ItDoesntMatter wrote:
So like I mentioned earlier, I looked into some of the regions and neighborhoods within Jacksonville, thinking the school could be named after one of those, but I didn't love any of them. Feel free to look through them yourselves, but personally, I'm good with deciding between Coastal Florida and UF-Jacksonville (the latter with the condition that the teams would simply be known as the Jacksonville Comets rather than the Florida-Jacksonville Comets or UFJ Comets or anything like that).
With the formation of the county in 1822... what about Duval College?
Last edited by Dan O'Mac (9/04/2020 12:24 pm)
Duval crossed my mind, but I wasn't a huge fan tbh. Would certainly make for a fun crowd tho. I'm imagining a football stadium full of people constantly shouting DUUUUUUUVAL... so I guess just a Jags game.
Hope it's okay for me to "hijack" this thread, but I'm loving what I'm seeing so far! Could this be the very, VERY early beginnings of my Solar Leagues?
This guy man can dream!
I agree Comets is a very fitting mascot. They were a name I immediately thought of. As for location, I’m pretty indifferent, but I’d lean towards a Duval theme. As for colors, I agree that gold would work best. With the time period we have, I’m thinking a yellow would be a nice option with white as a tertiary.
So it looks like we've got three names as the frontrunners: Coastal Florida University, University of Florida-Jacksonville, and Duval College. Those are my preferred order, but I want to hear more about what you all think.
In terms of design, the purple is throwing me off a bit because it's a lot bluer than I thought. I agree with the consensus that gold is probably the way to go, but for the sake of argument, and to show you just how the purple looks when it's away from all that blue, I threw together some color schemes. These all assume purple as the primary along with a secondary color and white. All the warm colors are there, and I think gold works the best out of the three, but orange isn't far behind. There's a bright green, which I think could be fun, but is probably too modern. We could also go teal and purple if we want to go full 90s. I also think purple and silver/gray could be a cool scheme to work with, and it feels era-appropriate and also pretty celestial. Let me know which ones you like best and if you think any of them could use tweaking:
I'd go 1) Coastal Florida University, 2) Duval College, 3) University of Florida - Jacksonville
The Purple/Gray could be really good. Maybe a LPurple/Red?
I want to throw out one more name idea quick. Take it or leave it, Duval State. And for comets, I'm digging purple/red
I definitely like Duval State a lot better than just Duval. As for colors, I like purple and red a lot too, but I'm also realizing that that would basically just be ripping off the old AFA's [url=
,h_894,q_75,strp/1972_los_angeles_comets_by_verasthebrujah-d8vzkqt.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi8wNDg4MTI4ZS1jMjZjLTRkNzMtOGE5Mi00YzU2ZTFjN2Q0ZGYvZDh2emtxdC1kODYzM2VmZS0yY2ZmLTRhMGMtYjg0ZS04MDcyNDg5NmU0MjkucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTg5NCIsImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9ODk0In1dXX0.B5bP46ZohR1FjNv808tiJq9_Lyr8kU1fOzSK4WoY5Dg]LA Comets[/url], who also wore purple and red (for a time, at least). Not sure how y'all feel about that, but it's rather uncomfortably close for me.Offline
I feel like this could work for comets, although it may be too modern.
It’s Unanimous! I will accept the Coastal Florida Comets as our school name!