use an image hosting site instead of google drive. It makes it so much easier I promise you.
As for the thread itself, I would like to echo what Steelman and DrPepper said at the top of the need to reinvent the wheel in the first day of the thread, seriously. If your starting point is 2020, then use the 2020 uniforms already in the league and then go from there. According to the date you split from reality, it doesn't make sense to make new uniforms for the 2020 season. As for the uniforms, however,
Dallas: They have 6 sets of pants. There is no reason for this. The blue pants are unnecessary for both sets, and you should be good if you get rid of those. The white/royal/seafoam pants can also be nixed or modified because the helmet it clearly grey, so you're just adding seafoam for no reason. Not enjoying the white facemask, it feels weird to see and kinda throws off the color balance a little bit, but that's mitigated by an inverted stripe on the helmet. Still not great, especiailly when you had the opportunity just to fix everything in one go.
Philadelphia: Whatever, it's fine.
Washington: The team now has 3 striping patterns because you forgot to add the white stripe to the home and a burgundy stripe on the away. just use their current striping or maybe use the helmet striping on the pants idk.
New York. The logo is too large on the helmet and the stripes on the grey pants are wyyy too thin. also, I have built you a template. It's not 2012, the elite 51 template is no longer the primary template of the NFL, and the alternate history should reflect that.
use it