The AltHL Season 2020

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Posted by Steelman
11/29/2020 7:42 pm

Oof, 2nd...not my favorite. Hey S30, who ya picking? 

AHS Admin. Creator of the THLPUCHWHA: Redux and Retroliga.
Posted by Section30
11/29/2020 8:26 pm

Well first isn't what I was hoping for, but I guess settling for a world class talent will have to do 

Posted by Steelman
11/29/2020 8:58 pm

Gritty, can we get a recap of the scoring and rules for this league?

AHS Admin. Creator of the THLPUCHWHA: Redux and Retroliga.
Posted by Gritty
11/30/2020 7:09 pm

AltHL Rules and Scoring

I will put together another league official thread in a bit, but for now here are some of the nuts and bolts of the league so you can prepare for Saturday night's draft.
-Roster is composed of 18 players
-Your starting roster includes 2 centers, 4 wingers, 4 defensemen and 1 goalie. (2 lines and a goalie)
-Your roster will have 7 bench players
-League is broken up into three equal divisions of six teams each  (East, Central, West)
-The schedule was made at random by Fantrax.
-Each game starts on a Monday and ends on Sunday
-8 teams will qualify for the playoffs. 
-Division champions get the top three seeds in the playoffs.
-Teams are reseeded after every round. 
-The schedule currently is 18 weeks...the playoffs take place in weeks 19-21. 
-As of now our champion will be crowned June 13th.
-Teams will go head-to-head on 10 different categories. Unlike the AltFL which accumulates points the AltHL will have teams compete in categories. For example, if the Gargoyles score 11 goals in a week and the Racers score 7 the Gargoyles are awarded one point. Whichever team wins more categories wins the game of the week. 
-The categories are:
        -Skater Categories 
                1.) plus/minus : if your player is on the ice for a goal they get a plus 1, if they are on the ice for a goal          against it is a minus 1.
                2.) goals
                3.) assists
                4.) hits
                5.) power play points
                6.) shots on goal

         -Goalie Categories
                1.) goals against average
                2.) shutouts
                3.) save percentage
                4.) wins

That's the basics. Let me know if you have any questions. I also just resent the invitations for those who haven't signed on yet. 

Last edited by Gritty (11/30/2020 7:12 pm)

Posted by Osgiliath Guard
12/01/2020 6:00 pm

I have a question! Is the commissioner of the league a bunch of clones like Bettmen is for the NHL? /s

Seriously, though, I can't wait!

Posted by Section30
12/01/2020 6:19 pm

A little bummed that penalty minutes isn't a category for a point, I always like picking one or two goons just to get some penalty points.

I also think that having an 11th category could be beneficial to help prevent 5-5 ties. 

Posted by Thehealthiestscratch
12/01/2020 7:56 pm

I think giving goalies 4 categories is wild. The shutout one stands out the most to me as a simple toss up if we are basing it off of 7 days. The outcome of that category can more than likely be tied if not 0 to 0 for most games every week in our league.

I'd say knocking goalies down to 3 and replacing shutouts with hits is justifiable. Even three categories for goalies feels like a high amount.

Last edited by Thehealthiestscratch (12/02/2020 1:09 am)

Posted by Gritty
12/01/2020 9:00 pm

I'd be willing to do a swap for shutouts for something else. If we can seem to come to a consensus. My fantasy baseball league is a similar style and pitching and hitting are equal weighted. So I wasn't sure how much to skew it towards the skaters for hockey. 

We have nominations for HITS and PENALTY MINUTES. I think I would prefer hits since they are inherently good for a team while PIM are a negative. But I am willing to listen to others' opinions. 

Posted by Osgiliath Guard
12/01/2020 9:19 pm

Hits for players would be  good idea, although PIMS should be included as a tie breaker. Like if Brady Tkchuck and his brother tie for points, but Brady has more PIMS, his brother gets the point instead. That sorta thing.

For goalies,I'd say total saves instead of shutouts. It's a better indicator of a goalie's performance. Anyone can get a shutout if they fill in for 3 minutes after an  injury, y'know?

12/01/2020 11:05 pm

I’m already floating a few ideas for picks at 13th.

Also don’t worry, I’ll focus on this one because I don’t have another fantasy hockey team that I’m putting energy toward.


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