Canadian Premiere Hockey League

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Posted by Rugrat
9/19/2020 10:15 pm

Okay my two cents Sudbury could work pretty well. But if I had too choose I would pick Quebec City and Halifax. Quebec City could have a rivalry with Montreal and Halifax gets this league into the Maritime provinces

Posted by ProsecutorMilesEdgeworth
9/19/2020 10:32 pm

Rugrat wrote:

Okay my two cents Sudbury could work pretty well. But if I had too choose I would pick Quebec City and Halifax. Quebec City could have a rivalry with Montreal and Halifax gets this league into the Maritime provinces

I agree with most of this. My only thing would be to go to St. John over Halifax. The travel to New Brunswick is a bit more negotiable compared to Nova Scotia and can be a bit more navigable given the time period. With Halifax it’s either take a long train ride around through New Brunswick onto the mainland or take a ferry to the mainland.

My choices are Quebec City for instant rivalry with Montreal, and St. John, New Brunswick to get the leagues feet wet in the Maritimes and possible expansion to Halifax before the decade is up.

Edit: due to recent research, I’ll be swapping my second choice to the bigger St. John, New Brunswick.

Last edited by ProsecutorMilesEdgeworth (9/20/2020 10:11 am)

Charlotte Racers (2016 AltHL Champions) St. Louis Explorers (2000 & 2011 AltBowl Champions) Minnesota Giants (2000, 2004, 2006 & 2014 AltBA Champions)
"The prosecution is ready, Your Honor. That is a pepper, of course."
Posted by Osgiliath Guard
9/20/2020 5:30 am

ProsecutorMilesEdgeworth wrote:

Here’s my take. We’re still way too early to touch Western Canada. Winnipeg I can see immediately after WWII, but until air travel is regular (which in our universe, the Bruins were the first to do so in 1958), we should just take Sasketchewan and west off the table. My thoughts on the cities are as follows:

Sudbury is perfectly fine as a dark horse candidate.
Madawaska even for the standards of then, is way too small. If you want New Brunswick, Moncton is far and away the best option.

Three markets to really have the best consideration for expansion at this point yet aren’t on your list are Quebec City, Windsor and Halifax. Quebec City is a very reasonable distance away from every team and has a potential to create a rivalry for the ages, Halifax is a bigger Moncton (although I still prefer Moncton), and Windsor is right near the crux of the league.

Don’t take this as a personal attack, the hopes for this series are very high here still. Just slow down and don’t be afraid to do some other research into the logistics outside of census and population data. Look at transportation as well to really get a good grasp on it.

I was looking at the census records I could find, and if I remember right, Madawska was the best I could find out there. Census records were damn hard to find. You're right, I should look at transportation, something I never did look at. One thing I might have been too focused on was smaller cities to bring recognition to the expanse of Canada outside of obvious choices.

I'll check back on this after work, but it seems Quebec City is ahead early.

Thanks again guys for your help. I know I may seem a bit overwhelmed, but I am trying my best. Seems Canada hates good census data prior to the 70s or something.

Posted by Osgiliath Guard
9/23/2020 3:37 pm

Marc Moreau enters the league with a bang. His bid came out of nowhere, with only a few select sources correctly conjecturing that Quebec City would garner a team. Moreau unveiled the Quebec Defensuers, which roughly translates to Quebec City Defenders after the famous fortifications of the city in its early days as a stalwart point of defence against the British and the Indigenous people. Although gaudy and bright, the Quebec Defensuers wear a "simple" (HA!) uniform with a classic and elegant scripted D logo. Quebec hosts their visitors in the Jacques Cartier Forum in the elegant Old Quebec, the historic district which feels like you are stepping back in time. 

Moreau hopes that he will be able to ice a team that lives up to the defensive name. Quebec seems fit to be a force to be reckoned with, bringing a defensive force that can lock down a lead if needed, although their offensive skills do tend to leave a lot to be desired. If their offense can figure some things, they should be a top contender within the league.

C+C is welcome! If there is anything you want to see, like official logos for each team, let me know and I can post them. The next team will be up within the next few days.

Posted by Rugrat
9/23/2020 3:46 pm

Definitely one of the better looks in the league so far! Can't wait for the next team to be revealed

Posted by Section30
9/23/2020 5:01 pm

Big fan of Quebec's look, the jersey is especially unique but in a good way

Posted by Osgiliath Guard
9/23/2020 5:39 pm

Thanks for the kind words! I always try to do a unique design with each team, even in my NHL work. Perhaps the next team will make a bit of a splash (😉) in the league...

Posted by Osgiliath Guard
9/24/2020 7:55 am


HALIFAX. July 30, 1936. Outside the city hall just after the noon hour, Rodger Bennett announced the entrance of a new Canadian Premiere Hockey League team centered within the “great city we call home!” Bringing an obviously uncomfortable young man onto the dais with him, Bennett displayed the first uniform in the CPHL which uses white as a base. Large, dark navy-blue stripes cuffed the sleeves and were topped by an orange trim. The shoulders were orange, surrounding a blue neckline that was just barley decent. Thin, embroidered blue letters went diagonally across the torso, decrying that they were from Halifax. From Halifax, this is Jeremy Blight reporting, The Toronto Journal.

Now that that is out of the way, the Bulldogs are…not the best, shall we say. Their goaltending is on par with the league, but their offense and defence could use some work. Perhaps in the coming years the Bulldogs could come to fruition and become a contender. For now, the Bulldogs will have to weather the coming years.

Last edited by Osgiliath Guard (9/24/2020 6:27 pm)

Posted by Rugrat
9/24/2020 9:15 am

The Bulldogs look pretty good! Hopefully they can solve their problems and get better soon.

Posted by Section30
9/24/2020 12:55 pm

The idea for Halifax is great, but the lettering on the front needs to be made a bit bigger, bolder, and shrunk vertically because right now it is very hard to read and it also goes from the very top the to very bottom of the jersey


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