7-1
3. New Orleans Saints: 5-9
4. Houston Oilers: 3-10-1
13: ATL@DAL: 20
14: ATL@DET: 19
10: ATL@HOU: 7
6: ATL@MIN: 27
23: ATL@NOS: 3
13: ATL@NYG: 10
0: ATL@PIT: 24
10: BAL@BSP: 28
7: BAL@CHI: 12
21: BAL@CLE: 31
3: BAL@GBP: 34
19: BAL@MIA: 27
17: BAL@PHI: 42
12: BAL@WAS: 7
35: BSP@BAL: 31
13: BSP@DET: 10
38: BSP@MIA: 17
24: BSP@MIN: 13
21: BSP@NYG: 17
3: BSP@PIT: 23
15: BSP@WAS: 37
24: CHI@ATL: 3
27: CHI@BSP: 24
10: CHI@DET: 34
22: CHI@GBP: 10
3: CHI@HOU: 27
7: CHI@MIN: 38
10: CHI@WAS: 27
13: CLE@ATL: 24
10: CLE@BSP: 58
20: CLE@HOU: 24
31: CLE@NYG: 10
10: CLE@PHI: 9
6: CLE@PIT: 45
17: CLE@WAS: 20
6: DAL@ATL: 42
13: DAL@CHI: 27
15: DAL@CLE: 12
19: DAL@GBP: 27
10: DAL@HOU: 10
6: DAL@NOS: 14
20: DAL@PHI: 19
24: DET@BAL: 30
16: DET@CHI: 14
16: DET@DAL: 27
14: DET@GBP: 24
17: DET@MIA: 13
14: DET@MIN: 20
35: DET@NOS: 10
17: GBP@ATL: 7
0: GBP@BSP: 13
16: GBP@CHI: 10
13: GBP@DET: 10
24: GBP@HOU: 6
17: GBP@MIN: 16
8: GBP@WAS: 24
14: HOU@ATL: 21
23: HOU@DAL: 38
10: HOU@DET: 24
14: HOU@MIN: 27
35: HOU@NOS: 14
6: HOU@NYG: 20
13: HOU@PIT: 20
34: MIA@BAL: 20
13: MIA@BSP: 23
41: MIA@CHI: 12
14: MIA@CLE: 26
14: MIA@GBP: 17
24: MIA@PHI: 22
14: MIA@WAS: 22
23: MIN@BAL: 7
27: MIN@CHI: 3
26: MIN@DAL: 10
20: MIN@DET: 14
26: MIN@GBP: 3
20: MIN@MIA: 14
10: MIN@NOS: 13
23: NOS@ATL: 3
10: NOS@CHI: 13
3: NOS@CLE: 14
18: NOS@DAL: 7
3: NOS@GBP: 9
21: NOS@HOU: 3
17: NOS@PHI: 18
28: NYG@BAL: 10
24: NYG@CLE: 14
14: NYG@DAL: 21
13: NYG@MIA: 21
13: NYG@NOS: 10
14: NYG@PHI: 21
3: NYG@PIT: 10
12: PHI@ATL: 24
18: PHI@BSP: 30
6: PHI@CLE: 10
20: PHI@HOU: 14
31: PHI@NYG: 9
3: PHI@PIT: 23
7: PHI@WAS: 17
23: PIT@BAL: 6
10: PIT@CLE: 9
42: PIT@DAL: 14
24: PIT@MIA: 10
17: PIT@NOS: 0
21: PIT@NYG: 0
27: PIT@PHI: 0
30: WAS@BAL: 23
10: WAS@BSP: 17
10: WAS@DET: 20
29: WAS@MIA: 17
24: WAS@MIN: 10
6: WAS@NYG: 3
7: WAS@PIT: 17
Eastern Conference Final
24: Bay State Patriots at Pittsburgh Steelers: 26
Western Conference Final
7: Atlanta Falcons at Minnesota Vikings: 22
NFL Championship
14: Minnesota Vikings at Pittsburgh Steelers: 17
Pacific Coast Football League 1974
1. Saint Louis Cardinals: 10-0 ##
2. Oakland Raiders: 7-3 #
3. Los Angeles Rams: 5-5
4. Denver Broncos: 5-5
5. San Francisco 49ers: 3-7
6. San Diego Chargers: 0-10
Week 1
13: Oakland at San Francisco: 21
27: Saint Louis at San Diego: 8
19: Los Angeles at Denver: 21
Week 2
10: Oakland at Los Angeles: 26
10: Denver at Saint Louis: 31
27: San Francisco at San Diego: 21
Week 3
10: Denver at Oakland: 19
23: Los Angeles at San Francisco: 7
21: San Diego at Saint Louis: 41
Week 4
21: San Diego at Denver: 24
0: San Francisco at Saint Louis: 28
12: Los Angeles at Oakland: 21
Week 5
28: San Diego at Oakland: 49
0: San Francisco at Los Angeles: 19
14: Saint Louis at Denver: 9
Week 6
37: Saint Louis at Los Angeles: 9
24: Oakland at Denver: 16
20: San Diego at San Francisco: 35
Week 7
14: San Diego at Los Angeles: 31
36: Saint Louis at Oakland: 10
10: Denver at San Francisco: 6
Week 8
37: Oakland at Denver: 7
25: Los Angeles at Saint Louis: 27
Week 9
9: Denver at Los Angeles: 47
31: Oakland at San Diego: 7
35: Saint Louis at San Francisco: 7
Week 10
17: San Francisco at Denver: 34
29: Los Angeles at San Diego: 7
Week 11
20: San Francisco at Oakland: 34
10: Denver at San Diego: 7
Week 12
10: Oakland at Saint Louis: 33
Pacific Bowl
0: Oakland Raiders at Saint Louis Cardinals: 14
OOC: Wil post summary soon.
Last edited by Enigmajones (6/14/2020 1:40 am)
Posted by Enigmajones ![]() 6/14/2020 5:49 pm | #23 |
1972 NFL Season
In the Eastern Conference Atlantic Division, there was a tough race between the Miami Dolphins, and the defending champion Washington Redskins. In the end, the Dolphins finished 11-3, to the Redskins 10-4, leaving the Colts and Patriots in the dust. In the North Division, the Pittsburgh Steelers went 13-1, dominating the division, with only the Cleveland Browns with 10 wins, while the Giants went 7-7 and the Eagles ended up 2-12. In the Eastern Conference Final, the Dolphins went into Pittsburgh and upset the Steelers, 26-22.
In the Western Conference Central Division, the Minnesota Vikings would return to the postseason with a 11-3 regular season record, far ahead the second place Packers, who finished 7-7. In the South Division, a close race between the Falcons and Texans led to Atlanta winning their first division title, and their first postseason appearance. The Texans, who finished 10-4, would miss the postseason for the first time since 1966. The Oilers and Saints would have terrible seasons, with Houston at 2-12, and New Orleans at 1-13. In the Western Conference Final, the Minnesota Vikings visited Atlanta and fought a close match, ultimately winning 10-7. In the NFL Title, Miami hosted Minnesota, with the Vikings outlasting the Dolphins, winning the game 16-10.
1972 PCFL Season
The 1972 PCFL season had a three way race for first place. The San Francisco 49ers, Oakland Raiders and Los Angeles Rams all finished within one game of the other. The 49ers would finish 8-2, the Raiders 7-3 and the Rams 6-4. In the Pacific Bowl in San Francisco, and all Bay Area title was held. In the title, the Raiders prevented the 49ers from winning their first Pacific Bowl, beating them 24-10.
1973 NFL Season
In the Eastern Conference Atlantic Division, the Dolphins again won the division with a 12-2 record, with the Redskins finishing 9-5. The Patriots and Colts both had losing seasons, with Bay State having 5 wins, and the Colts with 3. In the North Division, the Pittsburgh Steelers again won the division title, finishing with a 9-5 record. The Eagles finished in second, with a 7-7 record, while the Browns and the Giants both went 6-8. In the Eastern Conference Final that year, the Miami Dolphins again defeated the Steelers, winning by a touchdown, 20-13.
In the Western Conference Central Division, the Vikings again dominated their division, finishing 12-2, as opposed to the second place Detroit Lions, who were 6-8. The Packers won 4 games, while the Bears won 2. In the South Division, the Atlanta Falcons did even better then the Vikings, finishing with a 13-1 record. Dallas went 7-7, and finished in second, while the Houston Oilers and New Orleans Saints went 6-8 ad 5-9 respectively. In the Western Conference Final, the Atlanta Falcons faced off against the Minnesota Vikings for the second time in two seasons. Hosted in Atlanta, the Falcons won by 10 points, finishing 24-14. In the NFL Title, the Atlanta Falcons lost by a touchdown in front of their home crowd, losing 20-13.
1973 PCFL Season
The 1973 Pacific Bowl was decided months in advance, and was between the Oakland Raiders and the Los Angeles Rams. The Raiders only lost one game, finishing 8-1-1, while the Rams went 7-2-1. The Broncos were in third with a 5-5 record, while the other three teams all ended the season 3-7. In the Pacific Bowl, the Raiders hosted and lost to the Los Angeles Rams 20-13, the same score as the NFL title.
1974 NFL Season
In the Eastern Conference Atlantic Division, there was a tough division race between the Bay State Patriots and the Washington Redskins. The season would end with the Patriots on top, with a 11-3 record, and the Redskins in second, at 10-4. The Dolphins and Colts both had losing seasons. In the North Division, the Pittsburgh Steelers recorded a perfect season, going 14-0. The Browns, in second, had a 6-8 record for reference. In the Eastern Conference Final, the Patriots traveled to Pittsburgh where they fought hard to win, but would lose to the Steelers 26-24.
In the Western Conference Central Division, the Vikings and the Packers went head to head both finishing 10-4. The Vikings would win the division title on tiebreakers. In the South Division, the whole division was terrible, with Atlanta posting a 7-7 record in first place. The Dallas Texans finished in second at 6-7-1, followed by the Saints at 5-9 and the Oilers at 3-10-1. In the Western Conference Final, the Vikings destroyed the Falcons 22-7. In the NFL Title, the perfect Pittsburgh Steelers barely beat the Minnesota Vikings, winning by a late field goal, with the final score being 17-14.
1974 PCFL
Like in 1968, the PCFL matched the NFL with each having a perfect season. While it was the Steelers in the NFL, in the PCFL it was the Saint Louis Cardinals, who would end the season at a perfect 10-0. Behind them in second place was the Oakland Raiders with a 7-3 record, and behind them were the Rams and Broncos at 5-5. In the Pacific Bowl, the Cardinals blanked the Raiders 14-0 in front of an ecstatic home crowd.
Posted by Enigmajones ![]() 6/14/2020 5:50 pm | #24 |
1975 NFL Season
Eastern Conference
1. Baltimore Colts: 10-4 #
2. Miami Dolphins: 8-6
3. Bay State Patriots: 6-8
4. Washington Redskins: 4-10
1. Pittsburgh Steelers: 14-0 ##
2. Cleveland Browns: 7-7
3. Philadelphia Eagles: 6-8
4. New York Giants: 4-10
Western Conference
1. Minnesota Vikings: 12-2 ##
2. Detroit Lions: 7-7
3. Chicago Bears: 6-8
4. Green Bay Packers: 4-10
1. Houston Oilers: 11-3 #
2. Atlanta Falcons: 7-7
3. Dallas Texans: 3-11
4. New Orleans Saints: 3-11
7: ATL@BAL: 13
19: ATL@CHI: 13
23: ATL@DAL: 14
29: ATL@GBP: 10
7: ATL@HOU: 30
6: ATL@MIA: 30
14: ATL@NOS: 16
14: BAL@BSP: 31
17: BAL@DAL: 3
27: BAL@MIA: 21
7: BAL@NOS: 13
40: BAL@NYG: 7
21: BAL@PIT: 28
14: BAL@WAS: 9
13: BSP@ATL: 7
3: BSP@BAL: 17
7: BSP@CLE: 24
7: BSP@HOU: 43
21: BSP@MIA: 38
21: BSP@PHI: 26
23: BSP@WAS: 14
14: CHI@CLE: 20
21: CHI@DAL: 24
20: CHI@DET: 10
14: CHI@GBP: 13
13: CHI@MIN: 25
24: CHI@NOS: 16
14: CHI@PHI: 17
13: CLE@BAL: 14
19: CLE@DET: 24
24: CLE@MIA: 21
3: CLE@MIN: 38
29: CLE@NYG: 13
30: CLE@PHI: 3
0: CLE@PIT: 6
20: DAL@ATL: 22
17: DAL@BSP: 20
20: DAL@DET: 27
13: DAL@HOU: 45
10: DAL@MIN: 44
18: DAL@NOS: 17
13: DAL@WAS: 27
13: DET@ATL: 19
14: DET@CHI: 24
24: DET@GBP: 17
7: DET@HOU: 26
10: DET@MIN: 17
10: DET@NYG: 6
17: DET@PIT: 31
10: GBP@CHI: 24
31: GBP@CLE: 16
17: GBP@DAL: 12
14: GBP@DET: 20
16: GBP@MIN: 20
14: GBP@NOS: 13
28: GBP@PHI: 14
24: HOU@ATL: 10
10: HOU@BAL: 12
23: HOU@CHI: 20
47: HOU@DAL: 13
20: HOU@GBP: 10
13: HOU@MIA: 16
14: HOU@NOS: 3
12: MIA@BAL: 37
16: MIA@BSP: 23
43: MIA@DAL: 17
15: MIA@NOS: 7
28: MIA@NYG: 30
16: MIA@PIT: 21
30: MIA@WAS: 10
34: MIN@ATL: 10
31: MIN@CHI: 10
20: MIN@DET: 3
31: MIN@GBP: 7
11: MIN@HOU: 14
39: MIN@NYG: 0
0: MIN@PIT: 9
14: NOS@ATL: 28
14: NOS@BSP: 0
24: NOS@DAL: 27
17: NOS@DET: 20
3: NOS@HOU: 17
9: NOS@MIN: 24
19: NOS@WAS: 27
22: NYG@BSP: 17
10: NYG@CHI: 13
16: NYG@CLE: 13
22: NYG@GBP: 16
9: NYG@PHI: 23
3: NYG@PIT: 43
17: NYG@WAS: 28
13: PHI@BAL: 10
10: PHI@CLE: 21
3: PHI@DET: 24
0: PHI@MIA: 21
9: PHI@MIN: 20
31: PHI@NYG: 3
13: PHI@PIT: 17
24: PIT@BSP: 17
13: PIT@CHI: 9
21: PIT@CLE: 18
30: PIT@GBP: 3
31: PIT@NYG: 0
16: PIT@PHI: 15
17: PIT@WAS: 7
7: WAS@ATL: 20
18: WAS@BAL: 21
31: WAS@BSP: 37
14: WAS@CLE: 31
23: WAS@HOU: 17
7: WAS@MIA: 26
10: WAS@PHI: 20
Eastern Conference Final
17: Baltimore Colts at Pittsburgh Steelers: 23
Western Conference Final
16: Houston Oilers at Minnesota Vikings: 22
NFL Championship
24: Minnesota Vikings at Pittsburgh Steelers: 6
Pacific Coast Football League 1975
1. Los Angeles Rams: 9-1 ##
2. Oakland Raiders: 6-4 #
3. Saint Louis Cardinals: 5-5
4. San Francisco 49ers: 4-6
5. Denver Broncos: 4-6
6. San Diego Chargers: 2-8
Week 1
6: San Diego at Los Angeles: 13
28: Saint Louis at Oakland: 24
7: Denver at San Francisco: 12
Week 2
14: Denver at Los Angeles: 17
24: Oakland at San Diego: 10
17: Saint Louis at San Francisco: 27
Week 3
36: Saint Louis at San Diego: 16
13: Los Angeles at Oakland: 9
20: San Francisco at Denver: 23
Week 4
13: San Francisco at Oakland: 7
37: Los Angeles at Saint Louis: 6
28: Denver at San Diego: 34
Week 5
7: Oakland at Los Angeles: 21
37: Saint Louis at Denver: 19
6: San Diego at San Francisco: 22
Week 6
10: Denver at Oakland: 17
25: Los Angeles at San Francisco: 3
9: San Diego at Saint Louis: 21
Week 7
33: Denver at Saint Louis: 29
13: Oakland at San Francisco: 10 OT
16: Los Angeles at San Diego: 6
Week 8
10: San Francisco at Saint Louis: 17
17: San Diego at Denver: 23
Week 9
13: Los Angeles at Denver: 20
27: San Francisco at San Diego: 30
Week 10
15: Saint Louis at Los Angeles: 17
30: Oakland at Denver: 19
Week 11
30: Oakland at Saint Louis: 13
9: San Francisco at Los Angeles: 13
Week 12
14: San Diego at Oakland: 27
Pacific Bowl
20: Oakland Raiders at Los Angeles Rams: 13
Posted by Enigmajones ![]() 6/14/2020 5:52 pm | #25 |
1976 NFL Season
Eastern Conference
1. Bay State Patriots: 11-3 ##
2. Baltimore Colts: 7-7
3. Miami Dolphins: 5-9
4. Washington Redskins: 5-9
1. Pittsburgh Steelers: 10-4 #
2. Cleveland Browns: 10-4
3. New York Giants: 8-6
4. Philadelphia Eagles: 4-10
Western Conference
1. Detroit Lions: 10-4 ##
2. Minnesota Vikings: 9-5
3. Chicago Bears: 7-6-1
4. Green Bay Packers: 5-9
1. Houston Oilers: 9-5 #
2. Atlanta Falcons: 5-9
3. New Orleans Saints: 3-10-1
4. Dallas Texans: 3-11
14: ATL@CLE: 28
38: ATL@DAL: 16
14: ATL@DET: 26
7: ATL@HOU: 20
3: ATL@MIN: 34
10: ATL@NOS: 23
17: ATL@PHI: 14
17: BAL@BSP: 35
30: BAL@CLE: 32
21: BAL@DET: 27
48: BAL@MIA: 10
24: BAL@MIN: 27
20: BAL@PHI: 12
29: BAL@WAS: 10
17: BSP@BAL: 10
19: BSP@CHI: 7
35: BSP@GBP: 0
24: BSP@MIA: 17
29: BSP@NYG: 13
11: BSP@PIT: 7
30: BSP@WAS: 10
37: CHI@ATL: 7
14: CHI@BAL: 20
14: CHI@DET: 23
12: CHI@GBP: 6
16: CHI@HOU: 27
30: CHI@MIA: 6
23: CHI@MIN: 10
10: CLE@BSP: 3
56: CLE@DAL: 24
21: CLE@NOS: 14
12: CLE@NYG: 22
27: CLE@PHI: 17
0: CLE@PIT: 26
17: CLE@WAS: 23
10: DAL@ATL: 21
10: DAL@CHI: 17
16: DAL@GBP: 44
6: DAL@HOU: 66
38: DAL@NOS: 48
30: DAL@NYG: 17
6: DAL@PIT: 31
26: DET@BSP: 17
23: DET@CHI: 16
21: DET@DAL: 27
10: DET@GBP: 24
24: DET@MIN: 10
27: DET@NOS: 10
12: DET@WAS: 17
23: GBP@ATL: 30
21: GBP@BAL: 28
6: GBP@CHI: 19
30: GBP@DET: 27
19: GBP@HOU: 7
17: GBP@MIA: 24
0: GBP@MIN: 17
16: HOU@ATL: 10
6: HOU@CLE: 9
27: HOU@DAL: 22
10: HOU@DET: 13
10: HOU@MIN: 29
27: HOU@NOS: 3
20: HOU@PHI: 6
17: MIA@BAL: 42
13: MIA@BSP: 23
10: MIA@CLE: 44
17: MIA@DET: 24
31: MIA@MIN: 27
37: MIA@PHI: 20
43: MIA@WAS: 17
19: MIN@BSP: 14
12: MIN@CHI: 25
24: MIN@DAL: 7
13: MIN@DET: 17
21: MIN@GBP: 10
33: MIN@NOS: 12
13: MIN@WAS: 3
19: NOS@ATL: 21
21: NOS@CHI: 21
22: NOS@DAL: 33
10: NOS@GBP: 14
6: NOS@HOU: 27
0: NOS@NYG: 13
14: NOS@PIT: 11
35: NYG@ATL: 13
27: NYG@BAL: 7
9: NYG@CLE: 29
14: NYG@HOU: 33
27: NYG@MIA: 10
15: NYG@PHI: 23
13: NYG@PIT: 23
18: PHI@BSP: 20
10: PHI@CLE: 17
33: PHI@DAL: 17
37: PHI@NOS: 33
6: PHI@NYG: 27
7: PHI@PIT: 17
17: PHI@WAS: 6
16: PIT@ATL: 0
28: PIT@BAL: 9
14: PIT@CLE: 0
27: PIT@HOU: 21
14: PIT@MIA: 17
7: PIT@NYG: 19
37: PIT@PHI: 3
21: WAS@BAL: 29
13: WAS@BSP: 16
26: WAS@CHI: 9
48: WAS@GBP: 3
10: WAS@MIA: 6
15: WAS@NYG: 17
7: WAS@PIT: 13
Eastern Conference Final
37: Pittsburgh Steelers at Bay State Patriots: 16
Western Conference Final
9: Houston Oilers at Detroit Lions: 29
NFL Championship
3: Detroit Lions at Pittsburgh Steelers: 17
Pacific Coast Football League 1976
1. Los Angeles Rams: 8-4 ##
2. Denver Broncos: 7-5 #
3. Saint Louis Cardinals: 6-6 *
4. San Diego Chargers: 6-6
5. Oakland Raiders: 6-6
6. San Francisco 49ers: 6-6
7. Seattle Seahawks: 2-10
Week 1
14: San Francisco at Saint Louis: 30
37: Oakland at Seattle: 6
29: Denver at San Diego: 9
Week 2
24: Saint Louis at Seattle: 31
12: Los Angeles at Denver: 7
16: San Francisco at San Diego: 22
Week 3
21: San Diego at Denver: 24
24: Saint Louis at Los Angeles: 21
10: Seattle at Oakland: 31
Week 4
19: San Diego at San Francisco: 23
27: Oakland at Denver: 30
26: Seattle at Los Angeles: 20
Week 5
43: San Diego at Seattle: 19
17: Denver at Oakland: 26
23: Los Angeles at San Francisco: 13
Week 6
20: Los Angeles at Oakland: 6
40: Saint Louis at San Diego: 10
3: Seattle at Denver: 35
Week 7
12: Saint Louis at San Francisco: 17
27: Los Angeles at Seattle: 0
43: Denver at San Diego: 3
Week 8
27: Los Angeles at San Diego: 22
3: Denver at San Francisco: 19
35: Oakland at Saint Louis: 20
Week 9
22: San Diego at Oakland: 17
15: San Francisco at Seattle: 19
19: Los Angeles at Saint Louis: 14
Week 10
31: San Diego at Los Angeles: 30
12: Seattle at Saint Louis: 37
16: San Francisco at Oakland: 15
Week 11
31: Oakland at San Diego: 38
3: Denver at Los Angeles: 13
13: Seattle at San Francisco: 22
Week 12
3: Oakland at Los Angeles: 28
17: San Francisco at Denver: 24
17: Seattle at San Diego: 39
Week 13
24: Saint Louis at Denver: 21
27: Oakland at San Francisco: 25
Week 14
14: San Francisco at Los Angeles: 12
26: Denver at Saint Louis: 13
Week 15
20: Saint Louis at Oakland: 23
24: Denver at Seattle: 17
Week 16
31: San Diego at Saint Louis: 23
7: Saint Louis at Denver: 13
Pacific Bowl
0: Denver Broncos at Los Angeles Rams: 20
Posted by Enigmajones ![]() 6/14/2020 5:53 pm | #26 |
1977 NFL Season
Eastern Conference
1. Bay State Patriots: 11-3 ##
2. Baltimore Colts: 9-5
3. Miami Dolphins: 8-6
4. Washington Redskins: 8-6
1. Philadelphia Eagles: 9-5 #
2. Pittsburgh Steelers: 9-5
3. Cleveland Browns: 4-10
4. New York Giants: 3-11
Western Conference
1. Minnesota Vikings: 10-4 #
2. Chicago Bears: 9-5
3. Detroit Lions: 4-10
4. Green Bay Packers: 3-11
1. Houston Oilers: 10-3-1 ##
2. Atlanta Falcons: 8-5-1
3. Dallas Texans: 4-10
4. New Orleans Saints: 2-12
20: ATL@BSP: 10
10: ATL@CHI: 6
22: ATL@DAL: 3
13: ATL@GBP: 20
14: ATL@HOU: 29
30: ATL@NOS: 3
3: ATL@WAS: 31
10: BAL@ATL: 13
20: BAL@BSP: 17
17: BAL@HOU: 21
29: BAL@MIA: 7
24: BAL@NYG: 9
14: BAL@PIT: 24
24: BAL@WAS: 19
20: BSP@BAL: 3
27: BSP@CLE: 24
31: BSP@DAL: 17
27: BSP@MIA: 21
13: BSP@NOS: 10
14: BSP@PHI: 6
27: BSP@WAS: 3
17: CHI@DAL: 23
17: CHI@DET: 7
6: CHI@GBP: 3
14: CHI@MIN: 19
23: CHI@NOS: 8
34: CHI@NYG: 3
22: CHI@PIT: 16
10: CLE@BAL: 31
13: CLE@CHI: 17
24: CLE@GBP: 3
10: CLE@MIA: 45
20: CLE@NYG: 0
27: CLE@PHI: 33
6: CLE@PIT: 34
6: DAL@ATL: 9
10: DAL@BAL: 21
20: DAL@DET: 26
13: DAL@HOU: 10
20: DAL@MIA: 31
10: DAL@MIN: 34
31: DAL@NOS: 24
14: DET@ATL: 13
6: DET@CHI: 27
21: DET@CLE: 25
14: DET@GBP: 13
7: DET@HOU: 17
10: DET@MIN: 15
7: DET@PHI: 17
10: GBP@CHI: 33
22: GBP@DAL: 27
12: GBP@DET: 10
20: GBP@MIN: 26
14: GBP@NOS: 17
10: GBP@NYG: 6
7: GBP@PIT: 30
3: HOU@ATL: 3
13: HOU@BSP: 16
37: HOU@CHI: 20
27: HOU@DAL: 0
13: HOU@GBP: 9
44: HOU@NOS: 17
30: HOU@WAS: 6
21: MIA@ATL: 7
26: MIA@BAL: 27
6: MIA@BSP: 27
17: MIA@HOU: 6
37: MIA@NYG: 10
13: MIA@PIT: 41
31: MIA@WAS: 10
3: MIN@ATL: 16
10: MIN@CHI: 52
14: MIN@CLE: 10
12: MIN@DET: 0
32: MIN@GBP: 6
14: MIN@HOU: 32
7: MIN@PHI: 22
0: NOS@ATL: 37
6: NOS@BAL: 33
37: NOS@DAL: 31
6: NOS@DET: 21
7: NOS@HOU: 16
10: NOS@MIA: 21
7: NOS@MIN: 35
13: NYG@BSP: 20
7: NYG@CLE: 16
12: NYG@DET: 7
10: NYG@MIN: 14
16: NYG@PHI: 37
6: NYG@PIT: 23
20: NYG@WAS: 13
10: PHI@BAL: 16
12: PHI@CHI: 10
16: PHI@CLE: 13
20: PHI@GBP: 17
17: PHI@MIA: 20
12: PHI@NYG: 23
20: PHI@PIT: 26
21: PIT@BSP: 24
29: PIT@CLE: 17
26: PIT@DET: 3
3: PIT@MIN: 13
23: PIT@NYG: 13
9: PIT@PHI: 26
14: PIT@WAS: 20
36: WAS@BAL: 17
17: WAS@BSP: 3
24: WAS@CLE: 16
16: WAS@DAL: 7
23: WAS@MIA: 17
20: WAS@NOS: 3
20: WAS@PHI: 28
Eastern Conference Final
27: Philadelphia Eagles at Bay State Patriots: 24
Western Conference Final
16: Minnesota Vikings at Houston Oilers: 31
NFL Championship
23: Philadelphia Eagles at Houston Oilers: 20 OT
Pacific Coast Football League 1977
1. Los Angeles Rams: 9-3 ##
2. Saint Louis Cardinals: 7-5 #
3. San Diego Chargers: 7-5 *
4. Denver Broncos: 7-5
5. Seattle Seahawks: 6-6
6. Oakland Raiders: 4-8
7. San Francisco 49ers: 2-10
Week 1
3: San Diego at Denver: 26
24: Saint Louis at San Francisco: 14
19: Los Angeles at Seattle: 27
Week 2
8: Seattle at Oakland: 33
11: San Francisco at Los Angeles: 26
24: San Diego at Saint Louis: 51
Week 3
13: Saint Louis at Denver: 23
17: Oakland at San Francisco: 3
7: Seattle at Los Angeles: 31
Week 4
12: Oakland at Los Angeles: 33
14: San Francisco at Denver: 37
10: Seattle at San Diego: 9
Week 5
20: Saint Louis at San Diego: 16
20: Seattle at Denver: 31
38: Los Angeles at Oakland: 22
Week 6
38: Saint Louis at Los Angeles: 19
31: San Diego at Seattle: 7
27: Denver at Oakland: 17
Week 7
17: Saint Louis at Seattle: 20
26: San Diego at San Francisco: 18
6: Oakland at Denver: 28
Week 8
2: Denver at San Diego: 33
35: Los Angeles at San Francisco: 14
30: Saint Louis at Oakland: 24
Week 9
14: Denver at Saint Louis: 17
33: Seattle at San Francisco: 14
15: Los Angeles at San Diego: 18
Week 10
7: Denver at Seattle: 13
7: Oakland at San Diego: 21
24: San Francisco at Saint Louis: 13
Week 11
43: Los Angeles at Saint Louis: 3
22: Denver at San Francisco: 3
27: Oakland at Seattle: 20
Week 12
0: Denver at Los Angeles: 10
9: San Francisco at Oakland: 10
35: Seattle at Saint Louis: 28
Week 13
22: Los Angeles at Denver: 16
0: San Francisco at San Diego: 24
7: Oakland at Saint Louis: 19
Week 14
10: San Diego at Los Angeles: 13 OT
21: San Francisco at Seattle: 6
Week 15
19: San Diego at Oakland: 13
30: San Diego at Saint Louis: 9
Pacific Bowl
6: San Diego Chargers at Los Angeles Rams: 39
Posted by Enigmajones ![]() 6/15/2020 7:54 pm | #27 |
1975 NFL Season
Going into the NFL season, the Pittsburgh Steelers had pulled off a perfect season, even with an injured Terry Bradshaw, and with postseason games had gone 16-0. As such, they could have lost some games and still been one of the best teams in the league, but this was not in the cards.
In the Eastern Conference Atlantic Division, the Baltimore Colts pulled ahead of the Miami Dolphins placing a 10-4 record to the Dolphins 8-6. In the North Division, Terry Bradshaw destroyed the competition going 14-0, winning the division and assuring the path to the NFL Title would go through Pittsburgh. In the Eastern Conference Final, the hometown Steelers were expecting an easy win, but the Baltimore Colts ended that fantasy by taking a 17-10 lead late in the fourth quarter. With the rest of the game the Steelers came back to 17-17 before forcing the Colts to go four and out and getting the ball back with about one minute left. They drove down the field and at the last second scored a touchdown to leave the score 23-17.
In the Western Conference Central Division the Vikings continued their unchallenged rule, finishing 12-2, far ahed of the second place Detroit Lions who were only 7-7. The The Chicago Bears were not to far behind at 6-8 and the Green Bay Packers only won four games. In the South Division, the Houston Oilers, under the leadership of quarterback Dan Pastorini, finished 11-3 and won their first Southern Division Title. In the rest of the division, the Atlanta Falcons went 7-7, and the Texans and Saints both finished 3-11. In the Western Conference Final, the Minnesota Vikings hosted the Houston Oilers, during a day with snow flurries to a sell out crowd in Metropolitan Stadium, with some rowdy Love Ya Blue fans waving their colors and team flags. In a close game, the Vikings were able to use their familiarity with winter to eventually stop the offensive capabilities of the Houston Astros. Towards the end of the game, the Vikings scored a touchdown to win 22-16.
In the NFL Title, the 31-0 Pittsburgh Steelers were clearly the favorites. Though the Dallas Texans dominance of the 1960's was still fresh, this team seemed to be the start of a new dynasty to replace the old. What everyone seemed to forget was how hard the Vikings had played in 1974, only losing by a field goal. Terry Bradshaw was also seen to be cocky, eager to wipe the stain of his injury clean by winning an NFL Title. In the end, the Steelers were undone by the suffocating Viking defense, dubbed ever after as the Purple People Eaters. In four quarters the Steelers scored two field goals and no touchdowns to let the Vikings win 22-6.
1975 PCFL Season
In the PCFL in 1975, the Los Angeles Rams dominated their opponents, only recording a loss to the Denver Broncos in week 9, and finishing 9-1. The Oakland Raiders would post a 6-4 record, just ahead of the 5-5 Saint Louis Cardinals, the defending Pacific Bowl champions. The Raiders would win the Pacific Bowl appearance after a easy week 11 victory over the Cardinals. The Raiders would carry that winning attitude to the Pacific Bowl, beating the Los Angeles Rams in a close 20-13 affair, before the jilted fans of Los Angeles.
1976 NFL Season
In the Eastern Conference Atlantic Division, the Bay State Patriots knocked out the Baltimore Colts early on, finishing 11-3 and hosting a Eastern Conference Final. The Colts ended the season with a disappointing 7-7, while the Miami Dolphins and Washington Redskins would end the season at 5-9.
In the North Division, the Pittsburgh Steelers and Cleveland Browns battled all year for the division title, eventually having the Steelers win, even though both were 10-4. Going back to the Eastern Conference Final, the Steelers were in their element, and swatted down the Bay State Patriots, with the final score being 37-16.
In the Western Conference Central Division, the Minnesota Vikings and Detroit Lions faced a close race, which was won by the Lions, who finished 10-4 to the Vikings 9-5. The Chicago Bears in third finished 7-6-1, and the Green Bay Packers in last with 5-9.
In the South Division, the Houston Oilers were again the best team, posting a 9-5 record, where as the second place Atlanta Falcons would only win five games, finishing 5-9. The New Orleans Saints, a team accustomed to last palace finishes, tied a game and thus were ahead of the Dallas Texans, a team not accustomed to losing, who were 3-11. In the Western Conference Final, the Detroit Lions hosted the game, where they outclassed the Oilers, winning easily 29-9, leaving Pastorini with no touchdowns.
In the NFL Title, the Detroit Lions went to Pittsburgh hoping for a miracle. Even though both teams had gone 10-4, the Steelers won the tie breaker and the game was never close. The final score was 17-3, but the field goal was late and the Steelers had clearly being the better team.
1976 PCFL Season
The 1976 PCFL season began with relative with fanfare as a result of expansion. Originally plans expected to expand by two teams, with Seattle and Phoenix being the most likely markets. In the end, no support for a new stadium to be built in the place of Sun Devil Stadium ended Phoneix's chances. However the Seattle Seahawks, one of several bids to bring professional football to Seattle, would join the league as its seventh franchise, and their last expansion until 2017's admission of the San Diego Admirals.
In their first year, the Seattle Seahawks went 2-10, winning their first game in week 2 against the Saint Louis Cardinals at the Kingdome (31-24), and their second in week 4 at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum against the Rams (26-20). They wouldn't win again till 1977. Also new was the addition to a playoff between the second and third place teams. As such, for the first time in PCFL history, more than the top two teams would assuredly be in a title. This first year, the Los Angeles Rams went 8-4, the Denver Broncos went 7-5 and the Saint Louis Cardinals 6-6.
In the first ever PCFL Playoff, the Denver Broncos hosted the Cardinals, who would give the hometown Broncos a challenge. Though not high scoring, the game was close, with the Denver Broncos winning 13-7. Traveling to Los Angeles for the Pacific Bowl the Denver Broncos were in high spirits, making their second appearance in the Pacific Bowl. But just like their last visit, the Broncos would be embarrassed, losing 20-0.
1977 NFL Season
In the Eastern Conference Atlantic Division was relatively close, considering that none of the four teams had a losing record. The third and fourth place Miami Dolphins and Washington Redskins both finished 8-6, the Baltimore Colts went 9-5 and the first place Bay State Patriots would finish 11-3, winning both the division title, and the right to host the 1977 Eastern Conference Final.
In the North Division, Pittsburgh Steelers were expected to win the division, but were surprised by the Philadelphia Eagles, who eventually fought their way to a 9-5 record, the same as the Steelers, but with the tiebreaker. As such when the Eastern Conference Final began, a cold day in Foxboro, the Patriots were favorites to win, but the football gods decided otherwise. Late in the fourth quarter the game was tied 21-21, and the Eagles were able to make a quick drive down the field to win the game 24-21.
In the Western Conference Central Division, the Minnesota Vikings returned to form, winning the division with a 10-4 record, just ahead of Chicago Bears 9-5. The Detroit Lions and Green Bay Packers were both terrible with little to celebrate that year. In the South Division, the Houston Oilers and Atlanta Falcons fought all season for first place, with the Oilers edging out the Falcons, 10-3-1 to 8-5-1. In the Western Conference Final, the Houston Oilers hosted the Minnesota Vikings, finally winning their way to a NFL Title, defeating the Vikings 31-16.
In the NFL Title, the Houston Oilers went toe to toe with a upstart Philadelphia Eagles squad. While the Oilers had been in several conference finals, while the Eagles hadn't been near a title in over a decade. Either way, the game, played in the Astrodome was close enough that it would finish 20-20, forcing the game into overtime. After six minutes of play, the Eagles kicked a field goal to win the game.
1977 PCFL Season
With the expanded playoffs, there was 4 teams competing for the second a third seeds. The top team was the Los Angeles Rams, who finished the season 9-3, but teams 2-5 were closely competing.The Saint Louis Cardinals and San Diego Chargers both finished 7-5 and in the playoffs, while the fourth place Denver Broncos also finished 7-5, and the fifth place Seattle Seahawks went 6-6, just outside the playoffs.
In the Playoff in 1977, the Saint Louis Cardinals hosted the San Diego Chargers in Busch Stadium, where the crowd unknowingly viewed the last game of Don Coryell coaching the Cardinals, bring an end to an era. Also ironically they would face, and lose, to his next team, the Chargers. In the end the Chargers beat the Cardinals 30-9. In the Pacific Bowl, the Los Angeles Rams dominated the Chargers, winning the title, 39-6.
Posted by Enigmajones ![]() 6/15/2020 7:55 pm | #28 |
1978 NFL Season
Eastern Conference
1. Washington Redskins: 12-2 ##
2. Miami Dolphins: 8-6
3. Bay State Patriots: 6-8
4. Baltimore Colts: 0-14
1. Pittsburgh Steelers: 11-3 #
2. Cleveland Browns: 9-5
3. Philadelphia Eagles: 9-5
4. New York Giants: 4-10
Western Conference
1. Detroit Lions: 8-6 #
2. Minnesota Vikings: 7-7
3. Chicago Bears: 7-7
4. Green Bay Packers: 5-9
1. Houston Oilers: 9-5 ##
2. Atlanta Falcons: 8-6
3. New Orleans Saints: 6-8
4. Dallas Texans: 3-11
20: ATL@DAL: 9
27: ATL@DET: 10
3: ATL@HOU: 13
16: ATL@MIN: 3
17: ATL@NOS: 20
20: ATL@NYG: 9
3: ATL@PIT: 17
14: BAL@BSP: 40
6: BAL@CHI: 20
19: BAL@CLE: 45
19: BAL@GBP: 42
6: BAL@MIA: 21
6: BAL@PHI: 13
9: BAL@WAS: 40
45: BSP@BAL: 9
23: BSP@DET: 24
20: BSP@MIA: 24
7: BSP@MIN: 13
31: BSP@NYG: 7
10: BSP@PIT: 17
23: BSP@WAS: 27
12: CHI@ATL: 19
20: CHI@BSP: 30
7: CHI@DET: 21
17: CHI@GBP: 14
9: CHI@HOU: 24
16: CHI@MIN: 13
9: CHI@WAS: 17
13: CLE@ATL: 37
27: CLE@BSP: 26
17: CLE@HOU: 20
22: CLE@NYG: 17
17: CLE@PHI: 14
21: CLE@PIT: 24
20: CLE@WAS: 24
24: DAL@ATL: 21
12: DAL@CHI: 17
17: DAL@CLE: 31
47: DAL@GBP: 10
13: DAL@HOU: 27
23: DAL@NOS: 26
6: DAL@PHI: 30
34: DET@BAL: 10
9: DET@CHI: 23
27: DET@DAL: 20
16: DET@GBP: 24
40: DET@MIA: 16
10: DET@MIN: 13
24: DET@NOS: 17
10: GBP@ATL: 24
14: GBP@BSP: 28
13: GBP@CHI: 25
6: GBP@DET: 23
3: GBP@HOU: 27
3: GBP@MIN: 0
9: GBP@WAS: 27
27: HOU@ATL: 20
40: HOU@DAL: 13
20: HOU@DET: 26
18: HOU@MIN: 21
25: HOU@NOS: 10
17: HOU@NYG: 31
13: HOU@PIT: 34
34: MIA@BAL: 9
29: MIA@BSP: 31
21: MIA@CHI: 13
29: MIA@CLE: 17
23: MIA@GBP: 24
29: MIA@PHI: 22
17: MIA@WAS: 19
31: MIN@BAL: 9
10: MIN@CHI: 6
24: MIN@DAL: 16
20: MIN@DET: 6
23: MIN@GBP: 28
21: MIN@MIA: 40
7: MIN@NOS: 17
8: NOS@ATL: 23
13: NOS@CHI: 19
20: NOS@CLE: 29
24: NOS@DAL: 27
31: NOS@GBP: 17
23: NOS@HOU: 37
19: NOS@PHI: 20
27: NYG@BAL: 6
6: NYG@CLE: 23
27: NYG@DAL: 17
3: NYG@MIA: 33
7: NYG@NOS: 27
6: NYG@PHI: 10
3: NYG@PIT: 24
28: PHI@ATL: 14
16: PHI@BSP: 10
17: PHI@CLE: 38
31: PHI@HOU: 24
30: PHI@NYG: 10
3: PHI@PIT: 31
30: PHI@WAS: 13
28: PIT@BAL: 10
17: PIT@CLE: 20
24: PIT@DAL: 3
20: PIT@MIA: 10
7: PIT@NOS: 14
22: PIT@NYG: 19
9: PIT@PHI: 7
62: WAS@BAL: 10
41: WAS@BSP: 7
31: WAS@DET: 19
23: WAS@MIA: 16
17: WAS@MIN: 12
6: WAS@NYG: 26
16: WAS@PIT: 13
Eastern Conference Final
28: Pittsburgh Steelers at Washington Redskins: 14
Western Conference Final
27: Detroit Lions at Houston Oilers: 19
NFL Championship
13: Detroit Lions at Pittsburgh Steelers: 42
Pacific Coast Football League 1978
1. Los Angeles Rams: 10-2 ##
2. Saint Louis Cardinals: 8-4 #
3. Oakland Raiders: 6-6 *
4. Denver Broncos: 6-6
5. Seattle Seahawks: 5-7
6. San Diego Chargers: 5-7
7. San Francisco 49ers: 2-10
Week 1
17: Los Angeles at Oakland: 0
17: Denver at Saint Louis: 12
23: San Diego at Seattle: 31
Week 2
29: Saint Louis at Los Angeles: 19
16: Seattle at San Francisco: 17
10: Denver at Oakland: 16
Week 3
10: San Diego at San Francisco: 6
27: Oakland at Seattle: 12
16: Los Angeles at Denver: 10
Week 4
17: Saint Louis at Seattle: 42
0: San Francisco at Los Angeles: 16
36: Oakland at Denver: 9
Week 5
21: San Diego at Los Angeles: 23
9: Seattle at Oakland: 20
18: Denver at San Francisco: 0
Week 6
28: Seattle at Saint Louis: 44
10: Denver at Los Angeles: 13
3: San Francisco at Oakland: 23
Week 7
14: San Francisco at San Diego: 45
20: Los Angeles at Seattle: 10
3: Oakland at Saint Louis: 25
Week 8
23: San Francisco at Seattle: 41
20: San Diego at Oakland: 17
10: Los Angeles at Saint Louis: 6
Week 9
8: San Francisco at Saint Louis: 11
34: Seattle at Los Angeles: 27
20: Oakland at San Diego: 19
Week 10
13: Saint Louis at San Diego: 19
17: Oakland at San Francisco: 20
9: Seattle at Denver: 24
Week 11
24: Los Angeles at San Diego: 6
22: Saint Louis at San Francisco: 3
30: Denver at Seattle: 33 OT
Week 12
13: Seattle at San Diego: 16
20: Saint Louis at Oakland: 16
3: San Francisco at Denver: 20
Week 13
20: Los Angeles at San Francisco: 10
10: San Diego at Saint Louis: 23
Week 14
27: Saint Louis at Denver: 23
7: Oakland at Los Angeles: 34
Week 15
3: San Diego at Denver: 20
Week 16
20: Denver at San Diego: 10
21: Oakland at Saint Louis: 10
Pacific Bowl
21: Oakland Raiders at Los Angeles Rams: 27
Posted by Enigmajones ![]() 6/15/2020 7:57 pm | #29 |
1979 NFL Season
Eastern Conference
1. Miami Dolphins: 9-4-1 #
2. Bay State Patriots: 9-5
3. Washington Redskins: 6-8
4. Baltimore Colts: 3-11
1. Pittsburgh Steelers: 13-1 ##
2. Cleveland Browns: 7-7
3. New York Giants: 6-8
4. Philadelphia Eagles: 5-9
Western Conference
1. Chicago Bears: 9-5 #
2. Detroit Lions: 8-6
3. Green Bay Packers: 6-8
4. Minnesota Vikings: 5-9
1. New Orleans Saints: 10-4 ##
2. Houston Oilers: 6-7-1
3. Atlanta Falcons: 5-9
4. Dallas Texans: 4-10
20: ATL@BAL: 17
17: ATL@CHI: 20
10: ATL@DAL: 38
34: ATL@GBP: 28
24: ATL@HOU: 30
0: ATL@MIA: 30
35: ATL@NOS: 45
17: BAL@BSP: 27
6: BAL@DAL: 24
7: BAL@MIA: 22
35: BAL@NOS: 28
16: BAL@NYG: 20
9: BAL@PIT: 20
20: BAL@WAS: 23
24: BSP@ATL: 7
17: BSP@BAL: 22
19: BSP@CLE: 16
20: BSP@HOU: 17
3: BSP@MIA: 17
34: BSP@PHI: 3
24: BSP@WAS: 10
42: CHI@CLE: 10
13: CHI@DAL: 27
31: CHI@DET: 9
31: CHI@GBP: 12
10: CHI@MIN: 3
16: CHI@NOS: 37
31: CHI@PHI: 13
27: CLE@BAL: 26
36: CLE@DET: 20
27: CLE@MIA: 9
20: CLE@MIN: 23
23: CLE@NYG: 14
23: CLE@PHI: 20
14: CLE@PIT: 52
7: DAL@ATL: 12
0: DAL@BSP: 23
3: DAL@DET: 9
23: DAL@HOU: 10
7: DAL@MIN: 13
31: DAL@NOS: 37
10: DAL@WAS: 20
19: DET@ATL: 13
12: DET@CHI: 3
29: DET@GBP: 26
16: DET@HOU: 20
21: DET@MIN: 17
24: DET@NYG: 17
3: DET@PIT: 34
7: GBP@CHI: 24
27: GBP@CLE: 16
22: GBP@DAL: 14
26: GBP@DET: 20
36: GBP@MIN: 34
22: GBP@NOS: 36
7: GBP@PHI: 30
13: HOU@ATL: 38
6: HOU@BAL: 23
16: HOU@CHI: 13
24: HOU@DAL: 23
30: HOU@GBP: 37
13: HOU@MIA: 13
16: HOU@NOS: 33
24: MIA@BAL: 17
19: MIA@BSP: 16
17: MIA@DAL: 0
23: MIA@NOS: 26
13: MIA@NYG: 16
13: MIA@PIT: 23
30: MIA@WAS: 13
28: MIN@ATL: 23
8: MIN@CHI: 25
17: MIN@DET: 21
38: MIN@GBP: 21
34: MIN@HOU: 17
17: MIN@NYG: 23
9: MIN@PIT: 31
27: NOS@ATL: 24
28: NOS@BSP: 26
16: NOS@DAL: 3
20: NOS@DET: 27
31: NOS@HOU: 45
27: NOS@MIN: 24
14: NOS@WAS: 33
6: NYG@BSP: 38
10: NYG@CHI: 24
31: NYG@CLE: 20
17: NYG@GBP: 26
25: NYG@PHI: 14
5: NYG@PIT: 34
23: NYG@WAS: 20
19: PHI@BAL: 13
6: PHI@CLE: 17
13: PHI@DET: 7
9: PHI@MIA: 16
23: PHI@MIN: 7
22: PHI@NYG: 12
15: PHI@PIT: 24
16: PIT@BSP: 7
30: PIT@CHI: 7
34: PIT@CLE: 3
44: PIT@GBP: 6
24: PIT@NYG: 21
40: PIT@PHI: 14
11: PIT@WAS: 19
27: WAS@ATL: 29
30: WAS@BAL: 17
17: WAS@BSP: 24
10: WAS@CLE: 27
13: WAS@HOU: 31
13: WAS@MIA: 20
26: WAS@PHI: 6
Eastern Conference Final
21: Miami Dolphins at Pittsburgh Steelers: 9
Western Conference Final
38: Chicago Bears at New Orleans Saints: 14
NFL Championship
3: Chicago Bears at Miami Dolphins: 10
Pacific Coast Football League 1979
1. San Diego Chargers: 10-2 ##
2. Denver Broncos: 8-4 #
3. Los Angeles Rams: 7-5 *
4. San Francisco 49ers: 7-5
5. Seattle Seahawks: 4-8
6. Oakland Raiders: 4-8
7. Saint Louis Cardinals: 3-9
Week 1
6: San Diego at Denver: 19
21: Saint Louis at Oakland: 24 OT
24: Los Angeles at San Francisco: 10
Week 2
38: San Francisco at Denver: 24
19: Seattle at San Diego: 30
7: Los Angeles at Saint Louis: 30
Week 3
30: San Francisco at Oakland: 22
27: Denver at Seattle: 16
27: San Diego at Saint Louis: 7
Week 4
10: Los Angeles at Oakland: 3
0: Saint Louis at Denver: 23
23: Seattle at San Francisco: 20
Week 5
16: Oakland at San Diego: 22
41: Seattle at Saint Louis: 0
10: Denver at Los Angeles: 21
Week 6
24: Denver at San Francisco: 17
37: Oakland at Los Angeles: 0
27: Saint Louis at Seattle: 21
Week 7
20: Saint Louis at Los Angeles: 28
6: Denver at Oakland: 28
26: San Diego at San Francisco: 9
Week 8
21: Denver at Saint Louis: 7
26: San Francisco at Los Angeles: 17
10: Oakland at Seattle: 30
Week 9
22: Oakland at Saint Louis: 17
29: San Diego at Seattle: 10
3: Los Angeles at Denver: 21
Week 10
18: Denver at San Diego: 40
21: Saint Louis at San Francisco: 28
42: Seattle at Oakland: 14
Week 11
6: Oakland at Denver: 24
9: San Diego at Los Angeles: 3
35: Saint Louis at Seattle: 14
Week 12
30: San Francisco at Saint Louis: 28
13: Seattle at Denver: 24
27: Los Angeles at San Diego: 13
Week 13
17: Seattle at Los Angeles: 20 OT
20: Oakland at San Francisco: 27
20: Saint Louis at San Diego: 32
Week 14
41: Los Angeles at Seattle: 10
32: San Diego at Oakland: 26
Week 15
37: San Francisco at Seattle: 23
Week 16
37: San Francisco at San Diego: 17
17: Los Angeles at Denver: 7
Pacific Bowl
13: Los Angeles Rams at San Diego Chargers: 17
Posted by Enigmajones ![]() 6/15/2020 7:58 pm | #30 |
1980 NFL Season
Eastern Conference
1. Baltimore Colts: 8-6 #
2. Washington Redskins: 7-7
3. Bay State Patriots: 6-8
4. Miami Dolphins: 3-11
4. Philadelphia Eagles: 12-2 ##
1. Pittsburgh Steelers: 11-3
2. Cleveland Browns: 8-6
3. New York Giants: 1-13
Western Conference
1. Detroit Lions: 12-2 ##
2. Minnesota Vikings: 7-7
3. Chicago Bears: 6-8
4. Green Bay Packers: 5-9
1. Atlanta Falcons: 10-4 #
2. Houston Oilers: 9-5
3. Dallas Texans: 9-5
4. New Orleans Saints: 0-14
31: ATL@CLE: 10
20: ATL@DAL: 13
20: ATL@DET: 16
12: ATL@HOU: 6
31: ATL@MIN: 34
34: ATL@NOS: 31
10: ATL@PHI: 17
27: BAL@BSP: 24
14: BAL@CLE: 25
0: BAL@DET: 31
24: BAL@MIA: 7
10: BAL@MIN: 20
10: BAL@PHI: 17
23: BAL@WAS: 20
6: BSP@BAL: 13
21: BSP@CHI: 9
13: BSP@GBP: 34
28: BSP@MIA: 22
30: BSP@NYG: 0
6: BSP@PIT: 23
17: BSP@WAS: 20
30: CHI@ATL: 7
17: CHI@BAL: 30
6: CHI@DET: 23
17: CHI@GBP: 9
3: CHI@HOU: 19
17: CHI@MIA: 24
30: CHI@MIN: 17
27: CLE@BSP: 38
6: CLE@DAL: 22
35: CLE@NOS: 14
30: CLE@NYG: 21
10: CLE@PHI: 35
10: CLE@PIT: 26
24: CLE@WAS: 20
16: DAL@ATL: 21
23: DAL@CHI: 16
38: DAL@GBP: 16
7: DAL@HOU: 43
24: DAL@NOS: 6
52: DAL@NYG: 3
22: DAL@PIT: 19
15: DET@BSP: 13
23: DET@CHI: 20
24: DET@DAL: 17
17: DET@GBP: 9
23: DET@MIN: 22
37: DET@NOS: 16
52: DET@WAS: 3
9: GBP@ATL: 30
30: GBP@BAL: 22
10: GBP@CHI: 19
12: GBP@DET: 21
6: GBP@HOU: 31
13: GBP@MIA: 16
13: GBP@MIN: 20
28: HOU@ATL: 17
13: HOU@CLE: 25
6: HOU@DAL: 34
22: HOU@DET: 33
35: HOU@MIN: 27
34: HOU@NOS: 16
12: HOU@PHI: 9
0: MIA@BAL: 37
13: MIA@BSP: 34
3: MIA@CLE: 24
9: MIA@DET: 17
17: MIA@MIN: 19
0: MIA@PHI: 38
12: MIA@WAS: 34
27: MIN@BSP: 24
19: MIN@CHI: 24
10: MIN@DAL: 34
20: MIN@DET: 6
17: MIN@GBP: 28
24: MIN@NOS: 23
16: MIN@WAS: 24
25: NOS@ATL: 44
17: NOS@CHI: 30
20: NOS@DAL: 37
17: NOS@GBP: 24
0: NOS@HOU: 35
13: NOS@NYG: 34
20: NOS@PIT: 38
20: NYG@ATL: 38
14: NYG@BAL: 28
21: NYG@CLE: 31
10: NYG@HOU: 28
7: NYG@MIA: 27
13: NYG@PHI: 34
7: NYG@PIT: 27
10: PHI@BSP: 12
42: PHI@CLE: 6
34: PHI@DAL: 0
24: PHI@NOS: 16
37: PHI@NYG: 6
10: PHI@PIT: 0
6: PHI@WAS: 0
44: PIT@ATL: 0
20: PIT@BAL: 14
13: PIT@CLE: 33
21: PIT@HOU: 18
31: PIT@MIA: 7
26: PIT@NYG: 13
10: PIT@PHI: 16
13: WAS@BAL: 27
20: WAS@BSP: 6
24: WAS@CHI: 10
21: WAS@GBP: 36
30: WAS@MIA: 6
32: WAS@NYG: 10
7: WAS@PIT: 26
Eastern Conference Final
7: Baltimore Colts at Philadelphia Eagles: 28
Western Conference Final
27: Atlanta Falcons at Detroit Lions: 13
NFL Championship
3: Atlanta Falcons at Philadelphia Eagles: 22
Pacific Coast Football League 1980
1. San Diego Chargers: 10-2 ##
2. Los Angeles Rams: 7-5 #
3. Denver Broncos: 7-5 *
4. Seattle Seahawks: 6-6
5. San Francisco 49ers: 5-7
6. Oakland Raiders: 4-8
7. Saint Louis Cardinals: 4-8
Week 1
7: Saint Louis at San Diego: 52
7: Oakland at San Francisco: 9
15: Denver at Los Angeles: 29
Week 2
25: Oakland at Seattle: 17
19: San Francisco at Los Angeles: 16
31: Denver at Saint Louis: 34 OT
Week 3
9: Oakland at Denver: 6 OT
38: Seattle at Saint Louis: 7
24: Los Angeles at San Diego: 31
Week 4
10: Seattle at Denver: 16
31: Los Angeles at Saint Louis: 3
37: San Diego at San Francisco: 7
Week 5
14: Saint Louis at San Francisco: 26
3: Denver at San Diego: 40
3: Oakland at Los Angeles: 28
Week 6
30: Denver at San Francisco: 27
13: Saint Louis at Oakland: 17
17: Seattle at San Diego: 28
Week 7
17: San Francisco at Saint Louis: 35
31: Denver at Oakland: 17
14: Los Angeles at Seattle: 31
Week 8
31: Seattle at San Francisco: 26
25: Saint Louis at Los Angeles: 31
14: San Diego at Denver: 32
Week 9
13: San Francisco at Denver: 17
16: Saint Louis at Seattle: 13
20: San Diego at Los Angeles: 13
Week 10
29: San Diego at Seattle: 23
35: Los Angeles at Denver: 17
31: San Francisco at Oakland: 24
Week 11
17: San Diego at Oakland: 0
24: Saint Louis at Denver: 31
17: Los Angeles at San Francisco: 13
Week 12
31: Los Angeles at Oakland: 26
23: San Diego at Saint Louis: 21
14: San Francisco at Seattle: 21
Week 13
20: Saint Louis at Seattle: 17
21: Oakland at San Diego: 29
Week 14
21: Oakland at Saint Louis: 14
41: San Francisco at San Diego: 17
Week 15
31: Denver at Seattle: 17
Week 16
27: Seattle at Oakland: 16
Week 17
23: Seattle at Los Angeles: 17
13: Denver at Los Angeles: 34
Pacific Bowl
27: Los Angeles Rams at San Diego Chargers: 23