To throw my 2 cents into this...
First, while I respect keeping history intact, I'm glad the Redskins are done.
As for the potential nicknames, I actually would be shocked if Warriors is chosen. From what I understand, the franchise will take input from local Native Americans. If that's the case, Warriors will get shot down, as I've read articles where some in the Native American leaders and activists state they hate the name. Besides, from what I've heard, they are totally avoiding any Native American themes, and Warriors does have some Native themes for some. So I'm crossing that one off, which is good, as Warriors is too generic.
Not a big fan of Redtails, Red Wolves, or anything "Red". All those names would do is highlight the Redskins being forced to change their name, respectful intention not withstanding. However, Redtails would probably be the favorite as of now.
Really hope they go with the Hog theme though, as that's already embedded into the Washington fan base culture from their glory days of the 80s and 90s. While I'd avoid Pigskins for the same reason as the "Red" names, you could still do Hogs, Warthogs, Boars, etc. I doubt any of those win, but I'd like to see that happen.