Alternate History Sports

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3/21/2021 6:36 pm  #581

Re: AltBA Design Thread

March 21, 2021
Vancouver, BC, Canada
It was announced today that Quebec-based sports group KF11 inc. has purchased a majority of shares in the Vancouver Caribou. The group is lead by a mysterious man that is known by the nickname of Kingsfan11.
When asked why a Quebecker would take a team from Anglophone Canada, Kingsfan11 replied: “Well after I saw the only other Canadian picking above me not take the Caribou, I knew I wanted to represent Canada, Anglophone and Francophone alike”


3/21/2021 6:40 pm  #582

Re: AltBA Design Thread

Steelman wrote:


Sunday, March 21, 2021

Undisclosed Location – The press release podium at Halcyon Sports Group headquarters in Halifax stood eerily empty as the news crew and cameramen were unsure of what was going on or where their eccentric owner Steelman was this time. Suddenly a phone call rang out from the podium and Mrs. Irene, Steelman's technically challenged elderly secretary rushed to answer it.


“Yes, Irene, sorry about this,” Steelman said through a hiss of static. “I was on a flight to the Big Apple but I just got a call from my inside source that my business dealings there just got tanked by some bastards from cactus land.”

“Hello?” said Irene again, frantically.

“Yes, Irene. Are you there?”

“Yes sir, I am now. Can you hear me?”

“Listen, Irene. Please tell the people of Detroit I'm on my way.”

“Did you say Detroit?”

“Yes, Irene, Detroit. They're building a winner there and I build winners."


“Irene, turn me on speaker, dammit. We're going to turn the Mustangs into a basketball powerhouse. We're gonna be ballsy bullies on the hardwood. We're gonna have balls of *static hiss* steel.”

“MR. STEELMAN, SIR!” Irene exclaimed dramatically in outrage.

“BALLS OF STEEL, IRENE,” Steelman shouted back.

Irene threw up her hands in pure shock, her delicate senses overwhelmed.

“Did you hear me, Irene? Irene? I said BALLS OF ST––“

** click **

Irene smoothed out her dress and took a big breath and smiled politely.

“Well, I suppose you heard the man. Halcyon Sports Group is purchasing the Detroit Mustangs.”

I am thrilled to be your rival. It’s on like Donkey Kong my man!


3/21/2021 6:41 pm  #583

Re: AltBA Design Thread


It's Chicago.

Imagine not taking Chicago when you had the chance?


[/url][url=] <--- Official home of the fictional country of Yorkland

3/21/2021 6:53 pm  #584

Re: AltBA Design Thread

March 21, 2021

Port Moody, BC, Canada - A mysterious teenager with long hair, who would only refer to himself as Combat Baby, came up to a podium today at Bubba Sports and Entertainment headquarters, located just outside of Vancouver, and gave a surprising announcement:

"I am here today to announce my purchase of the Omaha Barnstormers."

When asked why he would purchase a team whose very establishment he was opposed to as recently as almost three months ago, he refused to comment. He also refused to take any questions from the gathered (socially distant) members of the local sports media, and quickly departed the press room.

Last edited by dvdbubba27 (3/21/2021 6:53 pm)

Inmate of the AHSylum
Athletic Director, Semiahmoo University

3/21/2021 9:27 pm  #585

Re: AltBA Design Thread


21 March 2020

International Waters - Noted eccentric and famous Twitter personality Igneus D. McQueen announced today that he had legally purchased a majority stake in the Alternate Basketball Association’s Albuquerque Invaders. “I cannot stress enough how excited I am to legally own the Invaders!” said McQueen, floating on a giant rubber duck, presumably somewhere in the North Atlantic Ocean, though the FBI was unable to obtain his exact coordinates.

McQueen is the CEO, CFO, COO, and C3PO of Squeezed Fruit Holdings International, which legally owns and operates (among other things) the National Dashball League, the Internet Blaseball Umpires’ Coalition, Target Canada, the Twitter account @mrcaptainjuice, and absolutely no frauds or scams of any kind. McQueen had been completely off the grid for the last several weeks before suddenly resurfacing (no pun intended) in a sopping wet tuxedo riding his anatine craft.

McQueen stressed his connection to both the city and the team throughout his press conference. “I consider the Querq to be my seventh or eighth hometown,” said McQueen. “I love the Querq. Think of all the things you can do, like, uh, you know, uh… hot air balloons! That’s in New Mexico, right?” Editor’s note: we could find no evidence that anybody actually calls the city of Albuquerque “the Querq,” despite McQueen’s continued insistence on using the term. He also said something regarding “a considerable amount of good will with the team’s mascot,” though the call cut out briefly before he could finish the thought.

When asked for comment about the AltBA’s owner, commissioner, and supreme leader, McQueen simply said “the Commissioner is doing a Gritt job” and ended the Zoom meeting. His phone then went off the grid; according to well-known seagull interpreter Rudy Giuliani, a gull saw him drop his phone in the ocean, raising some concern about when we might next hear from our floating friend.

Last edited by ItDoesntMatter (3/21/2021 9:30 pm)


3/21/2021 9:30 pm  #586

Re: AltBA Design Thread

For Immediate Release:

Roseville, Minnesota

World renowned prosecutor Miles Edgeworth is at it again and has made a third purchase in the sports world, this time in the Twin Cities, by purchasing the Minnesota Giants basketball team. In a press conference at the foot of the new arena located in Roseville, wearing a navy Giants jacket, he announced, “With my base currently being Kansas City, this city is a perfect place to be a satellite location. I would like to proudly announce I am the new owner of the Minnesota Giants.”

The 28 year old is currently being looked at to possibly return to his native Los Angeles to become the Chief Prosecutor, when asked, he answered, “I would be honored to, but I’ll still consider the current base here in the Midwest as my home.”

Minnesota heartthrob known as Section 30 has been almost a shoo-in to receive this franchise, so Prosecutor Edgeworth’s swipe of the team in a similar fashion to how he took Charlotte was kind of a shock, especially with threats against peoples’ kneecaps coming from Section. Edgeworth’s response, “Bold of him to assume he can catch me to level my kneecaps.”

It’s been a rough go for him in other sports, but he’s looking to build the reputation back up with this endeavor, “I’ve had a tough time with injuries and overall underachieving, but I’m hoping to bounce back with this endeavor in basketball.”

Charlotte Racers (2016 AltHL Champions) St. Louis Explorers (2000 & 2011 AltBowl Champions) Minnesota Giants (2000, 2004, 2006 & 2014 AltBA Champions)
"The prosecution is ready, Your Honor. That is a pepper, of course."

3/21/2021 9:41 pm  #587

Re: AltBA Design Thread

At a brief announcement the CEO of EnigmatiCorp, one Eustace Jones, announced the purchase of the Texas Jackalopes.

Owner of the Texas Jackalopes 
2008-2009 AltBA Champions

3/21/2021 9:59 pm  #588

Re: AltBA Design Thread


“ want what?”

Andy: “Tossed salad and scrambled eggs!”

“Sir this is a Wendy’s"

Andy: “You obviously are not a man of culture.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about. Quit holding up the line because we have 12 triple baconators on deck that we gotta get out.”

Andy: “Screw this, I’m going to Starbucks.”

If you couldn’t tell by my Frasier and Starbucks hints, I’m bringing basketball back to the Emerald City where it belongs.

Last edited by ANDY! (3/22/2021 12:11 pm)


3/21/2021 10:00 pm  #589

Re: AltBA Design Thread

ItDoesntMatter wrote:


21 March 2020

International Waters - Noted eccentric and famous Twitter personality Igneus D. McQueen announced today that he had legally purchased a majority stake in the Alternate Basketball Association’s Albuquerque Invaders. “I cannot stress enough how excited I am to legally own the Invaders!” said McQueen, floating on a giant rubber duck, presumably somewhere in the North Atlantic Ocean, though the FBI was unable to obtain his exact coordinates.

McQueen is the CEO, CFO, COO, and C3PO of Squeezed Fruit Holdings International, which legally owns and operates (among other things) the National Dashball League, the Internet Blaseball Umpires’ Coalition, Target Canada, the Twitter account @mrcaptainjuice, and absolutely no frauds or scams of any kind. McQueen had been completely off the grid for the last several weeks before suddenly resurfacing (no pun intended) in a sopping wet tuxedo riding his anatine craft.

McQueen stressed his connection to both the city and the team throughout his press conference. “I consider the Querq to be my seventh or eighth hometown,” said McQueen. “I love the Querq. Think of all the things you can do, like, uh, you know, uh… hot air balloons! That’s in New Mexico, right?” Editor’s note: we could find no evidence that anybody actually calls the city of Albuquerque “the Querq,” despite McQueen’s continued insistence on using the term. He also said something regarding “a considerable amount of good will with the team’s mascot,” though the call cut out briefly before he could finish the thought.

When asked for comment about the AltBA’s owner, commissioner, and supreme leader, McQueen simply said “the Commissioner is doing a Gritt job” and ended the Zoom meeting. His phone then went off the grid; according to well-known seagull interpreter Rudy Giuliani, a gull saw him drop his phone in the ocean, raising some concern about when we might next hear from our floating friend.

I can confirm the existence of the Twitter account, it is wack bros. Go get it verified or something idk.

AHSylum Inmate

3/21/2021 10:16 pm  #590

Re: AltBA Design Thread

After the dream of his hometown team falling to him, Minnesotan Section30 took to a livestream to announce his pick in the AltBA team draft. "The decision to take the Giants at such a late place of the draft was not much of a surprise, but it doesn't make it hurt any less" he stated. "I am a man of my word and Edgeworth better watch HIS F#&%ING BACK..." Section's pet cat Todd held him back, preventing him from damaging his computer in a fit of rage.

After smoking a bowl and calming down, S30 returned to the stream appearing to have mellowed out a bit. "Sorry about that everyone, I don't know what came over me... That said I am proud to announce that I will proudly be taking over as the owner for the..." Just then, Todd whispered in his ear something the mic couldn't pick up and Section began to change his tone. "Before I get to that let me first just say this. In the eyes of our lord and savior Neal Pionk, Patron Saint of Omaha, I hereby declare that I will not rest until Miles Edgeworth's kneecaps are nothing but rubble." After a couple seconds of staring blankly into the camera he then added "Oh also, Go Gladiators!" flipping off the camera and abruptly bringing the stream to an end.

Philly Philly


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