Posted by Balu the Bare ![]() 5/31/2019 10:29 am | #1 |
AHS Forums General Code of Conduct
Along with the usual rules of not insulting, harassing, trolling, or flaming; topics like controversial team names, politics, or religion, racial, bigoted, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise discriminatory terms, any posts simply meant to antagonize others, and any posts about rape or any other sexual assault (implied or otherwise) will not be tolerated here, regardless of their nature. Do not continue drama or beefs from outside the AHS forums and do not post private conversations in the AHS forums, even if they belong to you. Keep in mind that that if you can’t say it on day-time TV in America, you shouldn’t be saying it here. Above all, be excellent to each other.
The public threads will have no images, descriptions, or links to graphic or pornographic content, including any form of nudity, or nude cartoons. No sexual content, including discussion of sex acts (implied or otherwise) or posts about genitalia. Do not post spam. Do not post ads or your promotional materials for your personal business or start threads to promote your personal business or your employer or your friend’s business. Links to your personal galleries in your signature are allowed as long as said galleries are safe for work.
We’re a crew of volunteers and we all have projects of our own to work on, so help us out by not having alternate accounts, not posting concepts or requests for banned members, not flooding moderator inboxes with issues that don’t disrupt the normal flow of the boards, and being patient while we investigate and resolve issues.
AHS "AHSylum" Discord Server General Code of Conduct
Along with the usual rules of not being a jerk and not bullying others; topics like controversial team names, politics, or religion should be avoided. Topics that are inflammatory, racial, bigoted, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise discriminatory terms, any content simply meant to negatively antagonize others, and any content about rape or any other sexual assault (implied or otherwise) will not be tolerated here, regardless of their nature. Keep in mind that that while more “Nighttime TV” standards are allowed on the Discord, if it falls under any of the above categories you shouldn’t be saying it here. Above all, be excellent to each other. This Discord server is an extension of the AHS Forum and should be treated like an informal lounge and hangout area. We want to continue our quality of excellence on the boards and allow the Discord server to be less formal and not as serious. Please don't take this server too seriously.
While more NSFW content is allowed on this server, please do so in moderation and use common sense. Anything that is pornographic or X-rated will not be tolerated. Respect the server and those that are on it by using good judgement in the type of content you post or speak. Don't spam. If you see bullying, call it out. If you feel bullied, please report it.
We’re a crew of volunteers and we all have projects of our own to work on, so help us out by doing your part to maintain and healthy and fun environment. If you see an issue, however, please don't hesitate to contact any of us. We strive to keep our community safe. If a member consistently causes problems they will be removed from the server.
TL;DR: Don't be a jerk. Be nice. Have fun.
Any member in violation of the items posted above or other actions not listed but deemed harmful is subject to disciplinary action.
Last edited by Steelman (1/11/2021 9:29 pm)
Posted by CCLXXXVII ![]() 5/31/2019 10:30 am | #2 |
It appears that the formatting got a bit messed up.
EDIT: Never mind; was fixed as I was typing this.
Last edited by CCLXXXVII (5/31/2019 10:31 am)
Posted by Balu the Bare ![]() 5/31/2019 10:31 am | #3 |
It appears that the formatting got a bit messed up.
Thank you.
It should be fixed now.