An Alternate History of American Football: The NAFA

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Posted by Steelman
8/26/2019 2:13 am

This Jacks fan isn't a fan of the green and white only look. Bring back the brown socks!

Name: Arlie Eastman
Age: 47
Bio: Eastman is a prominent architect and former college football player who has designed and worked on many stadiums and large event centers across the United States, giving him a unique insight into professional sports. From his New York City-based office, Eastman has teams all over the country and is a fan of the Blues. He votes for the following:

Los Angeles - If the league is going big, might as well hit the biggest market outside of NYC regardless of distance.

Pittsburgh - They came close in the previous expansion and they're ready now. Sports crazy town and natural rivals for eastern teams.

Montreal - The city is growing and can compete numbers-wise with any of the current teams.

Dallas - With deference to Houston which is also growing rapidly, Dallas is more well-known and more centrally located.

AHS Admin. Creator of the THLPUCHWHA: Redux and Retroliga.
Posted by Stickman
8/26/2019 5:03 am

Yeah I miss the brown socks too!  I wonder if you made the C smaller on the helmet, if you couldn't find a way to fit the axes on the helmet too?  I think that'd be a really cool helmet logo (it's already a nice primary logo as it is).  If not, I could see the axes replacing the C in time.

Expansion Council:

Name: Johnny Armando
Age: 51 (I think at this point)
Bio: Television CEO of ABN (American Broadcast Network).  Was ahead of the game knowing sports were the future for great ratings!
1. Los Angeles:  Now that we're in the 60's, it's time to expand west.  LA is the largest city and market in western North America. Makes too much sense not to start here.
2. Dallas:  To cut down on LA's travel, plus football means so much to Texas, that you gotta have a team or two? Just don't name them the Cowboys, okay?  Don't make me hate this team!
3.  Houston: Again, to cut down of LA's travel schedule (which will already be pretty brutal).  Also, because it's the 60's and Texas is due for a couple of teams.
4. Miami:  While we are expanding west, we may as well expand southeast as well!  Miami is a huge market and like Texas, Florida is a big football state!

Posted by ItDoesntMatter
8/26/2019 9:22 am

Gotta echo the brown socks complaint. It's not the Jacks without them. I also agree with Stickman about the helmet logo; it looks a little too bland for my liking with just the C up there.

ItDoesntMatter wrote:

Name: Dale Forrester
Age:  ̶5̶4̶  57
Bio: A lifelong Vermonter, Dale currently works as a judge on the Vermont Superior Court.

Dale is back, and this time he's voting for:
Pittsburgh - Dale very nearly voted for the Burgh last time around, so naturally, he thinks they're ready for a shot.
Montreal - Quebec is ready to get football back. Montreal has already proven they can support a team, so they deserve another one.
Los Angeles - At least one team will have to be far away from all the others, so why not go big? LA is too big a market to miss out on.
Dallas - Once again, Dale's last vote came down to a tough choice, but he went with Dallas over Houston.

Posted by RightGuard
8/26/2019 10:08 am

Name: Rob Fisker
Age: 44
Bio: Executive at Tennessee Eastman, originally from Knoxville, wants to bring pro football to the South
Choices for Expansion: Dallas, Los Angeles, Montreal, Pittsburgh

Posted by n00bthtpwnz
8/26/2019 10:21 am

I'm gonna echo everybody else with the brown socks, it made the uniforms a little more unique compared to the other teams. In terms of Expansion:
Name: Chris Green
Age: 45
Bio: Owner of Green's Groceries, a grocery store chain with locations all across the Midwest. He was born and raised in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin and currently resides in Milwaukee.
Choices for Expansion:
Montreal-Montreal deserves a new team after what happened previously.
Dallas-With Football being the heart and soul of Texas, there should be at least One team in the state.
Houston-But why not have just One? Texas is large enough that it could also support a team in Houston.
Miami-While LA might seem like a popular choice, Chris believes that the expansion westward should be more gradual and therefore uses his last vote for Miami.

Posted by Darknes
8/26/2019 2:37 pm

Name: Olivier LeMathieu
Age: 33
Origins: Art Mogul and Attorney to Senators up and down the East Coast

Montreal, QC
Pittsburgh, PA
Miami, FL
Dallas, TX

Posted by DoctaC
8/26/2019 3:10 pm

Here are a few options for a different Cleveland Lumberjacks helmet design:

C&C is appreciated.

Posted by ~Bear
8/26/2019 3:57 pm

Name: William C. Hatcher Jr.
Age: 48
Bio: Hatcher’s father, William C. Hatcher, was the founder of Hatcher Agriculture Co., a farming equipment company of great success based out of Kansas. The elder Hatcher retired in 1942, leaving his young son in charge of the business. Since then, Hatcher Jr. has helped expand the company and increase clients and one of the few companies of its type to compete with John Deere. His growing fame and potential national outreach make him an interesting and influential candidate worthy of the expansion counsel. He’s taking a great liking to NAFA and sees expansion, like with his business, essential to dominate. 
1. Los Angeles - A huge market is waiting out west. It is time for the NAFA to seize this opportunity.
2. Montreal - A large market in Canada that unfortunately lost its team earlier on.
3. Dallas - Another growing market that will help reach out west.
4. Pittsburgh - Another eastern market to help fill in gaps and give Pennsylvania a second team.

Posted by Stickman
8/26/2019 5:48 pm

DoctaC wrote:

Here are a few options for a different Cleveland Lumberjacks helmet design:

C&C is appreciated.

I think helmet 3 works the best.  2 matches the primary logo, but overall it's too white.  I don't know how you'd get around that (other than maybe a green facemask, but that's probably too wild for the time frame...actually has any team ever had a green facemask???  I don't recall any).  

Posted by Section30
8/26/2019 6:06 pm

Name: Anders Lindberg
Age: 47
Bio: Owner of a Midwestern gas station chain, Lindberg grew up playing football and has been an advocate in spreading the sport.
Choices for Expansion: 

Los Angeles, CA
Montreal, ON
Pittsburgh, PA
Houston, TX

Last edited by Section30 (8/26/2019 6:07 pm)


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