What is spoilered below is the entire original post. If you scroll down, however, I do have the current teams as well as a brief history of the sport I have created, zoneball.
I was a longtime lurker on the CCSLC forum. I had always planned to create my own sports league; however, the imminent closure of the Sports Fan Fiction subforum derailed those plans.
However, I soon found out about this new forum, and I realized that this was my chance. So, here we go.
Your'e probably wondering what "zoneball" is. Well, it's a sport of my own making that combines elements of various sports, most notably soccer and Aussie rules football. To begin, here is the playing field:
It is 110 yards long by 67 yards wide; between the sizes of a football field and a standard soccer field.
There are a total of 13 players on the field at a time, with a minimum of 3 forwards, 2 midfielders, 2 defensemen, and 1 goalkeeper. Notice I said minimum number of players; this means that the 13 on the field can be arranged in any way so long as it meets the parameters I just mentioned. If a team were to focus on defense over offense and completely stock up on defense, they could, theoretically, go with a 3-2-7 format instead. This rule does not apply to goalkeepers; they must only have one on the field at a time.
The ball is of similar size to a Size 3 soccer ball, and can be either kicked across the field (like in soccer) or thrown to other players (like in rugby).
There are three ways to score; goals (worth 5 points), overs (worth 3), and behinds (worth 1). Goals are scored by kicking/throwing the ball into the goal. Overs are scored by kicking/throwing the ball over the two middle poles on top of the goal. Behinds are scored by kicking/throwing the ball between one of the over posts and a behind post on the side of the goal. Unique to zoneball is the double lines closer to the center circle; any points scored from behind the line are worth double.
The game is played in 4 17-minute quarters, with a 15-minute break at halftime. If the scores are tied at the end of regulation, 7-on-7 8-minute overtime periods are played until a winner is determined.
League logo:
CURRENT TEAMS:A BRIEF HISTORY (under construction)
Last edited by CCLXXXVII (6/01/2019 10:37 am)